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heh, i'm not really a headphone guru o something, just listened 8-10 decent iem in my life and nothing from 1k+ price range) All i know is that if you never had something more expensive then 10$ then pretty much any chi fi of 50-100$ will sound good. I have LZ-a4, BGVP - DM6 and pinnacle p1 (not mine, but can use them). All of them have their good and bad sides and it really depends on the dac you are going to use. Because LZ-a4 sound terrific on fiio q1mk2(the cheapest dac i have) with some electronic music. BGVP - DM6 are the best on LG-v30 and have the best clarity overall (The Weeknd songs sound with much greater complexity and sometimes i can feel that there is a way to even separate the Daft Punk part out of Starboy. Don't know if i like it, but it is definitely a completely new experience). And Pinnacle sound noticeably better on any old rock (Fleetwood mac) or something like Norah Jones, Ellioth Smith when you don't want clarity because the record is imperfect and you actually want to here the "velvet" sound.

So i mean that i can't really tell what will work for you. This channel can help, he has some decent reviews https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIw1An1OUp4XIv_h6si2etQ/vid...

I had couple KZ back in 2016-17 and they were pretty much the same as 15-30$ sennheisers, wasn't impressed, but the headphones industry is changing way too fast, so even today i would have to make a market research myself for a new pair if i wanted another sound signature.

Btw my first kinda decent pair was Sony Xba-C10 (got them for 25$ on sale) and it was my 1-st single armature driver iem and i still think that they can play classical solo piano music (like Chopin or Debussy) equally well as any of my 100-200$ headphones (even better then Pinnacle). Yes they have 0 bass and you can't play any modern music on them.

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