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API + API + dotCloud = pretty cool little site.

And there is a nice little online explorer for playing with the MetaCPAN REST API: http://explorer.metacpan.org/

I resepectfully disagree. My company has two PSGI Dancer apps running mission critical elements. They're "new" but they're absolutely production ready. Plack/PSGI has been embraced by almost everyone.

I'm REALLY looking forward to playing with DotCloud.

Plack/PSGI is not "cutting edge". It's the way to do it now, not tomorrow. You do Miyagawa a disservice implying he's pumping his own code.

Likewise my company is 100% PSGI for the last year+, we're a mix of a good number of Catalyst and Dancer apps. We've had absolutely 0 problems here.

PSGI stable, sane and the way you want to be doing things.

As both of you have a good experience of Plack/PSGI, could you sum up the benefit you got from using it?

If your app (or your framework) runs on Plack/PSGI you have a wide choice of server implementations. It will work under mod_perl, FastCGI and numerous other server environments.

Indeed if you write an app to run on DotCloud; you can also run the same app on your laptop, Phenona, any other server -- etc etc.

As someone else said (more politely), you'd have to be nuts to do an HTTP app now and not take advantage of it.

>Plack/PSGI has been embraced by almost everyone.

In your company or in general? Because if it's in general, I would be more than happy to see where you get your stats.

> You do Miyagawa a disservice implying he's pumping his own code.

Well, I do think that a not even 2yo spec,a set of modules that are 6~18 months old pushed on a cloud service like that with no back up plan for more "traditional" systems is a way to push its own system. we can agree to disagree on that. which percentage of providers offer plack with nginx nowadays compared to Apache with FactCGI?

I switched to DDG about 3 months ago. If nothing else, the bang syntax is a huge win for me. Among my favs are !cpan !jquery !js !perldoc !php. Makes looking stuff up nice and quick.

PHP was originally a layer over Perl. It's in the first paragraph of the history.

It doesn't NOW have anything to do with Perl... but it's pretty easy to see some of that history in the code.

The post I was responding too makes it sound like PHP was some sort of fork of Perl, which is most certainly not the case.

You're right of course that there are some things that were borrowed.

Again. Put up or shut up. Show the stealing or retract the comment.

Seriously guy? This hostility towards Dancer is silly.

I'm just a fellow Perl hacker who thinks stealing code without proper attribution is disgusting.

A fellow Perl hacker would recall that there's more than one way to do it. And the Mojolicious internals don't look like the Dancer internals.

Thats why i used the word "butchered" before.

This kind of behaviour is an embarassment to the community. It's poison.

Move along. If you claim there's stealing of code, prove it and show it. Otherwise, save this crap. You like Mojolicious. Fine. Go do that. The Dancer crew will continue on it's way. It affects you not at all.

I had investigated Mojolicious but this kind of attitude from you and from it's creator have long kept me out of that community. Yes, the channel can have people who are helpful, but bile begets bile and if you're an example of the Mojolicious community, I want no part of it.

Actually i hate all those micro frameworks, Catalyst beats all of them even for small projects. http://www.catalystframework.org

Drex, you just shot yourself in the foot. The creator of Mojolicious was also the creator of Catalyst.

Also in case you hadn't heard this term in the Perl world, this is a great example of TIMTOWTDI. (There Is More Than One Way To Do It)


Now kindly move along and as others have said take the poison with you.

That i did not know, very interesting, maybe worth learning more about Mojolicious after all. :)

Hmm, so you made all those comments in favor of mojolicious without actually knowing about it? Now I know for sure how credible you are.

The thing is, savvy folk know it's Perl and not PERL and regardless of your work, it indicates a lack of knowledge of the community.

I really don't communicate with the Perl community at all. I write code, I send bug reports or bug fixes if things are broken. I really don't see how interacting with the Perl community would be relevant to an employer from an engineering point of view.

At that point it's not 'savvy' people who know that, but silly people who have too much time to complain or notice small things like that. Possibly managers or scripters, not engineers who go only by code, architecture, etc.

Slight misunderstanding. It's a PHP webapp that is an ad server. Not a web server. Having seen the codebase... it's evil.

Lots of portuguese as well as many many other nationalities here. We even have a little portugal. You'd be fine here.

Thanks for your replies!

Aren't things like this getting just a little tired and old?

You want readable Perl?

1) Go look at some better known modules on CPAN

2) Look at answers to questions on http://perlmonks.org

3) Read Effective Perl, 2ed

4) Check out chromatic's Modern Perl book ( free online in draft form at http://www.modernperlbooks.com/mt/2010/06/modern-perl-the-bo... )

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