Excellent idea, thought I'm also not really sure how you'll get it infront of truckers. Perhaps you could take out an advertisement in one of the numerous trucking free magazines/newspapers that you'll find in truck stops on the highway. Though they're often not cheap to advertise in.
Thanks rex, this was the main issue I see with the app. I somehow need to get a bunch of loads and a bunch of trucks right away. I appreciate the advice, I'll look into the magazines!
I found a bug, when you generate a wallet you can press the clear and reset button and the generate button remains enabled. This allows the user to generate a wallet using an empty string.
This is using Chrome 31.0.1650.57 m
All tips greatly received : 1Li2Dq9L49mJmCYcEh4n2eSQ9B6eWKCgBv
This is why I went out of my way to find an alternative processor to Paypal for my most recent startup. Monthly fees were definitely higher but chances of this happening, much lower.
That's an awesome idea, though maybe you should consider mixing up your marketing as a 'take revenge' kind of way instead of the 'pranks' target you seem to be going for at the moment.
'Upload the face of your enemy' instead of 'Upload your friend's face'.