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And it will give you a crap answer 95% of the time. Good luck using chatjippity when you have any level of complexity.

I’m working on a React UI based SQL query builder, where the entire data structure is recursive.

ChatGPT is literally unusable for this

> And it will give you a crap answer 95% of the time

You're underselling it. Not only will it give you a crap answer, but it'll give it to you with unerring confidence!

That's a very biased point of view. I use it for mathematical formulations for optimization problems and it gives me very good answers most of the time. The literature is very strong but hard to search via keywords. ChatGPT manages to digest the literature and does a good job pattern matching to the right problem.

(I also use the paid version).

We're talking about finding references or details of existing algorithms to solve a specific problem. What you are trying to do has nothing to do with that and it's a waste of time with an LLM.

> UI based SQL query builder

Well, there’s your problem.

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