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Dynamic Map and Dungeon Generator (hexroll.app)
3 points by scanny 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

I stumbled across this and thought it would be an interesting thing to share. The tool is web-based (electron too) and can generate entire continents that also zooms down to the dungeon level. Ontop of this it has generated encounters and stories that are linked to locations on the map, and allows virtual table top sesions with moving counters and light sources.

trailer with features: https://youtu.be/cHwHRlzU-Gk?t=54

docs: https://docs.hexroll.app/

It even has it's own scripting language: https://docs.hexroll.app/scroll/scroll-tutorial/

Kudos to Ithai Levi who made this, take a look at some of the code here: https://github.com/hexroll/hexroll-backpack

The interesting part is how the generation works. Any links to content about that?

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