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created:March 8, 2014
about:A long-time freelance developer, I am looking to escape the trap of conventional systems by developing a new open-source language and operating system combination based on a model of small, easily combined, network portable, and easily extended tools.

The language, a Lisp dialect built around a modern module system, a macro processor, and a small core of primitives, is designed to simplify writing small utilities. Versioning will track program completion, allowing a clear separation of published and development code. Completed programs will be partially compiled to a portable AST form, and on the first use on a given system will be JIT compiled to an executable optimized for the specific platform.

The operating system would have a modular kernel and a user interface comprised of small tools which can be combined in a general editor-like framework to replace conventional applications - essentially, a modernized form of EMACS as an operating system shell. In an nod to both EMACS and Oberon, the core editor platform will allow code to be entered anywhere in the editing windows and selected for execution directly. A distributed document system similar to the classic Xanadu design in envisioned, and an extensive built-in source control system will track versioning of tools and documents both locally and across the user network.

The language would initially be hosted on Linux (possibly with ports to Windows and Mac) until a kernel could be developed for the OS. My goal is to start a NPO for language development which would be funded by small investor sources, user donations, and crowd-funding. At this time, the design of the language and its translators is in its early stages, but I expect coding of the compiler to begin by the end of April 2014. Current design documents can be found at https://github.com/Schol-R-LEA/Thelema.

Whether the operating system development will be a continuation of the language project or spun off of as a separate development it is at this time uncertain. Most likely, they will remained conjoined for the foreseeable future.

At this time, I am seeking one to three partners willing to follow through with the first project (core language design and implementation); while the basic concept is set, I could use additional eyes on the project.
