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I think purpose of asking Leetcode hard questions in interviews is to reject if someone solves on the spot, and proceed with someone made reasonable progress and well thought out about the problem

Post seems more of a marketing for UltraCode than establishing the connection between AI and Interviews getting harder. Even before AI there were instances where Leetcode Hard questions were asked in interviews that are highly unlikely to solve in 30 mins, unless seen that Q before.

Build up to the lie is better than the lie. I would never brag about these kind of lies to be honest

Build up to the lie is better than the lie. I would never brag about these kind of lies to be honeest

"meditation is a religious practice" this statement of your is enough to prove that you are motivated by theory that your book is the only one and everything else is false or satonic. Meditation will really help you, you should try.

I am experienced software engineer. I want to start learning AI, do you recommend any articles books, and order in which I need to proceed.

How important is Linear Algebra for day to day work in FANG companies?

Not. It's an extremely fundamental area of mathematics, necessary for really understanding any mathematical subject (including statistics, machine learning, signal processing etc) but it's not at all necessary for the vast majority of programming / software engineering tasks, and indeed you'll find excellent software engineers who haven't got a clue about linear algebra. I think the reason you see it discussed on HN is because many people here are interested in mathematics and that sort of theoretical way of thinking.

I don't mean to sound negative about it though. For example, the notions of abstraction and interface are very important in both maths and software.

Misleading Title. It is not about using VPN but about propagating rumors.

This is a law in India, as there were instances of riots caused by social media rumor.

Actual News ----------- The FIR has been registered while taking cognisance of the social media posts by miscreants by using different VPNs, which are propagating rumours with regard to the current security scenario in the Kashmir valley, secessionist ideology and glorifying terrorists, the police said.

I am young Techie from India too and I totally support it.

Suppressing secession is tyranny. India should know a thing or two about that.

It is not tyranny, when it involves terrorism. There were multiple demands for secession in the past across Punjab, assam and all were resolved through dialog. Problem with Kashmir is, it Foreign Funded terrorism and there were attempts for discussions in the past and which didn't work

> It is not tyranny, when it involves terrorism

I'm not sure I would otherwise bring this up, as it's of tangential relevancy at best, but to return to GP's point, could the prelude to Indian independence (c. 1900-1920), and the response of the colonial government, not be described in similar terms?


Both are completely different. In colonial government, people does not have equal rights. Britishers more interested in taking riches to their country than interested in welfare of the people. In this current scenario, every citizen has equal rights and can become PM too.

P.S. Your English is very deep.

No one suppressed secession. There have been secession movements not just in Kashmir but in North East too. That doesn't give anyone the authority to conduct terror attacks on fellow citizens. When things go beyond a point of no return then force is needed. Since the day India Abrogated Article 370 there hasn't been one major terror attack in Kashmir. That is good enough for the rest of India that was sick and tired of hearing Civilians and Army men being targeted by terrorists in Kashmir ever since the Kashmiri Pandit exodus in the 1990s. If you want to learn a thing or two about India, you better read up on Exodus and Genocide Kashmiri Pandits and how they are now refugees in their own country. Then you have the rights to lecture Indians on what is democracy and what is tyranny. We have been the most accommodative over the years and our patience has been tested far beyond permissible limit. India already went through a terrible Partition in 1947 on Religious lines where Muslims did not want to live with Hindus. Did that solve the problem? Nope. We already had one Partition. Won't allow more. And we shouldn't even be justifying it. It is surprising to me that people here question the decisions of a Sovereign Nation on what it should and should not do. Would you be willing to have your Nation broken up into multiple pieces because some Tom, Dick or Harry doesn't like the way it is now? Don't be ridiculous!

> Would you be willing to have your Nation broken up into multiple pieces because some Tom, Dick or Harry doesn't like the way it is now?

