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Any Suggestions for Bookmark Managers?
31 points by basemaly on June 16, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 18 comments
Hi there. I've been using Pinboard for over 10 years, and delicious bookmarks before that, but lately Pinboard's performance has been on and off. I recently tried raindrop.io, but it didn't suit me. Can anyone suggest similar tag-driven bookmark managers I can try out? Thanks!

Almost the same question got asked just few days ago https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36287947

I really enjoy https://raindrop.io/

I started using GoodLinks last year, and it has been great. Very simple and minimal UX, sync across platforms, has nice features like tagging (that "just works" in the simplest way possible, without any unnecessary cruft).

Overall, can definitely recommend.

Check out https://www.nipht.io/

It satisfies your requirements for tag-driven organization as well as has some great search capabilities to help you find what you need as your library grows in size.

DevonThink ToGo on iOS (DevonThink on Mac) is an excellent catch-all for any kind of content, including bookmarks which is a specific type for capturing. When you share, the modal that comes up has options for naming, assigning a type to format it properly (bookmark/webpage/pdf/markdown/etc), and tagging/flags/note.

Is there any option that could auto-categorize some 10+ years worth of compulsive bookmarking?

I built a tag-driven bookmark manager because I couldn't find one I liked: https://sharkbookmark.com

Rust based, fuzzy find, full text search, tags, CLI only: https://github.com/sysid/bkmr

I currently use xBrowserSync and I've had zero issues, it may not be your exact use-case, but it does allow tagging of bookmarks, searching, etc.

Already tried anybox? (https://anybox.app/)

I’m curious. What do you find more useful about a tool like that rather than the built-in bookmark manager?

i used to do folder-based organization but eventually just started throwing bookmarked into larger buckets of general topics and then using the search in FireFox’s bookmark sidebar to find the one I want.

Checkout https://www.partizion.io/. Find it super useful because it auto-saves sessions (so I can close anything and not worry about losing it) and you can create permanent collections of tabs that you can restore in one click.

I use multiple devices so it’s easier if my bookmarks are in the cloud. I also often share bookmarked lists with friends. Finally, I like to be able to use additive tags rather than folders.

I’m using Raindrop.io but not for bookmarks, I’m using it to save all the interesting articles and stuff.

Looks like a sweet alternative (currently use raindrop), but unfortunately would not be usable on my windows desktop


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