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After about 25 years in Denmark without earning money, ALDI closed all shops here last year.

"Monday is the first day of the week according to the international standard ISO 8601, but in the US, Canada, and Japan, it's counted as the second day of the week." - https://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/days/monday.html

I've always thought of Monday as the first day of the week. It's the day that starts the workweek (and school week) and Sunday is part of the weekend.

Tgif is one of my all-time favorite X11 programs. It's used to create vector drawings, and I could whip out nice infrastructure diagrams etc. so fast using it.

See http://bourbon.usc.edu/tgif/index.html

No, because comments are not code, thus they are stripped before counting LOC.

Who said about code!

It says 0 lines of JS... Technically there is one line of JS!


I read the article using the Dolphin Browser on Android, and I did not see any popup...

I think the "Please don't abuse this option..." has had the opposite effect than the OP wanted...

It's a honeypot.

Who's dictating 10 o'clock? Standups can be e.g. just before or after lunch, or in the afternoon. The team should be able to agree on a time that works for everyone. And if that really is impossible, then use Skype or similar to include people who are still at home.

A six person team should be able to be done in less than 10 minutes. If someone gets off topic or rants on about details, stop them, and perhaps suggest a meeting afterwords.

You solution totally ruins the dynamics of the standup.

Yeah, mine is too. Guess they shouldn't have showed HN...

Looks sweet.

I currently have to use Windows at the customer I'm working for. I've installed Console which gives tabs and better copy-n-paste on Windows. See http://sourceforge.net/projects/console/

I'm not sure if clink and Console will work together, but I'll have to try it.

Console2 regularly crashes on my Windows 7, and it looks like it's not actively developed.

I'm giving ConEmu a try and it looks awesome!


Scott Hanselman wrote a blog post about it:


Console2 looks releases 1-2 releases per yer. Looks quite stable while not active as some other projects. Check dates here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/console/files/console-devel/...

I've never had a single crash (of Console2) on my Win7.

I have tested and clink works with Console. Actually I don't see reason why it shouldn't work with Console. Maybe there might be shortcuts collisions but I have not met yet any.

I use console too and it's awesome. I love the tabs and the transparency feature.

yea, i've been using Console2 for the last year and absolutely love it.

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