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If you scroll all the way down, you can see at least a similar look of “the band” :)

lol nice. kinda want to work for them now, weirdly.

The closest I can think of is for you to insert one or multiple soft-hyphens.

We do have initial support for screen readers. That’s using accesskit, or Qt when using the Qt backend.

It’s still basic, some controls like text input need work, or customizing the focus chain.

Building blocks are there and will need further polish.

We're working on interop, so that when you select Slint's Skia renderer on top of Vulkan or Metal, you can import a wgpu texture if wgpu's Metal or Vulkan adapter was chosen.

What kind of feature set do you need?

A typed and tooled (lsp, live-preview, etc) DSL for the UI and Rust/C++20 APIs, compared to C APIs.

Looks interesting, I like the online demos. I would look at using it but it doesn't look like there is a port for esp32. The lack of explicit instructions/info about getting this running with esp-idf puts a bit of a damper on it. Rust is nice, but I'm not sure how to get that working with an existing C, freeRTOS project. So while the technical parts of this seem really nice, the developer experience for someone outside of slint seems a little hard.

You might find this article helpful from my colleague Tobias: https://slint-ui.com/blog/rust-and-cpp.html

We're not trying to be clever, TBH. There are many excellent alternatives out there in the Rust world. Our choice of Rust is primarily a technical choice, and later we found out that it's also a fantastic community to be part of.

Most of us have our roots in the open source world, many (most?) of us learned coding because we were able to look at open source code, make changes to it, recompile and play with it.

We're trying to give back to the open source community and at the same time earn a living by asking the people who use Slint for proprietary apps (i.e. not giving back) to support us by purchasing a license.

Frankly, that's a fantastic use of the GPL. The idea that open source developers should bend over backwards to support the use case of people who can't be assed to give back to the open source community is ridiculous. If a company wants to make proprietary software off the back of open source developers, they can pay for a commercial license. Everyone else is free to use the GPL.

All other so-called "free" licenses are just a way for corporations to co-opt the open source software community.

I think the distinction that you may be missing is between software generally licensed under the Apache license and software that is part of the Apache project and governed by the Apache Software Foundation. The latter may choose not to include GPLv3 software in their project, but software outside of the ASF umbrella that's licensed under the Apache license can be combined with GPLv3 software.

SixtyFPS GmbH | https://slint-ui.com/careers.html | Berlin/Germany | Embedded Software Development (Rust and C++) | Remote(EU) | Fulltime | 40k-70k€

Slint is a toolkit to efficiently develop fluid graphical user interfaces for any display: embedded devices and desktop applications. Slint supports multiple programming languages, such as Rust, C++, and JavaScript.

SixtyFPS GmbH is the company behind Slint that provides the toolkit under a dual-licensing scheme: via Open Source on GitHub or via a commercial license for proprietary applications.

We're a small startup of passionate engineers - we enjoy innovation, being a part of the wider Open Source ecosystem, and learning.

We're looking for a passionate engineer to work in our team, developing Slint.

You can also learn more about what we do on our blog: https://slint-ui.com/blog/ Our source code is on https://github.com/slint-ui

No :)

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