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SEEKING WORK | NL or REMOTE | Backend / Data / Streaming

Hi i'm Chris, an experienced data & backend engineer with a decade of of experience in building reliable, scalable data platforms and data processing pipelines, using Kafka, NoSQL databases and related tech, for domain such as clickstreams and IoT sensor data.

I can help with:

- designing and building data platforms and streaming processing systems

- teaching your devs how to correctly use Kafka

- fixing bottlenecks and performance issues.

- lowering costs

- how to ensure your data is correct and processed with the right guarantees

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrisblomnl/

Contact: hackernews@chrisblom.net

'Modern' food can be ridiculously calorie dense, it's nearly impossible to compensate overeating with exercise. A single candy bar can have as much calories as a whole meal. Count calories for a couple months and you will learn which foods to avoid.

SEEKING WORK | NL or REMOTE | Optimizing data pipelines

Hi i'm Chris, an experienced data/backend engineer with a decade of of experience in building data platforms and processing pipelines, using Kafka, NoSQL databases and related tech.

I can help with:

- setting up data platforms and streaming processing systems

- teaching your devs how to use Kafka

- fixing scaling issues

- lowering costs

- improving performance

- how to ensure your data is correct and processed with the right guarantees

My hourly rate is 95 euros, project-based billing is also possible for clearly scoped projects.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrisblomnl/

Contact: hackernews@chrisblom.net

actual chemtrails, the conspiracy theorists will love it!

Google's search quality has been going down the drain for years. I get more and more fake wikipedia and stack overflow SEO results and I use it less and less. Can't wait until some search oriented LLM company replaces it.

Interesting paper, i've thought about this topic a lot.

In previous projects I defined systems in a single code base, and parts could be deployed separately by providing different configuration files.

It was a very productive approach: one could run the whole system in a single process during development, which made writing integration tests a lot easier than spinning up dozens of docker images.

It still required some manual work, and deployments were still to static for my liking. Ideally it should be possible to split off and scale subparts dynamically.

In the Clojure world there are several projects now that explore splitting up services in a transparent way.

For example Electric Clojure splits up your code into frontend and backend parts, making the frontend-backend split transparent. Another project is Rama, which does something similar but for distributed steam processing and partitioning.

I'd love to explore something like this but for enterprisey service meshes: the programmer just defines services, and a compiler decides how to split these over different machines, and all the RPC/serialization/deserialization is done for you.

Regarding your last paragraph, interesting idea about the compiler doing the work, but isn't RPC/serdes basically built into CORBA or OLE transparently? Never used the former, and the latter was so long ago I forgotten it, but I thought that was the idea.

SEEKING WORK | REMOTE or Netherlands

Location: Utrecht, Netherlands

My expertise is building reliable backend systems: efficient, stable systems that solve a business problem and can last for years with minimal maintenance.

I'm for hire as lead developer / architect. I can either work in a team or deliver projects independently.

Previous projects include:

- developing and speeding up NLP pipelines for processing financial news

- a real-time bidding platform capable of handling 100k request/sec

- migrating a system that processes sensor data for 3 million customers to Kafka

- leading the development of a scalable, low latency stock inventory system

- building a employee scheduler engine using TimeFlow/Optaplanner

Languages: (Kotlin,Java,Clojure,Python,Haskell,Rust)

Databases & Messaging: (Postgres,Mongo,Datomic,Cassandra,Kafka,RabbitMQ)

Cloud: (AWS,GCP,Azure)

Infrastructure: (CloudFormation, Terraform, Ansible)

Feel free to get in touch:

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrisblomnl/

Email: hackernews@chrisblom.net

That really depends on the Montessori school and how gifted the kid is. Some kids need more challenge that hanging out with older kids, not all Montessori schools are ready to offer this.

Specialized programs create specialists. Gifted kids need good social foundations and Montessori schools are better than regular schools in basically all ways for gifted children.

There are still tons of domains were GOFAI is very useful, like planning and scheduling, and also in cases where you don't have access to lots of training data or pretrained models.

SEEKING WORK | NL, Remote | Backend, AI, Optimization

I am a dedicated software developer with a background in artificial intelligence and 12 years of experience.

My approach is rooted in a genuine passion for problem-solving: I like to explore and iterate. I run experiments to pick the right option, and then grow it into a mature solution.

I value attention to detail, experimentation, consistent quality, and collaborative teamwork in achieving results.

Key Areas of Proficiency:

- Full-Stack Development with Clojure and ClojureScript: with this stack I can quickly deliver results.

- Backend Systems: I designed and built dozens of stable high-performance backend systems in JVM languages.

- Performance optimization and observability: I can consult on how to measure and improve performance of backend systems.

- Streaming & Messaging: Lots of experience with Kafka, Kafka Streams, and other messaging platforms

- Natural language processing: I worked on several products that extract data from text and unstructured data, also using PDF's as the source.

- Optimization: Utilizing Optaplanner/TimeFold, MiniZinc and Google OR-tools for optimizing routing and scheduling.

If you are seeking a seasoned professional for projects, advice, or potential collaboration, feel free to contact me for a no-obligation consultation.

Github: https://github.com/ChrisBlom/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrisblomnl/

Email: hackernews@chrisblom.net

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