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Lately I’ve been using https://shepherd.com/ as a “tool” to find actual books to buy or borrow.

Internet tools to find, physical books to consume. At least the consumption part is ad-free.

btw, I am hoping to take Shepherd.com ad-free in 12 months :)

What happens once the stipend goes away? What happens when the tool stops being “free”? I know these publishers are desperate for lifelines at the moment but I hope they are thinking ahead to the time that Google no longer needs them or their content.

More like what if long term google cuts out the publishers. I mean when someone googles X, show or generate the article now. They only need the publishers now to get a human feedback loop.

They still want social and kagi traffic. But the lack of google traffic will turn on them.

There is exactly one form of organization that wants the sort of Gleichschaltung that comes from this sort of tool, and it is not funded voluntarily.

They are getting more expensive and less reliable:


This book has a lot of great Bay Area photos from the 50s-60s:



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