As someone who conceivably sees this happening to his country in the relatively near future (English; Scotland leaving the UK), I'm not sure it's my right to prevent the secession of an identifiable group/country/region (the special status under Article 370 seems to suggest Jammu and Kashmir _might_ be such) against their will.

> Since the day India Abrogated Article 370 there hasn't been one major terror attack in Kashmir.

Only six months on from abrogation I'd be somewhat reluctant to draw any firm conclusions. Based on my limited understanding, major attacks do not seem to be have been of such a frequency that you would necessarily expect one to occur within that six month period.

> the special status under Article 370 seems to suggest Jammu and Kashmir _might_ be such

Nope. Article 370 was always a temporary provision. It was not permanent Special Status. The Act itself said that the provision was temporary and could be lifted by just Presidential Consent. And the will of the people cannot be taken into account without considering Kashmiri Pandits who are the original inhabitants of Kashmir but were kicked out by Jihadis in the 90s. Read up on Exodus and Genocide of Kashmiri Pandits. They are living as refugees in their own country. For past 30 years. Has there been a greater injustice than this? And you can see the vitriol against the Pandits in the comment section for yourself. See your sibling comment on how ridiculous some can get when it comes to the treatment meted out to the Pandits. If this is how their reaction is towards Kashmiri Pandits in the virtual world imagine what it is like on ground. They were given 3 options: Raliv, Galiv ya Chaliv which translates to Convert, Die or Leave. Another popular slogan: "Leave your women behind". You may have calls for separatism in your country but it was never on religious lines. You will never understand that pain.

So we are going to go back to Pandits taking 75% of seats in NIT Srinagar? Is that acchhe din?


I don’t hate Pandits. I had Pandit classfellows in college and Hindu friends at college and school. Shame on you for implying this. I hate that things got to this point, that’s why I bring these things up. These are complaints that people had in 1980s and you aren’t going to erase them. NIT Srinagar was formerly “Regional Engineering College”

You absolutely do. Every comment you have made has this underlying racism against the Pandits. There is no question about it. You denying it won't change the opinion I have already made about you.

An NIT cannot be transformed back into an REC. I studied in NITK which was earlier KREC. When it becomes an NIT, AICTE rules apply. We had students from Kashmir studying in NITK too when I was pursuing my degree. Kashmiris have all benefits of applying for jobs, education and buying land anywhere in India but it wasn't possible for Indians to do the same as long as Article 370 existed. You talk about Pandits as if they stole your jobs and education. The 75% reservation for Pandits never existed. If you have a proof for it you are more than welcome to show. The fact of the matter is you don't. These sort of lies and deceit is what led to the Religious hysteria against Pandits eventually leading to their Genocide and Exodus. You should be thankful to them that they did not resort to violence or took revenge. You drove the Pandits out. Fine. Then what did you do? Did you send your children to schools and get them a good education in NIT Srinagar? You did not. You made them pick up stones and then when they graduated from stone pelting, thrust AK-47 in their hands. 30 years since the Exodus, Kashmiri Muslim children are not at all on par with the rest of India. I saw how my friends from Kashmir struggled in NITK. First of all their representation was so poor. Just 3 Kashmiri Muslims in the batch I graduated from. Rest of the States sent a minimum of 20 students. Worst part was that the 3 Kashmiri Muslim students had gotten admission through various quotas. If not for those quotas their ranks would never have gotten them seats in NITK. So what did you achieve by kicking out the Pandits? Did the Kashmiri children grow up to be Doctors, Engineers, Scientists or Artists? Barring a few exceptions here and there most still don't have access to basic education. Despite the fact that approximately 10% of annual budget was reserved for Jammu and Kashmir the past 3 decades. If my State (Karnataka) had gotten that kind of allocation from annual budget we would have transformed Karnataka into a World class State with Hi-Tech infrastructure and excellent education and health system. Not to mention the amount we would have spent on tourism! With the limited budget we could do so much. You get 10% of the annual budget every year for 30 years. And yet Jammu and Kashmir is lacking majorly in infrastructure and education. Who gobbled up all that money? Muftis, Abdullahs or the Geelanis? You can't even blame Jammu or Ladakh for this mismanagement and corruption because they were under your mercy. So stop lying. We are not stupid. We have done enough for Kashmir and did not get anything back in return. You couldn't manage anything. Neither monetary management nor instill social harmony. You were a failure in all counts. A failed society in Paradise. What can be a greater shame than that? Now that Article 370 has been abrogated, we'll do the management. You will then notice the real difference in the next few years once Terrorism has been reigned in. You'll also see what you lost in the process all these 30 years. Today Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh should have been a model state with World class infrastructure for the kind of budget it received for 30 years. But unfortunately it is not. But now it'll be and you'll be a witness to that transformation. At least this time don't repeat the blunders of the past.

