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It is not tyranny, when it involves terrorism. There were multiple demands for secession in the past across Punjab, assam and all were resolved through dialog. Problem with Kashmir is, it Foreign Funded terrorism and there were attempts for discussions in the past and which didn't work

> It is not tyranny, when it involves terrorism

I'm not sure I would otherwise bring this up, as it's of tangential relevancy at best, but to return to GP's point, could the prelude to Indian independence (c. 1900-1920), and the response of the colonial government, not be described in similar terms?


Both are completely different. In colonial government, people does not have equal rights. Britishers more interested in taking riches to their country than interested in welfare of the people. In this current scenario, every citizen has equal rights and can become PM too.

P.S. Your English is very deep.

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