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Or Elixir! Quite easy to grasp as well.

Could there also be a “legal hedging” reason for why you would release a paper like this?

By reaffirming that “we don’t know how this works, nobody does” it’s easier to avoid being charged with copyright infringement from various actors/data sources that have sued them.

I'd be surprised if doing so had any impact on the lawsuits, but I'm not a lawyer.

If you know how it works, you can make it better,faster,cheaper.

Without the 300k starting salaries. I imagine that is a stronger incentive.

It's the users of the LLMs that want to launder repsonsibility behind "computer said no".

"I'm sorry officer, I didn't know I couldn't do that"

Indeed, and the very last section about how they’ve now “open sourced” this research is also a bit vague. They’ve shared their research methodology and findings… But isn’t that obligatory when writing a public paper?


They actually open sourced it, for GPT-2 which is an open model.

Thanks, I must have read through the document to hastily.

I’m curious to know why they don’t support Elixir and Haskell to a greater extent.

How is it compared to 7B LLaMA quantized to run on a raspberry pi?

Probably similar token rates out of the box, although I havent done a straight comparison. Where they'll differ is in the sorts of questions they're good at. Llama2 was trained (broadly speaking) for knowledge, Phi-2 for reasoning. And bear in mind that you can quantise phi-2 down too. The starting point is f16.

If you can run quantized 7B, nothing beats mistral and its fine tunes- like openhermes2.5

They can already do that with some simple googling.

No, they can't - they would have done it if they could. Producing a practical chemical weapon is a complicated task, with many steps that are not documented in publicly available sources.

That’s somewhat true – it’s not easy but not hard enough, as we saw with the Aum Shinrikyo attacks – but an LLM won’t magically have access to non-public instructions and, not having an understanding of the underlying principles, won’t be able to synthesize a safe process from public information.

Eh that is up for debate. If I dump a library of chemistry books and industry books on chemistry and volatile chemicals its distinctly possible the model could generate this data.

Not without some kind of understanding of the underlying principles. If you were testing something verifiable in code you might be able to test candidates at scale, but this involves a number of real-world processes which would be hard to tackle that way.

Control of materials is a far bigger hurdle. If you try to procure materials which can be used for bombs/chemical weapons/.. in significant quantities you will get noticed pretty fast.

I’m running Manjaro on a late 2012 MacBook Pro, it’s running flawlessly.

The only initial issue I had was that I had to configurate the broadcom WiFi driver manually. Super easy after some googling for the more technically interested person… But nothing I would expect the general person to solve without frustration.

8gb RAM, 125gb SSD. 1xBattery replacement.

It does not run IDE’s like ST32 (based on Eclipse) and OneNote via Firefox smoothly simultaneously. But everything else so far has worked flawlessly. I use it every day and have done so since the beginning of this fall.

Edit: Call me a script kid all you want, for this particular laptop it’s just more convenient for me to run Manjaro rather than Arch right of the bat. But I guess I could eventually set up a shared partition for storage and an individual partition for each OS.

Lack of wifi support for any given distro I’m testing out is an instant rollback for me. I just don’t have the time or patience anymore. It has always been a problem.

Interesting, I run Webstorm for larger JS projects on Monterey on my 2012 Air. 4gb of ram w/ SSD. Little slow to start but I have fixed plenty of production bugs on the go with that thing before I retired it last year and got an X1 Carbon :)

Now that you mention it, I do recall issues with the WiFi on my model too. IIRC after one of bigger releases I had to manually install some driver package from AUR because existing driver was for whatever reasons removed.

Same here with my recent (free!) acquisition, a mid-2012 unibody Pro, when I installed Solus on it. However, when I booted it with MX initially, it automagically set up the wifi driver.

I use it multiple times per week, more than I use Instagram and most other apps.

If OpenAI sucks so much, then what should i use instead?

Well, I did say they are willing to burn money more than others - making their commercial availability better. Better yet ask yourself - will hollowed out Open AI and/or Satya be willing to lose money on every API call? Are you willing to pay the full cost of running GPT-4?

Google et al have gambled the answer for most API consumers is no

Thanks! Appreciate the recommendation and tip!

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