Hi, 'jump' is a great bookmarking system for the bash shell. But you'd only want to bookmark some most used directories.
I made 'bd' out of frustration to use 'cd ../..' all the time from "any" random directory. I can't bookmark all possible places. They are like slightly different tools.
I think it'll be awesome to use both jump and bd in the same system!
Please give 'bd' a try. Once you get used to 'bd', you'll use it frequently without thinking. :)
Thanks. z is great! If only I had found this before. I actually googled a lot before writing this (last year April) but couldn't find something like z.
Anyways z always changes directory. Using bd within backticks will just print the path without changing the directory. We can use that with other commands like ls, zip etc. Example: "ls `bd <starting letters>`" would only print the contents without changing the directory.
A better way is to combine your notes tool with Readwise. If you use Notion, then save the page link under a custom book titled Notes.
You’ll get reminded once in a while. Just click the link, review the notes like flash card.
Or just use the static reminder feature in notion if you want more control over your reminders.