Excellent idea, thought I'm also not really sure how you'll get it infront of truckers. Perhaps you could take out an advertisement in one of the numerous trucking free magazines/newspapers that you'll find in truck stops on the highway. Though they're often not cheap to advertise in.
Thanks rex, this was the main issue I see with the app. I somehow need to get a bunch of loads and a bunch of trucks right away. I appreciate the advice, I'll look into the magazines!
I created this app to eliminate the broker for smaller companies who have no need for all the brokerage services. They'll get a substantially lower price by working directly with the truckers.
Any ideas on how to push this out to those that should be seeing it?
I love this idea and I actually just sent you guys an email. How will you guys monetize this, and all you guys have to get the same qualifications as a freight broker? Thanks!