And before you point your finger at others first introspect on how big a failure you have been. Both as a movement and in your attitude towards your fellow brothers and sisters from another Religion. You fanned the hatred. Now don't cry if people at the receiving end of your hate are angry. We all have a limit. Don't test those limits.

I’m not Kashmiri, my grandfather belonged to Gulbarga (in fact, Mirwaiz and Geelani hate my community and would have me executed and thrown out of Islam even though a shrine in Srinagar is holy place for them ) and I wasn’t saying there was 75% reservation. I am talking about the admissions results in 1986 [1] esp for premedical studies. You cannot seriously tell me 95% of valley is bagging 25% of seats without there being serious underinvestment in education on both federal and state levels. As for my class fellow, she is professor at Stanford now, you can ask her if she thinks I am racist.

[1] https://kashmirlife.net/muffed-99889/

I’ll concede that not all of those 75% could be domiciled Kashmiri (ie Pandit/Sikh)

Is this going to be a preview of the post-Article 370 wonders to come?


Tell me Young Techie, how do you tell the difference between someone who is alleged to have spread rumours and someone speaking the truth?

And when you say you totally support it, do you support everything the BJP has done?

Seems like your comments motivated mainly based on anti BJP than the topic in discussion. Just to keep your mind at peace, From this point onwards, I 100% support BJP.

Thank You

Is it Good or Bad? And in what way?

"Good" and "bad" aren't nuanced enough terms for the discussion. What has happened is a classical indicator of a recession has emerged, because investors are demonstrating pessimism about long term bond yields compared to near term bond yields. This does not mean we are presently in a recession, nor does it mean we are necessarily entering one soon. But the indicator has historically correlated with recessions (consistently since 1970 if I recall correctly).

A better question for you to ask is this: what does my investment portfolio look like and when do I expect to withdraw from it? It's healthy for economies to go through credit/debt prosperity cycles, but this will be concerning for you if you (among other things) plan to withdraw a nontrivial amount of your investment fund(s) in the near future. If your employment situation is stable and you're not planning any large withdrawals, this is probably not something to immediately worry about. If you work in an industry which benefits from greater volatility, this might actually be beneficial for you.

>"If your employment situation is stable and you're not planning any large withdrawals, this is probably not something to immediately worry about."

This is an important note. If we do face another Black Swan event like the housing crisis, it may not be directly related to housing in the same way. As such, it signals a general "be on alert" from a risk standpoint. If you would be in serious trouble financially if you lost your job tomorrow, you may want to shore up your cash position to ensure you have a way to ride things out. If you feel relatively secure, you may want to free up some liquidity for opportunities that might present themselves. If you're about to buy a house, now might be a good time to move those funds out of the market, or consider the timing of your purchase altogether. These are just a few considerations.

It's very bad, in the short term. It means that investors expect an economic recession soon. We're about due for one. It's going to be especially fun this time, since a lot of people have investments running on autopilot.

In the long term, regular recessions are healthy, since they clear out accumulated fraud and deadweight, forcing people to make necessary but unpleasant hard decisions.

The article said the last such inversion preceded the recession by 28 months.

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