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I just joined pocket and was looking at all the top recommended users. All the top users have not added bookmarks for a few years.

Does anybody have current users stats for the app? Is the app dying off?

I'm looking for a bookmark app where I can discover new content that is curated by the users. Any suggestions?

Can you please explain yourself more how it is an ad?

Is there a limit to the number of times I can post something about a certain company?  I'm passionate about companies that are doing things differently as far as marketing. A while back sproutrobot.com posted here and I promoted there stuff on other sites like stumbleupon and emailed my friends about it.  I have no idea who the guy is that started that company but I love the idea of it and want to see him succeed.  With betabrand they have built a really strong community and I'm fascinated with their success.  In the past few weeks I have exchanged emails with them and I'm getting to know them and just want to show others how much success they are having in hopes to inspire other entrepreneurs to think outside the box when it comes to marketing.

I posted an awesome picture of one of their fans skydiving over burning man, wrote up a post on the blog I write for and posted it here, then saw the  NYT artical and posted it here in the last 30 days.

Others may feel the same as you do so I will keep that in mind if and when I post about them in the future here.

Your right. Sorry it was late at night and I was not thinking right. Just thought it would be fun to share a nerdy laugh. All stay away from these kind of submissions in the future. Please forgive me :)

Little off topic but the art on the walls was painted by David Choe: http://www.davidchoe.com

I hate the design of the slide show embed but i enjoyed the pictures. Almost did not notice it was a slide show.

I'm always fascinated how people can see things so differently. Seems like @pvg missed my attentions for posting this link. Others understood the post and that is why it got 82 votes. I'm not saying @pvg is wrong...he has some good points...but some of his points leave me scratching my head..but i don't want to get into a debate over it.

Seems like @pvg missed my attentions for posting this link.

You don't have to @me, we aren't on twitter. Also I really don't understand the above sentence.

Others understood the post and that is why it got 82 votes.

82 people can just like the clip. I certainly do and I'm in violent agreement with the notion that connecting a product to a powerful emotion can be a great way to advertise it. There's also an element of fantasy in this - if you've ever pitched or thought about pitching anything to a potential client, investor or business partner, you wish you could close them like Don Draper, too. At the same time, I think it's a little naive to say 'this is how you pitch, bottle it and take it to the conference room with you'.

but i don't want to get into a debate over it.

Fair enough. But that's why this this is here, with the comment section, and all.

I have always understood what he is pitching. It is you who do not understand what I am "pitching". Its unfortunate you could not see my original intent. I am not using the "Mad men" clip as a fool proof template to be used in conference rooms across the nation. I was simply trying to share some of Draper's fictional talents with others who have like interests. The clip shows a pitch with passion, emotion, personal connection, and knowledge of product. I feel these elements are worth noting if you have any entrepreneurial interests. I advise you think a little longer before responding to any more posts. Its alright, it happens to the best of them.

I have always understood what he is pitching.

Then I must have misunderstood what you meant when you said he was pitching a new technology.

I advise you think a little longer before responding to any more posts. Its alright, it happens to the best of them.

Thanks, if we're exchanging advice, mine would be 'please don't be a condescending prat'.

I understood your misunderstanding immediately after reading your post. That is why I felt obligated to educate you. Condescending is a word that most would use to describe your responses to some posts. I'm not here for your feedback. I'm here to share information with others who have like interests. Please show some class. The name calling is unnecessary.

@pvg Sigh. OK I will take time to respond to you. I will try to get to this thread tonight. Sorry for not taking the time to write well. Damn it where is the tweet button?

Scott great find! The intro is long so here is a link that cuts to the good stuff: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjDSqQmcc90#t=1m05s

Dang it... I figured that is where the story was going to go. Wish I would have not read this comment. ha.

Here is another motivational thread on HN: Ask HN: Movies that motivate you? http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1349566

I just watched the first episode of Mad Men and I'm hooked.

Mad Men has great lessons in the art of the high-concept pitch: giving the listener a compelling vision rather than being constrained to a conversation about sales numbers or product features. Funding a startup (or buying an ad campaign) should make the person writing the check want to tell everyone they know that the smart investment they just made is going to make the world a better place, not that they're going to beat the competition by x.y%.

aside: bought the Mad Men three-season box set to catch up before the upcoming season 4, but didn't realize I got a Chinese bootleg; producer's listed as Linsgate (sic), not Lionsgate. :)

Here I was hoping for "Loinsgate".


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