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I've been hearing this phrase for such a long time but i do not get it. I think Linux by nature is a personal affair, the way i've setup everything is going to be drastically different than somebody else. Which leads me to believe that even the year of linux desktop is a personal matter. My year was about a decade ago, the authors might be 2023, some people from the audience would've seen their year last year perhaps etc. So not really sure about the point of the rant anyway... when something is so good you do not bother about these self-imposed stupid conditions, you just relish, send your blessings to contributors and the creator and hopefully even contribute yourself- chill out & happy tuxing!

Initially I felt the same about Vim, I attempted a couple of times to pick it up but could'nt get used to it. However, I could see it's potential and one last attempt I made and told myself that it would be an investment. I broke the barrier and got competent enough to make it useful for myself as much as a normal editor such as nano pico or even notepad. I was then on track because I started learning about plugins vimscript. organizing my code so that it is convenient for use with Vim. I have still a lot to learn but I can say that it has already increased my productivity ten-fold. However, I can respect that everbody is different and Iam happy if you've found your ideal editor in nano.

I think you're response is quite inappropriate. I am not sure how you were able to deduce that the person's skills lack in someway. I don't think there is enough information in the post to make that judgement.

"IT is in boom now"

Are you by any chance living in the 80-90s? :p. Apologies but I beg to differ. My personal opinion is that the field has peaked, which is why you are finding people writing up a webpage and calling themselves a startup. Of course there are exceptions but I am referring to the majority here. There is also large amount of redundant work happening.

IT is and will always be a complimentary field and cannot stand on its own. We are now going through a transitional phase where what was once classified as a white collar job is shifting on the gradient towards blue, so it lies somewhere in between. Maybe Cyan? :).

Writing software you can get a job straight out of college making 2x more than the median family income of the US. Within 5 years it is common to make 4-5x the median income. The same pattern emerges for system administrators and SRE's, but quite as steep of an income growth curve. The requirements for working in IT help desks is basically 'basic ability to install software and click the button to image hd's, and shows up to work'.

Companies are outright desperate for even entry level skills. If you can't even find work in this field, that is very atypical, and I think it is reasonable to assume that something is going on there. Maybe it's substance abuse, maybe it's a complete lack of skills, but it's something, because there are far more jobs than people to fill them.

Congratulation on becoming free(-er) :)

Lenovo x220/x230.

> "...Technology doesn't matter..." <

Key point this one.

Dont! Never ever do that. If you want to bootstrap do it on the side. Only quit your job if the project matures. Not only that, but a solid benefit is that the skills/ideas you might learn from your project will cross pollinate into your work, therefore making you a better employee hence more valuable.


Arch Linux is super awesome and super lean. It has one requirement, that you can read. The documentation is solid, and you'll be up and running in a very short time. Your first install might take long, but do not fall into the this-is-frustrating trap. You'll be rewarded pleasantly for reading. It is also a bleeding edge distribution, basically the packages are updated pretty frequently and there is no concept of a release - cycle as such... in theory. Not to mention you also get to hang out a lot with a cool guy called Pacman-

Thank you for formalising into words what I have felt for quite some time. This comment resonates with my core beliefs. Virtual high five!

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