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Wechat is basically everything for mainland users.

Need to pay registration for car? Wechat

Need to verify covid screening to enter the country as a resident? Wechat

Need to request a taxi? Wechat

Need to pay your electricity bill? Wechat

EVERYTHING is done through wechat.

Yes, indeed. That said put in another way, they're just a bank and Facebook at the same time, which is indeed scary. Not that it would be very different if they were different services for spying purposes, the government can always centralize the data.

From my understanding, the material where the finger holes are drilled is not heavy enough to make a difference. However, where the holes are drilled relative to the rotation center of the ball, does make a difference.

I remember when, in college, the pro-shop of my local bowling alley described asymmetric cores and how finger holes in relation to the center of gravity changed ball movement.

It was revelatory. It made me feel like a superman to toss a ball down the lane and see it reliably curve towards the intended target.

To read this was a joy. I'm not sure why all the hate that it's not filled with more diagrams, or the (justified) hate with Wired's paywall strategies. But the human side of engineering was artfully portrayed and engaging.

I appreciate this comment. We can develop these little ingrained patterns that keep things 'optimal' and at the same time think about future us having to read the code again.

I know that even 1 week future me appreciates readable code at the expense of a _little_ bit of performance.

I love these kinds of projects.

My favorite of online noise is https://mynoise.net/

Infinitely configurable, can save personal settings in a cookie. Good stuff

This looks great! I've been using https://asoftmurmur.com/ because I like the "meander" feature which gives a randomness to the noise. Strangely I find "flat" noises (like a fan running at a constant speed) to be too distracting. Looks like mynoise has a similar feature called "slider animation" and lots more selection.

>My favorite mynoise.net/

Possibly the best, and very comprehensive. Great user interface. I am in touch with the owners, they're looking at creating a 'pub' option. Authenticity is important so until pubs are open, it sits in the planning stage, as all the appropriate recordings can't be made.

The myNoise pub is actually already open : https://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/jazzBarNoiseGenerator.php

That was quick. Sounds good. I'm currently trying to discern the difference between the barman and the barmaid...

What is the source of the logic for these mechanics? Meaning, how did you model the results of these inputs? Traffic phenomena is really interesting to me. This is a great way to present these inputs and visually present the outcomes.

The author used the "intelligent driver model" (IDM): https://traffic-simulation.de/info/info_IDM.html

It's a system of ODEs that describes the dynamics of each driver. So the inputs are: the parameters of the model and the inflow of cars in the section of road

To model these types of processes people usually use stochastic processes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stochastic_process). I don't know what the author used, but seems inaccurate.

Last month would have been close to impossible. The leadup to the Tiananmen anniversary would see stronger crackdowns on VPN use.

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