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... umm.. because its white? and every thats white is Apple?

If you actually look at it you'll see its a not printed anything like an Apple keyboard, the letters are offset for one, they are centered on Apple keyboards, and has Windows keys.

It's definitely an Apple keyboard (look at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3dUeGNIX4M&feature=youtu.be... — the command key is clearly visible), albeit an old one.

It’s not an Apple keyboard, it’s a keyboard made by some manufacturer other than Apple (it seems to be some cheap Apple keyboard knock off), but with OS X modifier keys.

However, that’s barely relevant. They built a prototype, probably with some cheap keyboard they either had around or just quickly ordered online. The particular keyboard used for this particular prototype is literally of no relevance at all. It doesn’t even have anything to do with what they want to show.

I really don’t get this whole fucking discussion. It’s some of the most stupid stereotype pattern matching that I have every seen on HN.

Looks like it has a Command key to me.

So has the cheap clone keyboard linked here https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7671321

From a personal perspective I stopped building HTML web apps after I started to transition my WebSQL apps to IndexedDB. I really really disliked the experience (messy code/overhead) and haven't had any desire to write another with a client side DB again. The bright side for is however it drove me to learn iOS and Android development... not such a great day for the web though as I suspect my experience isn't unique.

Because in the short term it sounds good, like eating takeaways. But in the long run its pathogenic. If you can't see the whole system and need a quick buck why not.

Theres a reason most of these industries have existed unregulated through out history, exploitation occurs, become regulated, and are now reappearing with a new tact and hitting up existing laws... and hence all the court cases where they are desperately trying to claim the services aren't illegal.

Theres a lot of consumer safety to be considered you rarely hear of, let alone what is technically stealing by reselling things you don't own. Theres a reason regulation happens, and its usually because exploitation occurs.

I mucked around with a few but found them quite restrictive and generally only pushed issues around as opposed to solving them. As soon as you're dealing with a nasty API you can generally find the limits of a framework and have to start writing your own work arounds to behave inside its designed parameters.

Essentially I've found jQuery the best option as a framework, and only because it reduces the verbosity of straight Javascript. Everything else, as noted above, usually ends up in the "good at first then in wish I didn't" basket.

At the end of the day, the majority of what I do is binding, validation, and event handling... and no framework really reduces what has to be done, they just stops other people from doing it differently.

2010 macbook pro and I can't scroll the page without serious lag and jumping :/

My $2000 late-2013 rMBP suffers from the same problem. My 6 year old $800 Dell 1920x1200 laptop doesn't.

I guess that it's a MacOS problem.

I loved it, but I'm bias as I love all of Mike Judges work. I don't really find most his his work boisterous comedy, more a charming satire that I can watch over and over and still enjoy.

I do find however when I try to retell scenes from his work I often choke up with laughter more in the retelling than the watching. I can't retell a scene from office space ending up gasping for air LOL I think thats the genius of his work, and I definitely got that feeling watching it.

His other strength is always the depth of his characters, their nuances, and subtly... so they get funnier the more you understand them. The characters from King of the Hill are some of the best thought out characters I've seen on television, the mannerism, reactions, interactions, just brilliant.

From what I saw of the characters there definitely was a lot of that to come, so hopefully as it develops it'll become something truly amazing.

I can't wait to see more of this show for that reason, everything looked promising, and everything looked balanced for great satire.

It's also about his ability to be a leader, if people lost the ability to respect him then he looses the ability to lead. That happened, he had to go.

Exactly! Humans are imperfect they lose "the ability to respect" for irrelevant reasons. Just like people couldn't believe in General Relativity because Einstein was Jewish.

I'm not sure how it differed from opening up any manual to anything. The reason you are opening up the manual is the key point. I think for me its was a progression from 'how' -> 'when' -> 'why' -> 'is there a better way'.

I'll frequently go days without Googling anything, weeks if its just CRUD work. When I started it was very different, I can remember writing entire database layers via copy and paste with no idea what anything did I just knew it worked and thats all I needed.

But I'm at a point now I smell bad code in my own work and want to get rid of it and I only got there because I did google... I did go to blogs... read the responses... reference pages/critiques... read white papers/specs/manuals.

And above all I wasn't intellectually lazy, I put in that little bit of effort to ask why, and then get it verify. Nothing wrong with reading source material, theres only problems if you fail to understand and retain what you are reading.

No thank you, its great to see such lateral thinking and particularly around something thats the potential to be quite beneficial to people who have live hard enough as it is.

You put a smile on a jaded mans face with this app, and towards tech news thats a rarity for me these days :)

Thanks, I opened 'zite' up on my tablet and it was mainly really uninspired/mundane/transparent/poorly executed attempts at humor and I was quite put off by it. Be glad for that crap not to surface here.

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