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> The purpose of flagging is to indicate that a story does not belong on HN. Frivolous flagging—e.g. flagging a story that's clearly on-topic by the site guidelines just because one personally dislikes it—eventually gets an account's flagging privileges taken away. But there's a new 'hide' link for people to click if they'd just like not to see a story.


This story seems to very much belong on HN. Just because the statement is opinionated and some users don't like it, it doesn't mean that we can't debate about its merits.

Yeah there's no reason for this to be flagged. Bad look for Rust IMO if lots of Rust users are flagging valid criticisms.

FYI, PhD students to most top places nowadays also have to fill their diversity statement.

to be honest, entering PhD students generally expect to be doing teaching and hope ultimately for a faculty post

Sorry but that's not how it has been over the last 5-10 years in most parts of academia.


Beyond that, when I'm mentoring pre-phds that are preparing their applications, something I need to very carefully explain if they are white males (I'm a minority but I'm a male, fyi) is that they will have to do much better on the exams and predoc research than most of their peers in order to have the same success.

Now, everyone does their DEI incantations. Everyone puts their pronouns in their emails, their pronunciation link at the end of their signature (so they don't get mispronounced), and we participate in many alliship programs in coordination with our DEI leaders. But I doubt people really believe any of this, instead of mostly being in fear of getting fired or at the very least reprimanded. My ex-soviet colleagues joke that this is even worse than in the Soviet era, because back then you could at least joke in private about the speech being BS, but nowadays anyone would snitch on you.

It's a bit more nuanced. Before, a lot of people on a one-to-one told me how BS most of DEI is. But now, folks feel a bit more free to speak; complain against DEI even in public places or in front of others.

It feels like Soviet Union in the 60s vs in '89 where you knew the wall was falling sooner rather than later.

Makes sense. I'm definitely not complaining about this turn of events.

Also, note that Gelman never does that

That doesn't justify China for going all the way across the ocean to illegally fish on Chilean/Peruvian/Ecuador waters

For me the problem is not just that searching on Google is bad, but that sometimes it COMPLETELY hides exactly what I'm looking, for no good reason.

For instance, I wrote an R ggplot2 package called "fedplot" (following the convention of calling the package for the figure style it replicates, as in "bbplot" for BBC-style charts).

Try searching for it on Google: "github" "fedplot" doesn't get you anywhere. Meanwhile, every other search engine gives you exactly what you want if you just type "fedplot". I even tried to add the relevant websites through google's suggested tools, and nothing happened :|

Searching for "fedplot" looking for https://github.com/sergiocorreia in the results:

Qwant: Result 1

Bing: Result 1

Google: Result 2

Marginalia: Zero results

ChatGPT 3.5: Some Federal Reserve dot plot nonsense and no useful results.

I would say Google has zero results, as it does not find https://github.com/sergiocorreia/fedplot nor https://sergiocorreia.github.io/fedplot/ ; even with the advantage of the latter being manually added to the Google Admin console.

Meanwhile, both Bing and Qwant give me exactly what I want

I don't know what customization or personalization is going on in your search compared to mine, but I followed GPs directions and posted my results. Searching today (this time not in Incognito and with extensions turned on in Firefox), I see the correct result as number 1 on google.com, so one better than last time.

You're never going to find github results on Marginalia as long as they block 3rd party crawlers :-/

Well, zero results are better than spam ;-)

Their black box semantic guesser has been told not to feed the radicalizing conspiracy theorist fires about federal plots.

Who needs to know anything about government owned land anyway?

I'm on the same boat. My neato is already a bit old (needs new battery and I had to replace a broken belt) but I've been procastinating in finding a replacement as there's just so many options, most of which suck.

> most of which suck

I'd hope so, that's kinda the point.

But seriously, my house hold just replaced the Roombas with roborock and couldn't be happier

Yep, roborocks have done a great job maximizing disc bots. And like any other Xiomi product, they tend to do slightly better job with software/app.

Same here. No matter who you are, if you conspire to steal from so many employees and workers, you deserve prison.

In that imgur plot see it ending in 2022, and crime has barely bulged after exploding in 2020-21, where there was the largest increase in the entire time series.

We are basically back to 1995 homicide levels which is insane

The imgur link is misleading because it's not per capita and doesn't show the 0 point.

Here is an accurate graph:


We are nowhere near the peak of the 1990's, nor are we at 1995 levels.

Rates trended downward in 2022, and mid-year 2023 estimates were downwards another 9.4% relative to 2022:


Which would be back to pre-2020 levels.

Thx -- your graph is the better one.

There's still a clear inflection point at 2014.

> after exploding in 2020-21, where there was the largest increase in the entire time series.

The IMGUR link includes the text:

   Due to the full transition to NIRBS and the lack of data for agencies that are not fully transitioned, the 2021 data year cannot be added to the 5-, 10- or 20- year trend presentations that are based in traditional methodologies used
That's a giant flashing warning sign to data nerds everywhere that some change in the gathering | reporting of data took place exactly right when things "exploded".

The question remains, did crime (actual homicide numbers) really explode or did national reporting of homicide numbers suddenly improve | include backlogs | etc?

> We are basically back to 1995 homicide levels ..

These are absolute numbers .. and the US population has grown in 25 years, given the change in national reporting the per capita homicides rates may be more stable than the graph indicates.


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