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[crofflr dev here] The binary used by crofflr will still work and the currently used version is already years old. Alternatively it would be easy to switch to calibre based tooling.

To be fair it should be mentioned that only a first runway and a few improvised buildings were created in this time frame. The Tegel Airport of 1948 ist in no way comparable to a modern airport.

The runway at Tegel was built on military orders in 90 days in order to serve the Berlin Airlift - more of a life and death situation for the city than opening Brandenburg!

Nice discussion about storing bookmarks.

BTW there s desktop client for Nextcloud notes, Qownnotes https://www.qownnotes.org/

Does not work with cats.

It says so in the about section. The AI is trained on people.

Let's make this a feature request for the version 2.0. People love cats and dogs.

EDIT: And horses? I guess they are common in photos of trips.

""And so castles made of sand melts into the sea eventually"

In the the end this the reality for many things we create.

tl;dr: This converts a file containing conflict markers into a two-way diff. Claims that tow-way diffs are the better choice.

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