Thank you. I do run and this is another trigger, because I’m “feeling good” I will download apps like Strava, Nike running, Garmin app (linked to running watch) - I also illustrate and not being able to have apps like Instagram to promote work is annoying
I can relate to that feeling, you start a sport so you dive straight into downloading all of the apps to track yourself etc, I get it, I totally get it.
Great suggestions here thank you. The anxiety caused by my OCD is so great that I will find my way into my phone, and getting it back to “normal” ASAP - screen time I just reset passcode, or override via ‘forgot passcode’ feature. I’ve used my phone as a crutch for my anxiety for soo long that in times of “need” or even when things are going great and I think I can allow myself a bit of freedom with the device. It always ends up running away from me
Thanks for the suggestion I have turned on the grayscale filter, and I think it may dull my interest in the device
re:screen time - I have attempted this multiple times, and even got my partner to set the passcode. However I just bypass it and reset it via forgot passcode and my Apple ID password
If you trust your partner, encourage them to be stricter with you and to further restrict access to your device.
Create a new Apple ID that only they have access to and reset your phone to that ID, then lock it down again. You can also go further with other settings then like using a DNS server that allows you to block the domains of problem sites, stopping you from bypassing the lack of apps with websites.
Also, maybe consider an iPad and throwing away the iPhone. It's bigger and harder to compulsively check and you can't carry it in your pocket. Do your banking on that, bin the iPhone, carry a dumbphone all day instead. If you can break the habit of pulling out your phone to check it you'll gain a bit of breathing space for your compulsions.
I know multiple people with OCD and anxiety. For some, professional treatment and medication works well. For others, the only thing that really works is cognitive behavioural therapy, and finding a system that works for you is going to be trial and error.
Different people might need different medication. While anxiety is usually treated with tranquilizers, there is also a possibility there is an undiagnosed adhd, so stimulants might work better.
Thank you. I am undergoing CBT and Exposure Therapy for my contamination based OCD (this isn’t linked to the phone usage) however in times of anxiety caused by the compulsions I head straight for my phone, and will get into it any way possible
Thanks for the suggestion re:screen time - I have attempted this multiple times, and even got my partner to set the passcode. However I just bypass it and reset it via forgot passcode and my Apple ID password
Perhaps you could have your partner set your Apple ID password? Or you could change it to a very long string that is a pain to enter, write it down, and store it in a place where it is mildly inconvenient to access.
The button presser could make a claim on the copyright. I could see a legal challenge being filled as this not filling the requirement for being a creative work and hence not copyrightable.