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There is something weird in this chart. Clicking on the individual statistics ("Tesla Model 3") shows that it has excellent stats.


Ah, okay confusing. The original link is about quality issues. The individual statistics are about breakdown statistics.

So quality wise, checked by the TÜV (prerequisite for operating a vehicle in Germany) - not good.

Breakdown statistics, tracked by the ADAC (largest automotive club in Germany) - excellent.

It is weird for you to see different things in two totally different statistics? Hauptuntersuchung != Pannenstatistik.

The first checks whether it is safe to drive with this specific car on German streets. The second is about how often the ADAC had to help people whose cars broke down.

Accidents/breakdowns per 1.000 cars is obviously not the same thing as number of failed inspections. Also: All new cars in that price range have excellent stats in the statistic you mentioned.

I was pretty shocked Toyota RAV4 model year 2020 is about 12 times more likely to break down than a Tesla Model 3.

And 21x more for same comparison with model year 2019!

So not all cars have excellent statistics.

Indeed. Teslas seem to be one of the least likely cars to break down: https://www.adac.de/rund-ums-fahrzeug/unfall-schaden-panne/a...

I suppose those inspection failures are often about unused break pads. Perhaps Tesla should prompt the user to occasionally use breaks to keep them from rusting?

Tesla does this to some extent automatically.

>> To ensure brakes remain responsive in cold and wet weather, Model 3 is equipped with brake disc wiping. When cold and wet weather is detected, this feature repeatedly applies an imperceptible amount of brake force to remove water from the surface of the brake discs.

Definitely: Some manufacturers do this for other onboard systems (e.g. exhaust gas treatment). Tesla should use the break pads occasionally instead of relying on recuperation.


The average Tesla has driven almost twice as far as most of the top 10

When you click on the name, you get the "Pannenstatistik". Which sounds like it is how many cars insured by ADAC had a problem on the road.

The chart on the "TÜV-Report" seems to be what percentage of cars turned out to have a problem when routinely checked in a garage.

your link refers to "pannen" which means breakdowns, e.g. your car dying on the highway.

OPs article refers to a report by TÜV which inspects cars every 3 (for older cars every two years) to ensure that they dont have any flaws and are compliant with regulation. This inspection is mandatory in Germany.

source: am German, but not a subject matter expert.

those are accident stats, not inspections

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