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Ask HN: Is iPhone Personal Hotspot broken for you too?
2 points by reimertz on June 12, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
So very frustrating, just spent 15 minutes trying to connect my iPhone 12 Pro to my 2022 Macbook Pro. Eventually gave up.

Is it only me or any one else having these issues?

Tried the regular things such as resetting my phone, forgetting the wifi etc.

You may want to check with your carrier if hotspotting is allowed/supported. Some carriers don't allow it. I use my iPhone hotspot all the time with few issues. I'm usually using eSIMs from the Airalo app because I travel a lot. I do find if I let it my computer idle for awhile, the hotspot will automatically disconnect. It's a bit annoying, but I assume it's by design to prevent wasting hotspot data. I haven't looked into it.

I'm on Google FI so should be fine for hotspotting. Everything works fine if I tether using a cable.

Also have the disconnect issue. So annoying.

Open your Keychain and clear the "_AppleWi-FiInternetTetheringSSID_" key as well as any keys that match your iPhone's Wi-Fi network name then try again to connect using the "Instant Hotspot" feature (aka find your iPhone in the top of your Wi-Fi menu on Mac - it should be displayed separately from other networks).

Apple tries to "improve" the personal hotspot experience and doesn't treat it like a normal Wi-Fi network - when that fails it fails completely instead of merely falling back to asking you for the network key.

It works for me, very handy 'extra' to have. But it uses battery at a great rate and makes the phone hot.

I just use the instant hotspot and it rarely fails to work.

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