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Don't think this is the biggest danger. In a few years if they continue to improve at the current speed these models can become really dangerous. E.g. an organization like ISIS can feed one some books and papers on chemistry and ask it "I have such and such ingredients available, what is the deadliest chemical weapon of mass destruction i can create". Or use it to write the DNA for a deadly virus. Or a computer virus. Or use one to contact millions of say Muslim young men and try to radicalize them.

Do you think the ISIS is bound by the words “non-commercial” in a license file when they have the source anyway?

It was available even before this, all they changed is that law abiding citizens can put apps in the App Store and charge money for it.

(More importantly law abiding companies can build on and fine tune it in hopes of profit).

I haven't said anything regarding a license - where did you get that from?

ISIS, etc. can easily abuse an open-source model and abusing a closed source model running in the cloud, e.g. ChatGPT 4 is a lot harder.

Why radicalize only Muslims? Why do you need an LLM to teach you how to make a bomb?

Why not just ask it how to reach heaven with the lowest effort possible? Why don't good guys like you have your LLM pre-un-radicalize all those poor young men?

> Why not just ask it how to reach heaven with the lowest effort possible?

Becoming a martyr is the fastest way and with the lowest effort.

Indeed. Pretty much any horrible way to die from the olden days makes you a martyr in Islam. For example, having a building fall on you or gastro-intestinal disease. Fighting is only one of the ways and not really the easiest since the other ways are passive.

They can already do that with some simple googling.

No, they can't - they would have done it if they could. Producing a practical chemical weapon is a complicated task, with many steps that are not documented in publicly available sources.

That’s somewhat true – it’s not easy but not hard enough, as we saw with the Aum Shinrikyo attacks – but an LLM won’t magically have access to non-public instructions and, not having an understanding of the underlying principles, won’t be able to synthesize a safe process from public information.

Eh that is up for debate. If I dump a library of chemistry books and industry books on chemistry and volatile chemicals its distinctly possible the model could generate this data.

Not without some kind of understanding of the underlying principles. If you were testing something verifiable in code you might be able to test candidates at scale, but this involves a number of real-world processes which would be hard to tackle that way.

Control of materials is a far bigger hurdle. If you try to procure materials which can be used for bombs/chemical weapons/.. in significant quantities you will get noticed pretty fast.

The same ISIS who released "You Must Fight Them O Muwahhid" [0] with step-by-step instructions for the construction of home made triacetone triperoxide (TATP) bombs as used in the 2017 Manchester Arena attack, the 2015 Paris attacks and the July 7, 2005 London bombings, isn't hoping someone releases an uncensored LLM it can use in 24Gb VRAM so it knows what to do next.

[0] https://www.counterextremism.com/blog/infamous-isis-bomb-mak...

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