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Looks sweet.

I currently have to use Windows at the customer I'm working for. I've installed Console which gives tabs and better copy-n-paste on Windows. See http://sourceforge.net/projects/console/

I'm not sure if clink and Console will work together, but I'll have to try it.

Console2 regularly crashes on my Windows 7, and it looks like it's not actively developed.

I'm giving ConEmu a try and it looks awesome!


Scott Hanselman wrote a blog post about it:


Console2 looks releases 1-2 releases per yer. Looks quite stable while not active as some other projects. Check dates here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/console/files/console-devel/...

I've never had a single crash (of Console2) on my Win7.

I have tested and clink works with Console. Actually I don't see reason why it shouldn't work with Console. Maybe there might be shortcuts collisions but I have not met yet any.

I use console too and it's awesome. I love the tabs and the transparency feature.

yea, i've been using Console2 for the last year and absolutely love it.

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