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I went to 12 years of Catholic education and the mindset you describe was never mentioned once.

Living in the south in America I've encountered this mindset over and over. One of the best people I ever hired, absolutely top tier intelligent and productive, completely believed in the young earth theory and that dinosaur bones were placed there by god. Not exclusive to catholics, southern baptists, etc. Just "religious people in the south".

It's depressing and my cousin's son who is being home schooled by the same sort of religious mother is just criminally under-educated for his age. We don't live in a small city, one of the larger ones in America. It's just sad to see that this is often the status quo around here.

> my cousin's son who is being home schooled by the same sort of religious mother is just criminally under-educated for his age

That's why home schooling is just a terrible thing to allow to happen to kids. They can't choose what bullshit they're fed at home, mandatory free public education to some level is the main thing that can help them have a decent start at life.

There is no panacea. Many children may be tragically under-served by their home educations, but a great many children are tragically under-educated in the public school system, too.

My partner and I, not at all religious, are home-schooling our eleven-year-old because the public school was completely failing him. Pandemic-era zoom classes were especially worthless. By contrast, a few hours of parental attention each day has him thriving. We have the freedom to work with his natural curiosity, and the normal variations in the pace of skill development, instead of boxing him into a fixed curriculum.

Is that genuinely true of Catholics in your area? I had thought the organized structure of the brand made them far less prone to young-earth theory than non-denominated Protestants.

In practice, most people are more influenced by their environment than they are influenced by official doctrine.

If so, that's disappointing. Catholicism specifically takes pride in being immune to that.

They do a decent job, but members of Catholicism aren’t entirely immune to psychological biases.

If you grow up as a catholic in the south, you’re in the minority. Sunday mass is just a small part of someone’s week, and you’ll spend most of your time around Protestants.

Most people are heavily influenced by their peers, and it can be pretty jarring for someone to accept that an ideology they’ve surrounded themselves with is wrong.

Yeah, as a Catholic-school graduate, that seems bizarre. It would be more likely to hear my teachers deny transsubstantiation than to deny evolution.

I wouldn't doubt that this was a regional or a diocese/parish/whatever thing.

There is some kind of legal issue with the recording. I didn't look too deep. There were sixteen tracks recorded. Thirteen were on the real album, and one that had a recording fault was released later.

Here's the songs on the original release: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXRKTcRs-Xs7RqWKl8hqt...

Until you need a team, Figma is free.

For now.

It doesn't say a word about devs. This could probably use a title change. It's gonna make everyone defensive.

> We worked with them to address issues on their site related to the comments section.

> As the comment section has now been removed, we consider this matter resolved and no action will be taken.


> the workplace inherently has an underlying adversarial quality that can provide a never-ending supply of "microaggressions"

Did you pick this idea up somewhere else or think of it yourself? I've not heard that concept, and it makes way too much sense.

I think poster was referring to the fact that workplaces are naturally fun of microaggressions regardless of race or sex, so it's easy to point the finger. It's analogous to how everybody's speeding, so everybody's guilty, and anyone can be pulled over (but usually the black person will happen to be the one pulled over).

>usually the black person will happen to be the one pulled over //

Which country are you in? Have you checked that statistic or did you assume it?

US, and no, I didn't need to check the statistic. Do you also think people shouldn't be protesting because they haven't proven black people are being targeted disproportionately by police to a 95% confidence interval?

I prefer to base my views on facts. You need to check the statistics because it's very easy to be wrong - we all have biases and limitations.

I gather statistics show USA police are not targeting black people ("damn lie and statistics" though, so I'm Caruso's about that result), contrary to how I imagined it. That doesn't mean there isn't a problem, it possibly means the problem is more concentrated - ie in general the police are doing well, but specific groups/officers are being highly discriminatory.

We're more susceptible to god complex because we're highly skilled at one thing already. We also don't want to admit to ourselves that we're living through a confusing time that we can't make sense of in them moment.

I went through that process a year ago. It was a good amount of work. When I was done, I realized I wasn't getting anything out of Facebook and deleted.

I'm not gonna disagree, but I think the difference now is an extreme focus on the self and an impossible expectation to feel happy and content.

Is the back catalog valuable without a system like YouTube's? There are countless small clips of the Joe Rogan show that are constantly recommended by the algorithm. Is there any indication that Spotify is capable of replacing that?

The clips stay on YouTube.

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