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Having worked a bit in a conceptually similar product, in my opinion the real problem is how you define the layout of your UI, not the individual components.

There is a sweetspot for nocode where you don’t try to be too general purpose. Concrete examples would be Excel, IFTTT, Airtable, and many of the startups that convert those into apps.

The sour spot is things like Bubble, which while being a fine product suffer from “ok now am really coding but with a clunky UI instead of a text editor” which is a problem inherent in making universal nocode solutions.

With this in mind I think layouts and connected components should be provided to non coding users as templates. E.g. a site where you log in and can show notifications etc. is a single template. You then extend and style that.

Yep. And I’m still on the fence about how to tackle that, but I’ve got some ideas.

My favored approach is to use what I’m calling a “this goes here, that goes there” syntax.

The idea is to give designers a conceptual framework that mimics how they understand layout, and allows them to describe positioning using a syntax that feels as close to natural language as possible.

Much easier said than done, of course. And there are good arguments for allowing the platform dialects to handle those more complex features (in addition to things like scrolling and animation).

I wanted to give it a try since I have a Kobo laying around but seems like TightVNC is Windows-only.

It's in nixpkgs (for MacOS and Linux). I haven't tested it because it's flagged as having a security vulnerability (actually that's an excuse - it's really because I'm busy) but it should work.

It is on ubuntu, for sure.

+1 As a fellow global search fan, FZF + the silver searcher is the way to go. You just type `:Ag <your string>` and you're done.

You can safely add Argentina to the list

by reading through the issues in Alacritty you realize that it's optimized for a very specific set of use cases, for example if you're using a tiling window manager you don't miss tabs at all (in fact they are an annoyance)

Or tmux.

I understand the point of view of the author, but at the same time I appreciate how simple and not bloated Alacritty is, there is great software out there but terribly bloated with features that become useful only in edge cases.

I was super interested in the commit messages, does anyone know what happened to them?

There were no commit messages. Since 2002, the change were pushed on a public server with nightly snapshots. At some point, there was a changelog, but it didn't last long.

Gotcha, thank you!

It all boils down to personal preference, do what works for you.

I personally have found typing to be the best, nothing beats plain text files that you can later search on.

The only exception is when you want to draw diagrams or similar stuff, I mean you can sort of draw a diagram with ASCII but is far from practical.

Location: Argentina

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Typescript, React, Vue, Go, Ruby on Rails

Résumé/CV: https://robertodip.com/resume

Email: hn@robertodip.com

yes! thank you for sharing! I have found this link after posting, and it's great.

Another promising resource I've found is Martin Kleppmann's "Distributed Systems Lecture Series" https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeKd45zvjcDFUEv_ohr_H...

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