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It is not discomfort, the threat is real for most who disagree. For many it's 15 years with raping + torturing in prison. And probably even death if you don't give up your views. Google gulagu-net investigations about institutionalized raping in prisons.

8 out of 1073 = 1.34125% as of 20.02.2019 [1], looks like it rises 1% per day;p but we both know that it's false assumption. And numbers we have right now doesn't matter really because it is too early to tell. Half of the world doesn't even have a capacity to test for COVID-19. And impact on developing countries will be on completely different level [2] (or maybe not, because population is much younger there)

[1] https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/situati... [2] https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/the-top-10-...

At least they are doing something (or probably the right thing to say is that they are the only country with competent measures) and because of transparency you can see what's going on almost in real time. I think their numbers look bad now, but the measures look solid and to be honest Singapore is probably the only country with adequate response. So if things go bad there, i'm pretty sure it will go bad everywhere.

[1] https://www.channelnewsasia.com/image/12436712/0x0/3000/5883...

[2] https://www.channelnewsasia.com/image/12455138/0x0/2316/3209...

[3] https://coconuts.co/singapore/news/covid-19-heres-every-nove...

[4] https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=14y9TsLoO2Y6bLj...

> At least they are doing something (or probably the right thing to say is that they are the only country with competent measures) and because of transparency you can see what's going on almost in real time.

Oh absolutely. In these crucial moments seeing every other country failing in its own way, Singapore's response impresses me. I think this crisis is acting as a child/adult/senile test. Some countries are not developed enough to handle this; they are denying anything is wrong and trying to delay the economic impact as long as possible. Some countries have been stable long enough to ossify; each is failing due to its own unique type of entrenched-power disease. Singapore is grown up enough to have the right resources to fight, and young enough to have control of its faculties.

> So if things go bad there, i'm pretty sure it will go bad everywhere.

I'm not sure about this. Singapore is one of the most polluted cities in the world, due to Indonesia being chronically on fire. There's some research that suggests that air pollution upregulates ACE2 receptors, which would be expected to increase transmissibility for a virus known to use those receptors to enter cells. We don't know much yet about its spread in populations with low smoking rates and cleaner air.

A lot of practical advice and experience in this Feb 20 article on lessons learned (so far) from Singapore's experience: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2761890

heh after your words i'm thinking that AMD is doing to Intel what Nvidia did in GPU segment

Politics on HN... well, was hoping to see here discussion of protesters gadgets or government tools or some sophisticated communication protocols / equipment / organisation. Something about protesters use of lasers in an attempt to block riot police at Hong Kong airport

heh, i had 1h limit and back in the days it took me 1-2 month to complete Half-Life and i played UFO for like 6 month. The first time my parents left me alone for 2 weeks i played pretty much all the time. I think i actually had like 5-6 meals and seeped less then 6h a day during that time.

I'm pretty sure that overall this 1h limit rule made me completely obsessed with computer games and the only thing that brought me back to the real life was WoW. Yeah it sounds funny, but i actually had "/played" 360 days of 2years period. And after the disband of my guild i had no interest in any other game. Yeah i play from time to time, but don't have the hunger to play every new thing out there.

I'm pretty sure that i would have burn out of this games addiction much faster in my childhood without the limitation and probably could start coding earlier. Probably would have eye problems by now because of a cheap crt monitor back then and would never meet lots of good friends in wow. So honestly i don't know was it good or bad, but i'm sure the time limit had a huge impact and not in a favor of my parents intentions.

Comfort comes not only from tips, but also from cable position. Sometimes over the ear cable can make a bigger difference then tips.

hm, most "high quality" earbuds nowadays come with detachable cables and i have 3 200$+ earbuds with mmcx. 2 chi-fi and 1 sony, all of them work for 3-5 years of active use. Yes mmcx chords could break from time to time, but top notch chords cost like 5-10$ on aliexpress nowadays. anyway i'm probably a little bit biased here, because after you get several dissent pairs you start to think what kind of music you what to play today and what kind of headphones signature you should use for this music, because to be honest there is a huge difference. And yeah i was exactly like you, buying the cheapest possible earbuds 5 years ago and i had like 10+ of thous cheap sony/philips/sennheisers. They all break in a couple of mounts-year. Usually it is a chord or just some driver problems.

My in-ears usually break in a month or two due to wax issues. I'm not sure how a detachable cable would help with that.

Modern hi-range IEMs come with a cleaning tool. Use it to clean the wax out, and they'll keep trucking. :)

Which chi-fi earbuds fromi aliexpress you recomend?

I'm a KZ fan. Most models have detachable cables with several replacement options, including Bluetooth. My current main is ZS6, very neutral, but the angular metal body can be quite uncomfortable. Before that I had ZST which was way more comfortable and had more bass, although the instrument separation wasn't as good. Still the best $20 I've ever spent on music.

heh, i'm not really a headphone guru o something, just listened 8-10 decent iem in my life and nothing from 1k+ price range) All i know is that if you never had something more expensive then 10$ then pretty much any chi fi of 50-100$ will sound good. I have LZ-a4, BGVP - DM6 and pinnacle p1 (not mine, but can use them). All of them have their good and bad sides and it really depends on the dac you are going to use. Because LZ-a4 sound terrific on fiio q1mk2(the cheapest dac i have) with some electronic music. BGVP - DM6 are the best on LG-v30 and have the best clarity overall (The Weeknd songs sound with much greater complexity and sometimes i can feel that there is a way to even separate the Daft Punk part out of Starboy. Don't know if i like it, but it is definitely a completely new experience). And Pinnacle sound noticeably better on any old rock (Fleetwood mac) or something like Norah Jones, Ellioth Smith when you don't want clarity because the record is imperfect and you actually want to here the "velvet" sound.

So i mean that i can't really tell what will work for you. This channel can help, he has some decent reviews https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIw1An1OUp4XIv_h6si2etQ/vid...

I had couple KZ back in 2016-17 and they were pretty much the same as 15-30$ sennheisers, wasn't impressed, but the headphones industry is changing way too fast, so even today i would have to make a market research myself for a new pair if i wanted another sound signature.

Btw my first kinda decent pair was Sony Xba-C10 (got them for 25$ on sale) and it was my 1-st single armature driver iem and i still think that they can play classical solo piano music (like Chopin or Debussy) equally well as any of my 100-200$ headphones (even better then Pinnacle). Yes they have 0 bass and you can't play any modern music on them.

The Timaudio T2 is well regarded and has a neutral response. There are loads of reviews online.

+ 1 flagging is extremely poorly done. Have a friend with gaming channel and he showed me how it is easy to get video demonetised, just add "fetish", "cannibal", any religious phrase... The fun and insanely frustrating part is that you can reupload same video with same description, tags and titles second(or maybe more) times and it will be monetised if algorithm will think you are lucky... wtf. And you can't appeal if your video has less than 1k views for the last week. I know it's not much, but appeal process takes 1 week and usually most videos get majority of their views in that 1-st week, so it is easier to just reupload...

It's fine if new videos get flagged, you can reupload them, but youtube bots flag old videos and there is no notification whatsoever. Even their own "Video manager board" not showing them as demonitised, because they still get money from youtube red and considered as claimed, you have to enter "edit video" to see the notification. You just have to manually search them... And for gaming channels with 1-2k videos it's a pain.

Same here. I tend to use https://rateyourmusic.com/films/chart more often these days. Less bots than Imdb, no metacritic/rotten tomatoes "professional" critics. Also rateyourmusic gave me lots of hidden gems. The UI is from 90-th, but i can live with that)

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