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This is truly amazing.

Comment from one of the creators;

This build does NOT run in real time. It runs on MCHPRS, the server developed by StackDoubleFlow, which speeds up the game roughly 10-20,000x while running redstone. That brings the framerate to a much more reasonable 0.1fps, so the long timelapses in the video only took 9 hours to record in in total.

It's mind blowing how much effort they put into this, the MCHPRS server even JIT compiles redstone into native code using Cranelift: https://github.com/MCHPR/MCHPRS/blob/master/docs/Redpiler.md

It really saddens me that their post was removed from r/Minecraft, for crediting a server by including its IP address for literally one second in the video.

Reddit is very saddening on general. Best to avoid it

In general yes, the "community mod" concept has been mostly dead for a very long time and major communities are in general run by by zealots with ideology and/or financial interest.

At least one can find niche communities with healthy discussion/debate as primary interest.

> and/or financial interest

Soon to be official policy based on their statements at the moderator convention:

"I want our users, user-users and moderator users, to make money on reddit. Specifically, I want them to make money from other users. And so we need to have business models where users are paying money to other users or to subreddits. I would like subreddits to have the ability to be businesses. We have a lot of subreddits that are kind of trying to do this, but the platform just doesn't support it."

It's especially weird becuase in the last year or two reddit has cranked their capricious and opaque moderation up to 11-- it would be suicidal to base your livelihood on that platform where you could be shut off at an instant and without recourse just due to a false report campaign from a competitor, troll, or extortionist.

half a second!

How did they load Minecraft onto that computer?

They didn't load the real Minecraft on it, but they implemented their own version. But that version still has true 3D graphics, several block types, an inventory, mining, crafting, etc.

And if that version has redstone, then we know what needs to happen next.

It's redstone all the way down.

always has been.

Permutation City

someone ports doom to it?

From the video uploader: “yes, we will run DOOM on this” :)

Also, is that redstone wiring non-vanilla, or is it just a texture pack?

It's just a texture pack

The hacker also leaked 10k lines of source code on https://paste.ee which has now be removed. (Still visible if you go there using the cached version on Google).

Pretty crazy - kind of feels like back in the day when Half-Life 2 got leaked. (Video about the incident: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKzkh5XD6WU)

Firefox crashed

They do mention a Firefox issue at the bottom:

> Gecko-based browsers like Firefox show an interesting behavior when trying to make the site any higher than 18.939583 kilometers, “shrinking” or “collapsing” the main container.

Not necessarily related to what you're seeing.

Mine doesn't crash. It does give the wobblies another commenter mentions.

HIFI Labs | Full Stack Engineer sprinkled with Web3 | Remote | Full-time

HIFI Labs is looking for a passionate Senior Fullstack Engineer with an eye for beautiful designs, intuitive interactions while being an advocate for our end users and their privacy. We’d also love if you have deep understanding of web3 (or eager to learn some of the tech).

You will be a part of multiple engineering efforts such as exploring and building internal HIFI Labs products, develop custom artist websites and contribute to our open-source projects such as neume and EQ.

- Kind team player who take ownership of their responsibilities and leads by example

- Street-smart adventurer excited about new technologies who knows when the old “boring” framework is the safest bet

- Smart learner who knows when to deep-dive and when we need to get things done

- Pixel-perfect builder? Nah, but if you like and care about design, can catch 100px being off, pink color instead of white, we might double-like you.

Some tech: Javascript / Typescript, Ethers.js, Hardhat, Next.js, Styled Components, Cloudflare CDN + Cloudflare Edge Workers. Fly.io

Read more here: https://hifilabs.notion.site/HIFI-Labs-Job-Board-7eade43524f...

I'm on Google FI so should be fine for hotspotting. Everything works fine if I tether using a cable.

Also have the disconnect issue. So annoying.

love the use of ssh / scp here. Almost applied just because I wanted to see the full flow but also didn't want to spam you. :)

thanks, we figured a few folks would get a kick out of it! You can checkout the actual source here: https://github.com/Nebulaworks/orion/tree/main/apps/term-app...

HIFI Labs | Full Stack Engineer sprinkled with Web3 | Remote | Full-time

HIFI Labs is looking for a passionate Senior Fullstack Engineer with an eye for beautiful designs, intuitive interactions while being an advocate for our end users and their privacy. We’d also love if you have deep understanding of web3 (or eager to learn some of the tech).

You will be a part of multiple engineering efforts such as exploring and building internal HIFI Labs products, develop custom artist websites and contribute to our open-source projects such as neume and EQ.

- Kind team player who take ownership of their responsibilities and leads by example

- Street-smart adventurer excited about new technologies who knows when the old “boring” framework is the safest bet

- Smart learner who knows when to deep-dive and when we need to get things done

- Pixel-perfect builder? Nah, but if you like and care about design, can catch 100px being off, pink color instead of white, we might double-like you.

Some tech: Javascript / Typescript, Ethers.js, Hardhat, Next.js, Styled Components, Cloudflare CDN + Cloudflare Edge Workers. Fly.io

Read more here: https://hifilabs.notion.site/HIFI-Labs-Job-Board-7eade43524f...

There's something wrong with how you set it up. I can't open the individual position on the public Notion page. Do those pages have restricted permissions?

See: https://share.cleanshot.com/bT1jYG

Thanks for pinging - could not reproduce though. Tried incognito on all browsers.

Updated the link to use our notion subdomain instead. Maybe that solve it for you? https://hifilabs.notion.site/HIFI-Labs-Job-Board-7eade43524f...

Which of these do you consider Web3 technologies?

> Some tech: Javascript / Typescript, Ethers.js, Hardhat, Next.js, Styled Components, Cloudflare CDN + Cloudflare Edge Workers. Fly.io

For anyone interested, here is the keynote introducing Solito from Next.js Conf 2021 by it's creator Fernando Rojo.


Really good feedback and 100% agreed - tweaked the proposed idea.

Unfortunately, that'd be an OPSEC nightmare. They are already prepared to calve their internet, and basically shut off info propagation from inside it. We'd be leaving our own networks open for data exfiltration...

I mean, God above, I never wanted to be on this side of advocating something like this for the Net, it was always meant to be open... Game theory pretty much states the way to go is tit for tat.

They're prepared to exploit our openness for all it is worth.

What a Charlie Foxtrot.

Thanks for the answer and yes, exactly; website visitor statistics.

Just like you, for my own projects, I've been trying to rely on server-side generated analytics till but there are some valid concerns from my team about data sets missing for the projects we work on.

We're going to try and self-host Plausible.io since it's open-source, doesn't require cookie consent, and seem to value privacy while offering valid data points for us to be able to optimize our website experiences.

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