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Thats why i used the word "butchered" before.

This kind of behaviour is an embarassment to the community. It's poison.

Move along. If you claim there's stealing of code, prove it and show it. Otherwise, save this crap. You like Mojolicious. Fine. Go do that. The Dancer crew will continue on it's way. It affects you not at all.

I had investigated Mojolicious but this kind of attitude from you and from it's creator have long kept me out of that community. Yes, the channel can have people who are helpful, but bile begets bile and if you're an example of the Mojolicious community, I want no part of it.

Actually i hate all those micro frameworks, Catalyst beats all of them even for small projects. http://www.catalystframework.org

Drex, you just shot yourself in the foot. The creator of Mojolicious was also the creator of Catalyst.

Also in case you hadn't heard this term in the Perl world, this is a great example of TIMTOWTDI. (There Is More Than One Way To Do It)


Now kindly move along and as others have said take the poison with you.

That i did not know, very interesting, maybe worth learning more about Mojolicious after all. :)

Hmm, so you made all those comments in favor of mojolicious without actually knowing about it? Now I know for sure how credible you are.

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