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Without death machines, how do you stop the russians? Tickle them?

> This phrase is a reminder that nobody would care if you died

I don’t agree that the phrase implies that at all.

I had no idea so many Hacker News commenters were rocket scientists.

We have nuclear physicists, CRISPR researchers, philosophy PhDs and specialized physicians posting here all the time.

Is there something about the topic of rocketry that you expected would keep it away from HN?

> And it will give you a crap answer 95% of the time

You're underselling it. Not only will it give you a crap answer, but it'll give it to you with unerring confidence!

There is unfortunately a staggering amount of evidence of genocide in Ukraine committed by russia. To suggest otherwise, or to suggest that russia is "acting with restraint and moderation" as Chomsky said, is tantamount to Holocaust denial.



> Russia did not target (initially, now they are) major essential civilian infrastructure like power plants.

Initially, Russia was planning a decapitation strike and to take Ukraine relatively whole afterwards, either by annexation or installation of a puppet regime or a mix of the two.

They started heavily hitting civilian concentration with no military value as a terror tactic pretty quickly when the swift decapitation strike bogged down, and then started hitting civilian infrastructure where the combination of attacks on military targets and terror civilian attacks didn't produce a collapse that left them in control.


You are either disastrously wrong, or are intentionally lying.

Which is it, and why?

If you could dispute the casualty figures or the fact that power plants were not targeted initially in Ukraine but were in Iraq you would do so. You can't so you resort to baseless accusations.

> points out that Russia did not target (initially, now they are) essential civilian infrastructure like power plants

Oh, right, they were targeting shopping malls and residential buildings... Or, you know, nuclear power plants.

> When people are confronted with this fact they typically turn to the argument that our team are pure-of-heart so their killing doesn't count.

Yes, your side is the only one that has rational individuals.

> I don't remember where or if he talked about the claim of genocide in Ukraine but there is not a "staggering amount of evidence" unless your definition of genocide is so broad as to include a large proportion of armed conflicts

So, Mariupol, Bucha... Bucha was just a massacre, there's no justification there, but let's say you want to compare Mariupol with... Fallujah? Do you have a worse US massacre in recent history? Well, yeah, the US killed people, and they should be blamed for it, but the scale doesn't even compare. Even if you take the Russian number of casualties, it's way higher in Mariupol.

>Like I said these criticisms fall apart almost immediately when you start discussing the facts.

What facts?

> Russia did not target (initially, now they are) major essential civilian infrastructure like power plants

The russians targeted major essential civilian infrastructure right from the outset of the full scale invasion. This included hospitals, airports, train stations, bridges, information infrastructure, fuel facilities, etc. They also launched wave after wave of cruise missile and drone attacks on energy infrastructure all across the country from the autumn of 2022.

I would know, because I was there.

So, what you are saying here is utter horseshit.

> there is not a "staggering amount of evidence"

There is, but clearly you don't want to see it.

> unless your definition of genocide is so broad as to include a large proportion of armed conflicts.

The definition of genocide I am using is the one provided by the UN.


This is something the russian military at all levels — all the way to the top — is guilty of.


It's all there, black and white, clear as crystal.

Read it.

They did not target power plants at the outset. As you say, later they escalated and started targeting substations (which are easier to repair). This year they have escalated even further and are targeting main power plants. How do you account for this?

Contrast with Iraq where power plants (probably the most critical of civilian infrastructure) were targeted immediately.

> The definition of genocide I am using is the one provided by the UN.

Unfortunately the "whole or in part" definition is so vague that it can be interpreted to encompasses pretty much every conflict. You cannot apply the same standard and say that Ukraine is a genocide and Iraq was not.

Asking in earnest: how is the “queer” classification relevant in this context?

It supports queer and neurodiverse inclusivism and intimidates anti-queers. The pillars of fully automated luxury gay space communism are inclusivism, intersectionalism, open source, and taking control of the assets of capitalists through automated and communal asset seizure mechanisms.

Even if only queer inclusivists join the movement, we can still win. But if anti-queers infiltrate the movement, then it's in trouble. So I aim to make anti-queers feel very unwelcome, and also see the movement as absurd. That's why I integrate the queer identify into my business theory and revolutionary theory.

Supercede | Software Developer (Haskell) | REMOTE | Full Time

Supercede builds industry-leading risk placement and analytics software for the reinsurance industry. We're all-in on functional programming, and we're looking for more help.

Our tech stack is predominantly:

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You must have demonstrable experience building things in idiomatic Haskell, and you should have a solid understanding of how web applications typically work. You should be able to communicate clearly in English, but you do not need to speak English natively. You'll have flexible working hours and you can work from anywhere, though this is a full-time position and the expectation is that of work based on a traditional 40 hour week, with 25 days of paid annual holiday in addition to your country's national holidays.

We favour asynchronous communication, and try to hire "managers of one". We don't do daily stand-ups. We don't count your hours. We don't work weekends. We support each other in working and learning, and we have 20% time where programmers are able to work on open source and/or research projects. We value colleagues who are kind, diligent, and tenacious.

Are you a good fit? Please write me a brief email introducing yourself with your résumé attached to jezen@supercede.com.

The Haskell Foundation has a podcast episode by Jezen Thomas (CTO @ Supercede) that I found very interesting:


I dont have experience with haskell but i'm happy to see a company with great values. If i had the requirements i would definitively apply.

The russian federation have repeatedly been shown to produce fake news.

Massive amounts of fake news.

Suggesting that nobody can really know the difference between fantasy and reality is a misinformation tactic used by the kremlin to create more useful idiots who suggest the same.

Can you imagine that "the kremlin" says the same to its population? Why do you think your own powers that be are any different?

Reading your comments in this thread, I know beforehand that my replying will be useless, but I'm bored.

The kremlin said that Ukraine invaded russia. The rest of the world said russia invaded Ukraine.

If you can’t see which one is right and which one is wrong, then yes, there’s no point in you replying, to anyone, about anything.

What a ridiculous false equivalence.

Before the russians invaded, Western mainstream media reported that the russians were preparing to invade Ukraine.

Mainstream media [kremlin propaganda] in the russian federation mocked Western mainstream media and insisted that the russians weren't about to invade.

The two are not the same.

Except for when it's very obviously bullshit, like the number of vatniks who insisted that the russians weren't going to invade Ukraine, or that insisted the russians hadn't invaded Ukraine even after tanks were halfway to Kyiv.

The fact is, there are many bullshitters, and their bullshit isn't up for interpretation as you suggest.

Even in that case, the people posting those statements probably believed that at the time.

Really? You think the foreign minister of the russian federation — the longest serving since the Tsarist era — doesn't know what's happening in his own country?

Obviously political appointees are going to be unreliable, I was more talking about the hordes of plebs on social media.

Where do you think they get their misinformation?

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