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Just to be used as replacements for repairs I take it?

As a consumer looking for what to recommend to family and friends using iPhone 6 phones to iPhone 8 phones the iPhone X looks way better to me than the iPhone XR. People won't notice the CPU but that OLED screen!

I wish there was some kind of 'apple outlet' like clothing stores do so there could be a legit source of these X phones.

Depends on an unstated assumption if you agree that software patents should exist at all, or at least in their current form.

No, words need to mean something. Patent troll is an organization that buys up patents just to enforce them while not actually using the patent itself within its own business model.

Microsoft is a patent gorilla, but it's not a troll.

Indeed. Patent lawyers use "troll" as a synonym for "NPE" -- Non-Practicing Entity:


An NPE by definition produces nothing but patent enforcement actions.

I'd count anyone who wields trivial patents, or patents where previous work exixts and which should not have been granted in the first place, a patent troll too.

How do you feel about the patent for compact discs? James Russell invented the technology along with prototypes but never put it into production first-hand, electing instead to license the technology to other companies. There's no debating that companies profited handsomely from putting this technology into the consumer market. It built off prior work (LaserDisc) and the patent holder was a non-practicing entity (as someone else pointed out in this thread).

That recent Boston(?)-based completely automated rice bowl startup plus drone delivery equals solved hunger

Did you consider Signal when you moved to Telegram, if so any particular reason(s)?

I tried Signal and Telegram. But I prefer Wire instead. Its secure by default, cross-platform, multi-device, and simple enough for Mom & Dad to use.

How does that differ from Signal?

No Signal Web app. So, not as cross-platform.

Is the desktop app not cross-platform enough? https://signal.org/download/

Wire & Telegram are both cloud connected, while Apps on the Signal protocol depend on your phone to be functioning and in reach AFAIK (huge annoyance/problem for me).

That's not true about Signal. You may probably be facing some bug that should be reported to the Signal team.

Telegram is completely cloud based. So all your conversations, except secret chats that are end-to-end encrypted, are stored on Telegram servers in plain text for as long as your account is active. This is why you can get a new device, activate it for your account and get all your conversations back on it from the Telegram servers.

Wire and Signal work differently. They use their servers as a temporary storage to hold your messages until the recipient comes online and then deliver them. Wire also retains the messages for a few days to allow delivery to multiple devices that a user may be using, with each device possibly coming online at different times. Signal doesn't have to support this because it's tied only to a single device, which is your phone.

Not the GP, but Telegram > Wire > Signal on user experience, features, message delivery speed, etc. There's simply no comparison at all on these aspects.

We have to go deeper: https://archive.is/mP6Ky

One heads up and kind of a correction, for users that want to stick to Safari on iOS (myself being one of them) after installing Firefox Focus on iOS, go to iOS Settings -> Safari -> General section "Content Blockers" and toggle on for "Firefox Focus"

Then ad blocking is on (:

You can also use Crystal.

From the article, Crystal also participates in eyeo's Acceptable Ads program.

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