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Depends greatly on the season and how long you have, but for a few tips:

Munich: Cool little artist district with a boat railway bridge - https://maps.app.goo.gl/13Zjw2usCbvcsr1UA

Inner city surf wave with a great spectating spot - https://maps.app.goo.gl/Ha1EQBvRoG1dLoyw5

South of Munich:

Murnau is a beautiful town with great views of the alps, reachable via train, and there is a great resteraunt near protected wetlands I can recccommend - https://maps.app.goo.gl/m9317uf5j7qKw8ML6

Cheimsee is also beautiful, little islands with a castle on a lake and a beergarden - https://maps.app.goo.gl/ZbxWRT7cDh66nzbS7

Further into the Alps you can find Königsee which is stunning, has great hiking, and plenty of history - https://maps.app.goo.gl/6fXAN1KwP8PqmTHc7

If you're into snowsports then now is a great time to get into the mountains and rent some gear to have a fun day. For hiking it is probably better to wait for the snow to thaw and then do a hut to hut treck if you can.

As a note, I do not reccommend going to see the Disneyland Castle, a.k.a. Neuschwanstein. It'll involve lots of crowds, a rushed tour, and a mediocre experience overall.


likewise, learning to sail as a kid and having to go around these large partially submerged objects just kicked off some irrational fear in me (and stil does today, though to a lesser degree).

I think there is some cost associated with iPhone app development ($100-$300 plus submission costs), as opposed to android, when it comes to publishing, it seems fair enough for an individual to charge a dollar or two to recoup that.

I stumbled across this and thought it would be an interesting thing to share. The tool is web-based (electron too) and can generate entire continents that also zooms down to the dungeon level. Ontop of this it has generated encounters and stories that are linked to locations on the map, and allows virtual table top sesions with moving counters and light sources.

trailer with features: https://youtu.be/cHwHRlzU-Gk?t=54

docs: https://docs.hexroll.app/

It even has it's own scripting language: https://docs.hexroll.app/scroll/scroll-tutorial/

Kudos to Ithai Levi who made this, take a look at some of the code here: https://github.com/hexroll/hexroll-backpack

The interesting part is how the generation works. Any links to content about that?

I wonder why there is only a single recording of him in a more natural setting, over 12 years as chancellor I would have expected something more!

Because he didn't want to be recorded in a natural setting. His public image was very well managed.

* In the early years of his leadership of the NSDAP there were no pictures of him because he didn't let people take pictures of him.

* He never married (until the end) because he thought he would appeal more to women if he was a bachelor and would enhanced the idea that he was fully dedicated to Germany.

* There are pictures of him practicing his dramatic expressions. His photographer was supposed to destroy them, but he disobeyed and kept the photos. That is, he wasn't spontaneous, he practiced his poses a lot.

* He would exercise his right arm. Apparently holding your arm up is quite exhausting and he wanted to give strong and long salutes at marches.

(BTW, the reason he had a toothbrush mustache (even though many advised him to shave it because it provided cannon fodder for caricaturists) is because he thought his nose was big and a mustache distracted from it.)

> (BTW, the reason he had a toothbrush mustache (even though many advised him to shave it because it provided cannon fodder for caricaturists) is because he thought his nose was big and a mustache distracted from it.)

Actually it was a common mustache style through the 1940s. It marked the wearer as a WWI trench veteran as it would fit under the gas mask. Until the outbreak of conflict with Germany in 1938 it was quite common in the UK and France as well as Germany, Austria, and Italy, as can easily be verified by any number of contemporaneous photos. Note that the toothbrush mustache was worn by veterans of all classes in Peaky Blinders, for example.

The small mustache actually accentuated the size of his nose, but he was proud (and it was valuable) for him to be a veteran.

The mustache was branding. It was a fashion trend, made so by Charlie Chaplin. Of course, it became so much associated with Hitler, that any mustache now is immediately hitleresque.

My guess: Recording equipment tended to be large and media expensive.

There was magnetic wire recording technology, which was relatively compact, but the amps still needed tubes and the machine hardly concealable.

Hitler had a carefully constructed public persona. He didn't want to be seen/heard by the public outside of this persona.

Came to say the same. Another example: While H. was (at least at times) wearing glasses, I don't think there's a single photo or film recording showing him with glasses.

Fantastic work from these artists, the engine really just lends itself to these environments it seems!

As a side Anyone know of a good way to get the geometry of Quake maps out as a 3d model? I thought it would be quite cool to view these on the web. Either individual buildings or as a fly-through.


Found the following leads:

    1. https://github.com/sbuggay/bspview
    2. https://github.com/passiomatic/elm-quake3-renderer
If you download the jam, go into the "maps" folder and on the following url, https://sbuggay.github.io/bspview/ (1), use the "Load Map" button you can see a basic version (broken skyboxes) if you load a .bsp file.

This does the trick quite nicely (unless you want them textured, anyway) - https://github.com/fzwoch/bsp2obj

I tried it on the map BSPs from https://github.com/fzwoch/quake_map_source/tree/master/bsp

Edit: Following a sibling comment, Trenchboom can also export as OBJ from the GUI

> the engine really just lends itself to these environments

So I used to think "this would make one hell of a Quake level" in places that it would be really inappropriate to think that: government buildings, hospitals, a school or two. It occurs to me now that these were all Brutalist-influenced buildings. This is something I never ever talked about, growing up in the wake of Columbine.

