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> Sure, why not? It's not like it's a huge sacrifice on my part. It's just a little reduction in convenience. No big deal.

I can easily imagine a world where in ~20-30 years, there are no bank branches or phones or ATM machines or cash--because 99.99% of people have no interest in using those things anymore. In that world, suddenly it becomes an almost insurmountable inconvenience not to acquiesce to whatever is required to use online banking.

And when that day comes, then I'll figure out some other mitigation strategy.

afaik reading env vars requires no sys calls and thus will not appear in strace

So there should be a different tool used which will intercept environment variables reads and will log them.

Honestly if social media companies pulled out of Utah, I could see tens of thousands of families choosing to move to Utah for that reason alone.

I'm always very unimpressed by this kind of argumentation. There's a clear difference in kind between Hackernews, Reddit, Instagram, and TikTok. Sure, they all feature user-submitted content, but to pretend that there is any meaningful similarity beyond that seems silly.

I'm always very unimpressed by people who believe that politicians have the intellectual capacity to differentiate between HN and Reddit.

They don't, especially when they're throwing their weight around after screaming about internet boogeymen for years.

Go watch the Tiktok hearings. They were losing their minds because filters could track your eyes and your cell phone could use the internal wifi network in order to access the internet.

In the eyes of the law, they are essentially the same.

> There's a clear difference in kind

Is there? Is there to your 80 year old senator and their constituents that think the internet is a series of tubes. You know, the constituents that actually vote?

Does it matter how well you explain it anyway? Modern political language lacks definition by design. Do street interviews and ask Americans what socialism is. Then ask them what they'd call the government giving banks money. Then ask them how many times in the last 20 years the government has given banks money.

My argument is that we should just not let the governments pass these kinds of laws because it opens the door to using these laws to arbitrarily block whatever website they can vaguely hand wave as "social media" or whatever they pick.

> Grades and SAT scores are only one factor of many that are used in admissions decisions.

The other factors were added specifically in order to give universities leeway to massage the demographics of the incoming class. IIRC this kind of holistic admission was invented specifically to be able to reject Jewish applicants who tended to be academically strong but less "well rounded" than WASPs. So ivies effectively put a cap on the Jewish quotient by creating the holistic system.

Check out this article:


The original push for diversity was successfully implemented by Eliot (president before Lowell).

Lowell definitely twisted the implementation and took it in a twisted direction (notable that his beliefs were more widely held than Eliot’s), but all of that was (relatively quickly) undone by Conant (president after Lowell), and a push toward more diversity in the manner of Eliot was continued.

Years ago I came across this talk about a guy who built a Clojure wrapper around OpenSCAD in order to design his own keyboard. Potentially relevant:


Loved the idea of the Dactyl Manuform when I first saw it, however in the act of trying to customize it to exactly what I needed/wanted I found the whole process convoluted and annoying. I understand the idea behind it now and might try and set my environment up to match his (since I didn't know he had a video on it.) But either way I can't see this as being a good solution to the problem.


Not to be snarky, but if the weather outdoors is uncomfortable enough to be using climate control, why would I want to open the window?

Because presumably in this case you would want to open a window for fresh air, and simultaneously run your heating system to heat up that fresh air?

I was responding to a comment that presupposes the need for fresh air. If you don't need that, feel free to close the windows then.

You want to open windows in opposite sides of the house to quickly circulate air from outside to inside. 5 minutes should be enough. It will get colder, but most of the heat is in walls and furnitures and as long as you only open the windows for a few minutes it should be quick to heat up the air again.

You do realize that “open the window and hear that air” is massively energy inefficient, right?

I don't know; is it more energy inefficient than having a fresh air intake via a duct? Maybe they are comparable in the absence of a heat recovery ventilation system (mentioned by a sibling comment upthread)?

Our house has a heat exchanger that exchanges air. So the outgoing air changes the temperature of the incoming air.

You don't necessarily need to take in fresh air to freshen air in certain ways. It might suffice to pass it though a good filter.

