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Summary: Memcached provides an external storage shim called extstore, that supports storing of data on SSD (I2) and NVMe (I3). extstore is efficient in terms of cost & storage device utilization without compromising the speed and throughput. All the metadata (key & other metadata) is stored in RAM whereas the actual data is stored on flash.

For me vimwiki [https://github.com/vimwiki/vimwiki] is good enough, here is a nice overview: https://www.dailydrip.com/blog/vimwiki

This follows the idea of the (now aged) W3C core styles : https://www.w3.org/StyleSheets/Core/Overview.html

Lots and lots of shots of "Space: 1999" interiors.

The requirement to sync git repositories seems pointless to me. Why sync a distributed VCS via a filesystem?

I would guess they don"t care. These countries are not exactly the target market for such a expensive phone.

It costs $2.60 to view the website in Canada with non-retina images.

Source: https://whatdoesmysitecost.com/test/161007_QR_78c23294113b6c...

Full gallery at http://imgur.com/a/EzOrn

A good set of basic, controversy-free guidelines for clean java code style

‘bring your .bashrc, .vimrc, etc. with you when you ssh’. A really nice implementation of this idea.

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