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Apple resumes iPhone X production due to weak XS sales, report claims (theverge.com)
12 points by Tomte on Nov 22, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 18 comments

These reports always come up within 4 months after Apple having launched a new device. I'm guessing some people are making a lot of money from this FUD, by hiring PR / Research firms that will do everything to make Apple look weak.

Came here to say this. Every. Single. Time. They launch a new phone, out comes the stories of production cuts, missed targets etc.

And then the sun comes out at the next earnings announcement.

Sure, one day we'll all be wrong, but this narrative has played out for about the last 5 launches. It's about as common as FB announcing record DAU at earnings then releasing a note about shutting down millions of bots a couple of weeks later.

Short and distort [1] is big business, sketchy and mostly illegal, but common on the markets biggest shorted stocks, AAPL included.

For short and distort to work, the stock/product has to be one in major demand that can be pushed down with big fish efforts and it will bounce back almost guaranteed. Skimming funds for the hedge funds and big fish from the small/medium longs.

The SEC is starting to crack down on short and distort [2] as it is a market cheat like naked short selling [3] was which exacerbated the Great Recession. SEC cracked down on naked short selling three days after the Great Recession cliff in Sept 2008 [3]. But the levels of shell/misdirection in short and distort is very hard to track down. It is market abuse and if not checked could break the public markets now that most of investing is automated/HFT.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short_and_distort

[2] https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2018-190

[3] https://www.sec.gov/news/press/2008/2008-204.htm

I disagree. This never happened with iPhone 1 through 6, when a new iPhone had always been better than its predecessor in every way. After the 6, "upgrading" meant gaining some and losing some, that's also when Apple started to offer the old versions alongside the new ones on their site for far longer.

To provide some anecdata: I got myself an iPhone 6 Plus right after iPhone 8 came out because I needed a headphone jack. If I were to upgrade I'd probably go with the 8 Plus now because it comes with a superior battery life and a physical home button.

I fail to see how your personal experience (and preference) relates to my complaint about useless 'experts' that are predicting bad earnings, with Apple proving them wrong every time at the next earnings report. For about 5 years in a row this has been the case and it has nothing to do with the actual products.

You misunderstand. These reports come out from third parties about 4 months after release, and are always disproven once Apple release their quarterly reports.

Even with the 6 you lost one-handed use, the ability to set the phone on edge on a flat surface, and pocketability.

"The cheaper iPhone XR is thought to be particularly struggling, as budget-conscious customers opt instead for last year’s iPhone 8, which continues to be available and is priced lower than this year’s budget model."

No, no, no, no, no!

I wouldn't choose the 8 over the XR because the 8 is cheaper, it's because the XR has a bunch of crap I don't want. It's larger, I don't want larger. The camera has a sharp edge, making a case a necessity. I don't want a case. It has FaceID instead of the fingerprint reader. I don't want FaceID.

I bet you did not want large 5" screen before.

I don't know what the parent poster prefers, but i find the 4/4.5 screens a bit too small and anything larger then 5.5 a bit to big. 5 or 5.1 or 5.2 is my sweet-spot in screen size. Its just what fits my hand the best. Im currently looking at changing from the S7 Edge that i find a little too big and was looking at the XR and 8 in the store yesterday. The 8 fits exactly what i want in phone size, and im having a hard time finding good android phones with good battery life at that size.

up until a couple of months ago, apple was the only company selling a proper 4-inch smartphone.

Ah the classic "Apple is doomed" article for this quarter.

Just to be used as replacements for repairs I take it?

As a consumer looking for what to recommend to family and friends using iPhone 6 phones to iPhone 8 phones the iPhone X looks way better to me than the iPhone XR. People won't notice the CPU but that OLED screen!

I wish there was some kind of 'apple outlet' like clothing stores do so there could be a legit source of these X phones.

Honest question - What do people here on HN see as more valuable: the iPhone brand itself, or Apple's technology development/production systems?

They are valuable in different ways IMO. I think it would be harder to replace the brand at this point though.

Non technical people I asked their barriers are related to the ecosystem. They recognise that some offerings on android are better but they are too embedded in the ecosystem to switch.

In Canada with our weaker dollar, Apple products have really finally gone into a truly laughable price point. These phones are $1500.

Anecdotal evidence also is that anyone I know that has an X wishes they could go back to having a home button.

Anecdotal obviously but I see everyone with the XR.

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