I think the china balloon incident became political very quickly and then the political part of our government decided to ask the defense department to clean up things that we have previously been accepting as unexplained but acceptable becasue they were not attributable to state actors. a UAP that isnt owned by China or any other country that is just hanging out, I think we previously were letting them hang out.
CLRS does about 5 pages on linked lists. If you want more, my advice would be to implement one in your language of choice, then look at the API for the standard lib impl of a linked list in your language of choice (if there is one).
Otherwise, for more reading on linked lists, read through adlist.c from redis, by antirez.
Next, one of the best books (IMO) on algorithmic thinking is SICP. Get through a few chapters, do the exercises, grok recursion, etc.
In no particular order:
Algorithm Design Manual, Skiena
Algorithm Design, by Kleinberg/Tardos
Algorithms, Sedgwick 4th ed. (also Algorithms in C)
If you find you need or would like more math:
Discrete Mathematics (Epp is an easier read, Rosen seems more verbose)
Eh, idk. We could have lisp, x-expressions, macros, and DSLs instead of most frameworks. We could even use lisp dialects to “write C” (eg Chicken Scheme).
I do think a lot of frameworks are fashion statements, but that’s okay because style matters when doing creative work.
Was reading through some C++ at work the other day and was like “why is this reference.. assigned to… copy constructor?… oh, yeah…”
IMO it’s better (explicit) to see a call to `.clone()`, but maybe this is because I’m not up to my elbows in C++ everyday. Either way, I think Rust will continue to grow in popularity (C as well).
Yeah, they’re tailored. I get ads for perf dev tools, compilers. I still get ads for vehicles months after buying one.
I’ve only had one ad that was “eerie.” Coworkers were talking about a kind of beverage I’d never heard of (talking over zoom, on a work-only machine), got an ad for the product later that day. Could be that I just recognized the name from our convo which caused me to scroll back up...
I finally figured out the spookiness after talking to my mom on the phone about vacuum cleaners and then getting ads for vacuum cleaners:
My mom bought a vacuum online after our phone call, and one way advertisers choose an audience is “all the friends of someone who searched for the product”
My roommate and I confirmed this by getting ads for something the other just googled.
What I’m trying to say is, targeted ads ruin Christmas, but no one will hear me out :’(
When I think about Linus’ lack of objection to Rust I immediately think about his vocal disdain for C++
When I learned rust I thought it felt more C-like than C++ to be honest. Nowadays I’m pretty happy to be in this c to rust to c loop.
I think you’re exactly right about c++ not offering much benefit to someone like Linus. It’s much simpler than c++. Rust has also informed the way I write C (granted, I’ve also gained more experience along the way, but rust forced me to have more discipline for sure).
Wow. I can read Bloomberg articles for the low annual rate of $290/year for the first year, but after that the introductory offer expires and then I would only be charged $415/year... /s
Alright, sarcasm aside, does anyone pay for this subscription? What makes it “worth it?”
Does that mean they don’t exist? Are the FAANG chip makers paying a lot more for engineering than in the asics space? Genuine questions, I have a growing interest in this (vast) space.
Definitely more than Apple and Intel, Google hires and pays for superior intellect. Only place that might pay better is specialized telco hardware engineers in finance (but that’s not of the same magnitude as modems or TPUs)