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Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking Freelancer? (February 2020)
133 points by whoishiring on Feb 3, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 209 comments
Please lead with either SEEKING WORK or SEEKING FREELANCER, your location, and whether remote work is a possibility.

Bonsai (YC W16) (https://www.hellobonsai.com) offers freelance contracts, proposals, invoices, etc.

SEEKING WORK - Remote - A designer who can code! I got 5 years of experience in Fin-Tech and over 9 years combined in Journalism, TV and Media, Health, Science and more. I'm experienced in Vue.js, Django, Phoenix framework, Quasar, Hugo, Laravel, ClojureScript, PostCSS and Sass just to name a few. Pick up new tech easily and like working on complex products. Fin-Tech case-studies available upon request but other case-studies can be seen on my website: https://gilli.is

I can provide the following for you:

- Design — Whether you need a design from scratch, a redesign, or you're having issues with a small part of you product, I can design it.

- Front-end Development — I can build the design into a pixel perfect product, this is rare among us designers and has proven to be extremely powerful for the end result since there is less wasted effort.

- Analysis — Your users know everything that's wrong with your product but have difficulty communicating it. Often it comes out in anger and frustration. That's where my usability analysis comes in. I'll review your app from an outsider and expert point of view, and give you actionable feedback.

- Free advice — You might not be sure if I am the right fit and I very well might not be. I can help you figure out the best direction to go, for free.

I take my work very serious and put a lot of work into good communication, good planning, and, last but not least, properly understanding your product so that we can produce great results.

Portfolio at: https://gilli.is

Contact me at gilli@hn.gilli.is

SEEKING WORK / Remote only / United States (Puerto Rico, GMT-4)

I offer two services:

1) Design and implement data processing systems.

2) Data analytics and business intelligence to measure and improve the business performance of growing products.

I will instrument your software to produce the necessary metrics, measure conversion rates, set up insightful dashboards, and best of all: optimize and grow! Both now and down the road.

Email: heliodor [ a@t ) [ hostedmetrics ) d-o-t c-o-m

About me: My passion for metrics and data analytics goes more than nine years, when I joined as one of the first handful of engineers on the Data Analytics team at Squarespace. More recently, I have designed and implemented the systems to perform traffic, conversion, and profit analysis for an affiliate marketing company.

A few keywords for people using search: business intelligence, data analytics, data warehousing, ETL, data visualization, reporting, time series, Django, InfluxDB, Prometheus, Graphite, Grafana, Segment, RedShift, TimescaleDB.

SEEKING WORK | Buenos Aires, Argentina (GMT-3) | Remote | mikealche.com

* I'm an experienced web/mobile app developer. I can handle entire projects from concept to production, from ui design to backend and database.

* My last project was in the local news in Argentina. It is a free Mobile app that allows for the creation of curriculum vitaes. It was made in React Native with the backend in Node.JS + Express + PostgreSQL.

* I'm currently Finishing my Master Thesis in the University of Buenos Aires. My Thesis is on applying Deep Learning to diagnose skin lessions.

* I'm currently available for full/part time contracts.

* Tech stack: React.js, React-Native, javascript, Node.JS, Angular.JS, Express, Python, pandas, numpy, Pytorch.

* You can view the app at: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mikealche.... And the news at: * https://tn.com.ar/tecno/recomendados/un-estudiante-de-la-uba... and * https://www.a24.com/tecnologia/hizo-app-gratuita-pueda-armar...

email: mikealche@gmail.com

Buena suerte bro

SEEKING WORK | Central Europe(CET+0) | Remote | https://getivor.com

I'm a seasoned web development expert with a knack for UX design. I specialize in front-end(React), but also do back-end(Node).

I have extensive experience in architecting, building, and delivering large custom-made web applications. I prefer working on one project at the time and usually do 6+ month long engagements.

Over the last decade I helped several US/EU based clients build Airbnb-like platforms, real-time GPS vehicle tracking suites, healthcare/finance/construction apps, and more.

I mostly collaborate with tech companies, but also have a lot of positive experiences assuming CTO-for-hire roles to work with non-technical founders.

Tech stack: React.js, JS/TypeScript/Babel, Node, Webpack, GraphQL, ESLint, Cypress.io, styled-components etc.

