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Appreciate how well-written and approachable this post was!

I agree, I'd love to see this as a docker container or Makefile where dependencies are automatically pulled in if not present on the host machine.

I think even Docker might be a big ask. I mean, my experience so far has been that a lot of the people that this is targeted towards are still using platforms like Wordpress, Drupal, and Magento (all php...). Heck, git adoption still isn't 100% in this market; I just recently received sftp credentials from an agency that works in this niche.

Command line would be the only necessity. You can write a script that could download docker & run it. That's what I meant by Makefile too.

I'd say CLI access is an even higher bar. Even in most medium-sized companies, the website people would never be able to get shell access in a reasonable amount of time, if at all, as they might be using web or CMS hosting.

Scale this up to a government organization, and the chance of it happening is basically zero, especially in an emergency. And even if they host their own web servers and manage to get access to them, the chances of them being able to run Docker or really anything besides what they were set up for without unreasonable effort are slim at best.

I'm not saying Netlify is a good solution, but it's one that a single creative tech could figure out and set up in a day and would be almost guaranteed to work well.

Agreed. Think something like sheet2site.com, but even then it requires one to be familiar with spreadsheets.

SEEKING WORK Colorado, Remote + Travel

I'm a cloud consultant with a background in web & mobile app dev. I love helping app developers build & release quickly & safely through scalable infrastructure & automated CI/CD & build systems.

I specialize in Kubernetes, Bazel, Spinnaker, Istio, and am a certified Google Cloud Architect. I've spent the last 18 months partnering with Google to migrate their largest customers.

Read more at HireMiles.com. Email me at miles@hiremiles.com.

  Location: Colorado
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: GCP/AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, Istio, Spinnaker, Bazel, Ruby/Rails, Java, iOS, Android
  Résumé/CV: https://linkedin.com/in/milesmatthias, hiremiles.com
  Email: miles@hiremiles.com

I haven't reached my goals, so take my advice with a grain of salt.

But I'm focusing on my environment and the habits. Doing the daily habit as best I can.

Just want to compliment how well written this article is. A lot of technical articles lack the context or basic background (“why”) and this article does a great job.

Why / Intent is the biggest overlooked aspect of computer science / computer engineering imo.

I just wish more technical documentation had a human element of “what we intended” to it.

This is the same for the train and shipping industries. I’ve always thought those vehicles had ample opportunities to capture solar rays and wind since they’re out in the open all the time, but we simply don’t have batteries and engines powerful enough yet.

I mean, basically every train engine you'll see that isn't steam is powered by electric motors. The diesel engine just makes electricity for them, and is not used to directly drive them via transmission like in a car or truck.

Point taken -- AWS is better at ops than the developers who create open source tools.

Then why not pay a fraction of the money you're earning on offering these tools back to the open source community? Using something like GitHub's new funding tools?

And why not contribute changes made to these projects back to the community? This is robbery at best camouflaged as benevolence.

It’s very interesting to me that he didn’t mention the B Corp organization, who attempts to do exactly that. Is there a reason for this? Maybe he thinks the requirements/audits are too burdensome?

They're really excited about 1.0 for this reason, they're tired of breaking other people's builds too. The goal is to limit that with the 1.0 release, so expect this to get a lot better.

I follow some of the relevant repositories, and there has been a big effort over the last few months to get many many loose ends cleaned up, toward a stable set of tools that will change in a predictable cadence without undue breakage.

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