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those are accident stats, not inspections

this used to be part of the search settings, then at some point they just turned it into a dropdown of small, medium and large

good to hear that this is still supported albeit hidden

its a replica that was only build in 2005 https://www.gotheborg.se/about-gotheborg/about-the-ship/

And they let complete newbies (like me) sign on as crew for a week or two. It’s the adventure of a life time to work on board such an accurate replica. It was hand built - even the nails and ropes were hand built, using tools and techniques from the time period, which if I recall correctly took something like 10 years to research since much of that knowledge had been lost.

what a joke, I guess that's one way to deal with their terrible luggage handling.. I've been now waiting since a flight on August 20th to receive my "lost" luggage from them. I guess policy like this is easier than fixing the actual issue.

The only update I've gotten is this email two weeks ago, their hotline and website are completely useless. Via DeepL

> Good day,

> We apologize that you have not yet received your luggage and for the inconvenience this has caused. We regret that we are currently unable to meet our standards for a smooth travel experience.

> Why are there delays?

> There are currently massive logistical and personnel failures and bottlenecks worldwide, which are delaying baggage handling in particular. The world of flying is highly interconnected. We are dependent on our global partners here and are thus confronted with numerous challenges.

> We are working hard to ensure that all delayed baggage is delivered within the coming weeks.

> If you would like to check the baggage status yourself, please use the baggage status page only. Our telephone service centers will not be able to assist with any questions regarding your baggage.

> Kind regards

> Your Lufthansa Team

luggage this summer in europe has been a mess. air france lost my bag in paris on june 12 and has neglected to compensate me or return it. no way to get a hold of anyone who can do anything either-- left me wishing i had put an airtag in there myself.

You’d think they’re stuck in a luggage area and airtags would help you hasten them getting to you? Not sure how it’d solve a logistics problem that is not yours but the airline’s. Thinking further I think the airlines should stick their own air tags on luggage while in transit and get it back when customer picks up their luggage (could be a deposit based system). This would help them automatically track all luggage.

We could create a affiliated but a 3rd party bounty hunter business :)

Ok, I lost my luggage in Brussels, provide the "bounty hunter" my information (i.e., location), give them a legal authorization, and they go claim my baggage from where it is stuck, and help it move to where it needs to be.

Of course it will not be straightforward, but if we can make it happen with one airline, maybe others will follow.

Of course the name will not be a bounty hunter service, but something that is more marketing driven.

> You’d think they’re stuck in a luggage area and airtags would help you hasten them getting to you?

Absolutely! Look at the photos in https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-61848486 and imagine trying to find your bag without a tracker in that mess.

It would help that one person, but the airport and airline need to process all those bags.

Time spent searching for one bag is better spent sending 15 bags on their way.

Usually the handling of luggage is not by air france (or other carrier), it is the specific airport personnel, so called "ground-services".

Most airports cut down personnel due to Covid-19 and when the amount of flights quickly ramped up to previous (or possibly higher than before) levels couldn't manage (or did not want) to find/hire/re-hire enough personnel.

When this happens, the luggage is normally stored in a hangar or other warehouse at the airport, far from passenger traffic, and with access reserved to these ground service personnel, so the most you would get with an airtag (if any of the personnel has an iPhone) is that your luggage still exists in a place which you cannot have access to, no way to collect it.

> luggage this summer in europe has been a mess.

Not just this summer. Europe has been worse than worldwide since at least 2018.

not op, but yes when I actively unmuted it, it should keep playing

there's some mods that add lod to minecraft with some stunning results



looks like Discord is vulnerable to this too, oopsie

Not discord, but the default player is vulnerable to many different crash shenanigans. I get them sent to me all the time to look into and its usually just people using bogus timestamps, bogus seek times or concatenating multiple videos of different resolutions/rates that the player can't handle. If there was a way to get discord to spawn VLC for playing videos by default this would be less of a problem.

> get discord to spawn VLC

So rather than loading the bogus videos in a sandboxed Chromium instance, you want to load them in an unsandboxed VLC instance? I smell eventual RCE.


- VLC has decades of battle hardening and entirely discards all the aforementioned nonsense. In a perfect world, both Discord and VLC would be sandboxed themselves, but I accept that this world is far from perfect. Discord could at least sanitize anything that strays from a filename when passed to VLC.

- Discord is already vulnerable to crashes from multimedia. This has been a long running problem that has not been resolved by sandboxing in Electron. The folks at Discord will not be able to resolve this with code changes in Electron AFAIK. If you can crash it, there is potential for an RCE. What that RCE can effectively accomplish will entirely depend on sandboxing boundaries external to the application, not sandboxing within the application.

In reference to sandboxing, I could make a document that explains how to enable the OS wide sandboxing features of Windows 10 [1] VirtualSecureMode / DeviceGuard / CredentialGuard and Linux SELinux / AppArmor. I don't have one for MacOS. I should add, don't enable the Windows 10 security features if you depend on any virtualization outside of Hyper-V. Enabling those will break all hypervisors that don't rhyme with Hyper-V.

I should add that my solution for Discord is to not preview videos or play them in the client. I click on the links and VLC plays them but that is not the default behavior of the application.

[1] - https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/iis-support-blog/wind...

Aren't quite a few Android security fixes every month related to the media framework? Are those not severe in a browser context because it's sandboxed?

We don't transcode video, so no.

I presume you're Discord eng. You must do some sort of pass or parse of it, because every now and then I'll upload something and it will fail to process and result in what I'll call "the sad Discord poop"…

We try to grab the first frame to show a preview. But if we can't for whatever reason, that's when the sad poop appears :(

the player is malfunctioning anyway, similarly to those videos that report short runtime and then go on forever that get passed around quite frequently

This is how the video element works in chromium. I suspect it looks at the same metadata field. Beyond leading to a bit of absurd UI state though it's not the same kind of issue that this post describes, which deals with trying to transcode these kinds of videos which could multiply storage utilization on the backend.

loving 'Firefox-UI-Fix' which fixes all the density changes introduced as well https://github.com/black7375/Firefox-UI-Fix/

Agreed - this makes the ui much better.

It's annoying have to manually enable compact in about:config to get back to the compact layout in new profiles.

I call bullshit on that one, there's no way you are running a CPU expensive game like ARMA on a q6600 at any usable FPS much less max settings, maybe at < 720p with tiny render distance. That game struggled on modern PCs when it came out in 2013, you are claiming an ancient CPU that's 6 years older. Yeah no way.

double click an element to change the color

Aha! Thank you!

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