• Read more on my website: https://getivor.com

• View recent project - Jira Clone (3,9k stars): https://github.com/oldboyxx/jira_clone | Live demo: https://jira.ivorreic.com

• Passion project from 2014 (100k monthly visitors): https://movieo.me/movies

Get in touch: ivor@codetree.co

Hey Ivor, Jira Clone looks rad, thanks for releasing it under the MIT license!


Full snack JavaScript developer, over 20 years experience

Frontend: React.js, Vue.js, Webpack

Backend: Node.js, GraphQL

Mobile/Desktop: React-Native, Electron

DevOps: Docker, Dokku, Kubernetes (learning)

GitHubs: https://github.com/joshmanders (personal), https://github.com/aniftyco (my company)

Blog/Site: https://joshmanders.com

Email: josh@joshmanders.com

Availability: 20-25 hrs / week

More info: https://full.snack.dev/for-hire

I eat sleep and breathe JavaScript. So much so that my license plate is NODEJS https://twitter.com/joshmanders/status/853640782460456960

I’ve contributed heavily to open source both in tools I use, and my own code being open sourced.

I’m building an application performance monitoring service on top of Google Lighthouse you can see at https://appmetrics.co

I’m available for whatever you need. If I don’t know it, I can pick up on it quickly to get the job done.

SEEKING WORK | Europe Timezone | REMOTE

Technologies: Vue.js, JavaScript, Node.js, Phonegap/Cordova, Wordpress, HTML5, CSS3

Website: https://lukaszkups.net/

CV: https://lukaszkups.net/static/lukasz-kups-cv-2019.pdf

Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/lukaszkups

email: letstalk (@/at) lukaszkups.net

github: https://github.com/lukaszkups

I'm a web developer from Poland with 9+ years of experience working on client & server side of web applications.

I love creating nice and useful things for the Internet people.

At the moment I feel most comfortable in working on Vue.js-powered Single Page Applications. Don't get it wrong though, I totally believe in can-do mindset and learning other frameworks shouldn't be a huge problem - in the end it's just a tool (that said I also know basics of React.js).

During my career I also had pleasure working on mobile apps built on top of JavaScript, Phonegap & Cordova. Wordpress theme development from scratch is not a problem for me either.

I also like to co-op with Ruby on Rails and Django devs, who provides me APIs for creating beautiful and useful frontend interfaces. I have also built couple simple endpoints using Node.js/Express.js by myself as well.

SEEKING WORK | Oxford, UK (company established as LLC in States) | Remote | https://daiter.dev Use me to condense your product's timeline and budget with bulletproof, scalable, and modular embedded software frameworks and tooling.

Previous Senior/Ld Software Engineer with 8 years of industry and research experience. Specifically interested in signal analysis and its interdisciplinary subdomains (psychology, interaction, etc.).

* Published computer vision scientist (ECCV '16) with 5 magnitude increase for photogrammetry in CUDA/SIMD

* Experienced AR/XR developer with strong embedded skills

* Hardware designer

* Available for part time work now, in a few months for full time work

* Currently finishing my Master's Thesis at Oxford. Double Master's in CS + EE, with specialities in embedded programming, functional languages and optics/FPGA dev/power electronics.

* Tech stack: Erlang, Elixir, C++, C, Assembler, SIMD, CUDA, OpticStudio, EAGLE

* Helped two previous companies save millions in cloud costs through novel video streaming algorithms and embedded computer vision algorithms.

email: matthew@daiter.dev

SEEKING WORK / Remote / Based in Los Angeles / Designer + Developer

I have 15 years of experience as a graphic designer and web developer. I create websites, brand identities and marketing material for a variety of companies including startups, agencies and non-profit organizations. In addition to my design skills, I have thorough knowledge of full-stack web development.

DESIGN: websites, mobile apps, logos, banner ads, marketing material, advertising, billboards, trade show displays, packaging, 3D modeling, photo retouching

DEVELOPMENT: HTML, CSS, LESS, JavaScript, Angular, jQuery, Node, PHP, Python, Django, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap, Foundation, REST APIs, Wordpress, Git, Webpack, Grunt/Gulp, <3 Static Site Generators

PORTFOLIO: https://sunderland.studio

LINKEDIN: http://linkedin.com/in/stevesunderland

CONTACT: stevesunderland[at]gmail.com

SEEKING WORK | Sarajevo (Bosnia & Herzegovina, Central European Time) | Remote

3-person team of senior software engineers and designers here. We all have 10+ years of experience working for Fortune 500 companies and several acquired startups. Comprehensive knowledge of:

• JavaScript/TypeScript, React, Redux, React Native, CSS, Node.js

• Clojure, Elixir

• PostgreSQL, MySQL

• Sketch, Adobe XD, Figma

What we can do for you:

• Design & Build an SPA/PWA/Mobile MVP on a solid foundation so it's smooth sailing once your userbase starts to grow.

