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I hate to critique such a fine piece of work as your comment, yet I must add a 5.a) as an option taken by especially high-quality Profit corps: Blaming their customers for the leak (e.g. 23andMe).

You have the right to critique, especially if that's to point out such a blaring miss from my part.


I wonder if there's a way to get data on this, even if it's only 'sentiment.' A bit hard to validate actual experience on what's effectively anonymous without intentional disclosure or a whole lot of rep. I've been told repeatedly about the caustic nature of the HN crew, and it makes me wonder what steps could be taken to shift the culture in a healthier direction while not losing... well, HN haha.

I think about this way more often when I should. I'm prototyping a cooling system and currently using ice; designing tolerance for the cool reservoir to contract a little as ice warms and changes states has my brain hooked on the weird behaviors of water.

What are you cooling?

Exactly. Both 1st + 2nd order thinking are needed when evaluating the PR efforts of leaders, particularly when their messages go against their actions.

Can you expand on that a bit more? Sorta get what you're saying but I think I might not have a super coherent sense of what that is

I, without looking at the comments here, immediately returned to homepage to unvote after seeing this on the homepage. Weird flex by creator; ironic that the OS community will happily ignore his creative intentions to use as needed if the value prop fits. I get that Dave is a boss of a dev/designer, and the product isn't unimpressive in its own ways. I'd like to see data on how 'mac only' products do out there in the wild.

How dare you call out BMW's iDrive explicitly ヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ ;)

Same sentiment here. Actively working to reduce dependence on anything FAANG.

Can't be that hard to justify in some way for a filing. The industrials and big commercial guys do this all. the. time. I even bet there's bunches of SLA templates out there with the right litigious lingo to ease the filing.

Exactly: I want to see more/newer data on residency programs and placement rates per resident (MD, DO, IMG), because last I checked, residency spots (and the bottleneck created by limited Medicare funding, which I find interesting considering the profit created by residents) were the primary bottleneck; medical schools have every incentive to open new spots as quickly as humanly possible considering the ludicrous pricing they charge. We're firmly into 'money printer' territory for medical schools and their cost of operation.

My wife's a doc, in residency, and also Swiss, so I find myself referencing this study [1] on residency hours in Swiss residency programs over years. Bottom line: there are limitations on hours/wk and consecutive shifts, but enforcement of that is a joke + nonexistant, especially among residents (note resident's interest in maintaining their resident status and remaining 'bureaucratically blessed'). [2] See the Albuquerque neurosurgery resident walkout for an interesting business case of the real value of surgeon residents and what might motivate them to cause a big kerfuffle in hopes of bringing about changes. [3] I'm mostly acquainted with attending physicians who don't mind the 60hr weeks when they don't have a choice, and residents who pick up the rest of the work that attendings financially benefit from. Surgery attendings seem to be a special sort of animal. It's just not as simple as limiting hours, unfortunately -_-

[1]: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3464122/ [2]: https://psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/public-opinion-resident-physici... [3]: https://thesheriffofsodium.com/2022/02/04/how-much-are-resid...

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