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I love these kinds of projects.

My favorite of online noise is https://mynoise.net/

Infinitely configurable, can save personal settings in a cookie. Good stuff

This looks great! I've been using https://asoftmurmur.com/ because I like the "meander" feature which gives a randomness to the noise. Strangely I find "flat" noises (like a fan running at a constant speed) to be too distracting. Looks like mynoise has a similar feature called "slider animation" and lots more selection.

>My favorite mynoise.net/

Possibly the best, and very comprehensive. Great user interface. I am in touch with the owners, they're looking at creating a 'pub' option. Authenticity is important so until pubs are open, it sits in the planning stage, as all the appropriate recordings can't be made.

The myNoise pub is actually already open : https://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/jazzBarNoiseGenerator.php

That was quick. Sounds good. I'm currently trying to discern the difference between the barman and the barmaid...

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