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> the workplace inherently has an underlying adversarial quality that can provide a never-ending supply of "microaggressions"

Did you pick this idea up somewhere else or think of it yourself? I've not heard that concept, and it makes way too much sense.

I think poster was referring to the fact that workplaces are naturally fun of microaggressions regardless of race or sex, so it's easy to point the finger. It's analogous to how everybody's speeding, so everybody's guilty, and anyone can be pulled over (but usually the black person will happen to be the one pulled over).

>usually the black person will happen to be the one pulled over //

Which country are you in? Have you checked that statistic or did you assume it?

US, and no, I didn't need to check the statistic. Do you also think people shouldn't be protesting because they haven't proven black people are being targeted disproportionately by police to a 95% confidence interval?

I prefer to base my views on facts. You need to check the statistics because it's very easy to be wrong - we all have biases and limitations.

I gather statistics show USA police are not targeting black people ("damn lie and statistics" though, so I'm Caruso's about that result), contrary to how I imagined it. That doesn't mean there isn't a problem, it possibly means the problem is more concentrated - ie in general the police are doing well, but specific groups/officers are being highly discriminatory.

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