HEPA and carbon filters do wonders for cooking smells, particulates etc, but unfortunately do nothing for the main reason you want air exchange with outside, which is CO2 buildup.

Airborne allergens can be an issue, and dust more generally.

Seems like it would be more efficient to wear a climate controlled bubble suit than heating up entire rooms. And you could even go outside when it is cold or hot or dusty.

Because it smells bad inside? Because fresh air feels good? Not to be snarky, but how did you miss these use cases?

If it's pretty cold outside, then you're throwing all of the ostensible energy savings of a heat pump out the window the minute you open it to air out the house.

Following the thread of conversation, it just didn't compute to me:

>>>> Heat pumps are great for climate control >>> Yeah, ducts are dead >> What if you want to recirculate air in your house through your central air filter to eliminate smells? > Just open the window

It's like we've hit a contraction: the premise is that we care about energy but the contractions is then that we don't and we open the window while climate controlling the house. So to me it does seem to prove that in some climates, duct work with a central blower and filter mat not be dead.

I think there's a middle ground.

We've just today had our first snow of the season here in a lower elevation of the Sierra Foothills. It's been chilly for 3 months or so, and our heating is an 'old school' ducted propane furnace. In time, we'll replace it with a heat pump, but not this year. Anyway, we're sensitive to accumulated odors that go with a well insulated, closed-up home in winter.

Every evening, we open three doors in the house to the outside. This is after the furnace has entered its timed 'off for the night' state. We exchange pretty much all of our air for fresh ambient, which is great when we wake up in the morning.

The impact from doing this on our propane bill is undetectable. This is because air, even humid air, has a trivial heat capacity compared to the warm house structure and contents. Those are by far the greatest energy reservoir in our home. Very little energy is lost in a daily air exchange with the ambient.

*edited for typo

For an existing dwelling, the best solution is probably mini splits (wall mounted) combined with decentralised heat recovery ventilation as required.

Ducts running in an insulated space are sources of huge energy loss.


Yes correct! Thank you!

I'm not sure why "Heat pumps are great for climate control" went to "ducts are dead".

I live in Florida, we've used Heat Pumps for as long as I can remember. We also have central air handlers with blowers and ducts to distribute the conditioned air. Mini-splits can _also_ be ducted mini-splits. According to my HVAC geek friend, mini-splits are pretty terrible about humidity control (an important thing in Florida). For proper humidity control you'd ideally have a dedicated set of dehumidification ducts (powered by a central dehumidifier) as well. Mix in an ERV and you have the ability to build a fairly air-tight house with _controlled_ ventilation and very efficient conditioning of the air in the house.

The Melbourne climate I was referring to needs heating 9 months of the year. The vast majority of houses have very simple, inefficient gas ducted heating. Rightly or wrongly, humidity control is generally not well considered.

I was going to install an ERV system but the payback was not within the life of the equipment.

Someday I’ll build a Passivhaus with a system as you describe.

No doubt: majority of the southern US went to heatpumps with central air handlers 2-3 decades ago. Ducts are definitely not dead. Or, if they're dead, then they must be as dead as BSD. :-P

For the fresh air that this thread is about, regardless of whether it comes through a glazed window or a duct connected directly to AC system?

If I understand correctly, you're asserting that that's causal--that being born into affluence causes children to develop in a way that leads to them "passing" the marshmallow test.

Do you have evidence to exclude other possible interpretations, such as the possibility that children resisting the temptation of a marshmallow and their parents being rich are actually the effects of some other underlying single cause?

> If I understand correctly, you're asserting that that's causal--that being born into affluence causes children to develop in a way that leads to them "passing" the marshmallow test.

Stop and think.

If you are rich that marshmallow is probably very bland or you've eaten very well today. So maybe two makes more sense.

If you aren't, that marshmallow is super tasty and you probably didn't eat well today. Plus do you believe that grownup when your mom was lying. Someone might come and eat it.

Then some time passes. Rich kids grow up and are more successful. Delayed gratification is key to success!


> if every rude student got expelled, there wouldn't be many left in school

Anecdotally, in my experience, probably about 90% would've been left in school.

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