In retrospect I guess it's not that I'm a psychopath, but that I unconsciously recognized that that sort of design was smack in the middle of the Quake engine's wheelhouse.

Still probably going to keep those thoughts to myself.

My friends and I made levels of our school campus dorms, etc. for both Doom and Quake. This was all prior to Columbine and nobody thought it was strange in the slightest; on the contrary everyone thought it was awesome (faculty included). A couple of years later, and who knows how it would have been perceived or if we would have even felt that it was appropriate.

We only had two buildings with an architectural style that favored the game environments though. They were both built as "modern" buildings some time in the 70's. Somewhat unsurprisingly the school has since torn them down at great expense and replaced them with buildings that are stylistically compatible with the rest of campus.

We did that post-columbine. One of our friends made the map in something like CS or something. Our little friend group thought it was awesome, but it was also tacitly understood that at no point could we tell anyone outside our tiny little trust circle about it, god forbid they thought we were like the columbine kids, instead of just trying to play a game in like, one of the two buildings we spent half of our lives in thus far. I don't know if he ever even ultimately shared it with us. We also made the school in a starcraft map using the blue resources as hallways IIRC, and were quiet about that one too, for the same reason haha

Toys R Us. 90s. Teammate made a map of our store.

Pure. Therapy.

9/11 happens and those maps are now dust (no pun intended).

What’s the connection to 9/11?

People and authorities becoming hyper sensitive about anything that could be interpreted as simulating or preparing for a real world attack.

Do you guys really think you could have had issues with that?

I mean it is only natural to want to recreate with a good amount of fidelity anything you know well. Be it a map for an FPS or a racing track for a racing sim using a known road/city.

This was right when “zero tolerance” school discipline was in favor of administrators. Doing something like that could get you put in A) in school suspension, B) suspension or C) expelled where I lived.

Can you be suspended/expelled from a school for things that are done outside of school? I don't think you can in the several countries I've lived in.

For threats (real or implied), absolutely.

I don't think making a map for a videogame, as realistic as it can be, ever qualified as a threat.

I can only speak to the US, but this didn't stop school administrators - their interpretation was more important than credibility when it came down to decisions made immediately post-Columbine. Parents demanded action from the administrators, even if none was needed, and so administrators needed to demonstrate that they were doing something. Bans on long coats, primarily black outfits, discussing video games, etc. weren't uncommon.

Activities done outside of school that were discussed in school absolutely made it onto this list and would result in suspensions.

Moscow subway (which have had terrorists blow it up) just have officially released a counter strike bomb map based on a fictional station a few days ago.


This reminds me of the time I made counterstrike skins based on me and my friends. Seemed like a fun idea, and at first it looked great, but once we started killing each other in game, it quickly felt very ghoulish.

It's okay if it's Quake, just don't suggest it to be used as a Postal level

You might also be interested in: https://noclip.website/ (not quake maps)

I also know https://www.halospawns.com/app used to have quake maps (dm6 at least), but can't find it now.

most maps these days are made with something called trenchbroom. Try opening a map and looking for export options. You can open the original game's levels too

I wonder why it is that the Netherlands hosts 77% of urls for child exploitation

    Netherlands 77%
    US – 5%
    France 4%
    Russia 2%
    Lativia 2 %
    Luxembourg 2%
      (Internet Watch Foundation Annual Report, 2020)

 - from OPs link https://enough.org/stats_exploitation

I wonder why it is that the Netherlands hosts 77% of urls for child exploitation

I'm not sure if this anecdotal point is applicable but I have run into many shady server resellers in the Netherlands. Oddly a couple of them are just down the street from The Hague. It was so prevalent for so long that I used one of them to do all my port scanning from a long while back. Pretty much anything goes. They would just forward abuse@ reports to the server renter so they were aware. I was expecting them to drain my throw-away bank but it turned out there is still some honor among thieves. Either that or some of them are honeypots. Other clients were the only issues I ran into. They would steal my IP addresses so I had to steel them back. no L2 port protection. I don't know much of this is still true so it's just a data point.

I wouldn't trust stats from the IWF... or the UK in general since they classify drawings as CSAM/CSEM.

Large internet exchange would be my guess

Car Talk is such a legend. RIP Tom, and may Ray enjoy his retirement.

European Space Imaging | Spatial Software Engineer | Munich, DE | Fulltime

Looking to onboard someone who has a background in the geospatial industry and has had some experience working with front-end development / web mapping.

We are launching a satellite tasking GUI and need someone to work with the lead front-end developer in delivering this.

  - Experience with modern front-end frameworks such as React or Vue, in particular for frontend web map applications
  - Python experience in geospatial software development projects, opensource geospatial libraries in particular
  - Be self-motivated, and friendly!
  - Be willing to come and work with us in München!

We're a team of 4, the fifth is joining at the end of the month, and hopefully this role will bring us up to 6.

If you know anyone, including recent grads and the like, who would be interested please feel free to pass it on :)

PDF of the job posting: https://file.io/AiN4zh0k7sdK Contact is in the PDF.

Edit: New link https://silver-antonetta-18.tiiny.site/ (I have no idea why that link expired, it was set to two weeks..)

When I try to access the file it says "file has been deleted".

Apologies! here is the new link: https://silver-antonetta-18.tiiny.site/

This is why they could use the help :)

It is deleted today too.

This seems to cover some of that workflow


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