• Scale up a team that has an overflow of work or wants to add certain tech to their stack.

• Revitalize an existing app. Solve design, scalability, stability and performance issues.

• Consult on domain specific topics like banking, real-time trading, payment processing and PCI DSS.

Sectors: FinTech, MedTech, EduTech, Social

Website: https://go-stellar.com

Email: hello@go-stellar.com

SEEKING WORK | Munich, Germany | Remote

Full-stack Senior Developer, former CTO with a lot of experience in a wide range of projects and companies, usually lead development teams, have strong algorithmic experience and advocate of functional programming.

Technologies: Typescript, React, React Native, Node.js, Java, Kotlin, Springboot, Rust, PostgreSQL, Redis, if you have some project with Haskell/Rust I can offer a discounted rate.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/oscar-franco-bbbb7319b/ github: https://github.com/ospfranco

email: ospfranco at protonmail dot com Hourly rate: 100€/hr


Location: Remote. Some overlap with Eastern timezone needed

We are a edtech company looking to hire a designer on contract basis to help revamp our product. We have very basic wireframes which will need to be converted into a good design. We can work with Invision or Sketch designs. Will need to load those in a tool like zeplin.io so that we can then get the styles to create the HTML.

The pages are mostly frontend/marketing facing and will have dynamic components like Listing/search and user interactive components like cart/checkout page etc.

Flexible on rates (hourly or project basis). Need someone who is available immediately. Please send an email to yc@treftsystems.com with your portfolio/blog/samples that you can share.

SEEKING WORK | Waterloo, ON Canada (UTC-5) | REMOTE ONLY

Fullstack Developer, 7+ years experience

Backend: Elixir, Rust

Frontend: React, ReasonML, Elm

Mobile: React Native

DevOps: Docker, Kubernetes, Dokku

Email: me@praveenperera.com

Availability: 20-25 hrs / week

I love Elixir and I’ve been using it and Phoenix since August 2015. Before that I was mostly doing Ruby/Rails work.

In the frontend I’ve mostly worked with React. I’ve also done a few web projects using Elm and ReasonML. As well mobile apps using React Native.

I love learning new things so recently I’ve also been learning Rust. So far I’ve loved it and I wrote a little CLI to sort Tailwind CSS classes: http://github.com/avencera/rustywind

A couple months ago I created a mini video course on how to get started using Kubernetes on DigitalOcean DOKS: (video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiSUpKDgWfQ&list=PLcdHMZkfm5...) (text: https://avencera.com/learn/)

Other stuff:

Personal GitHub: https://github.com/praveenperera

Company GitHub: http://github.com/avencera

LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/praveenperera/

Neglected Blog: http://blog.praveenperera.com

If you think you can use me for something you can contact me at me@praveenperera.com


Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) Engineer and Researcher available

I am an independent NLP/ML engineer and researcher. My clients include world-class institutions and startups such as the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence and RIKEN AIP. In the past, I worked as a researcher/engineer at Google, Microsoft Research, Baidu, and Duolingo. My expertise is NLP (especially for education and Asian language processing) and machine learning.

Let me know if you need help with your NLP/ML projects.

Website: http://masatohagiwara.net/

Email: masato [at] octanove.com

SEEKING WORK | Scottsdale, AZ OR Remote

* Product designer with 8 years of experience in design, plus 6 years of entrepreneurship experience

* Web and mobile UI design, wireframes, functional prototyping, UX strategy

* Available for part-time projects (approx 20 hours/week)

* Rate: $100/hour

* Website: http://tyreljohnson.com/

* Email: tyrelsj@gmail.com

* Note: I'm wrapping up a major project for a B2B SaaS startup. I designed a large component library/design system, as well as redesigned their web and mobile apps. I will be able to share information/images about this project mid-Feb, in case you are interested in seeing my recent work.

SEEKING WORK | Cambridge, UK | Remote

Startup Technical Lead. 25+ years of experience.

Hands-on development. Building and leading remote teams.

Recent projects:

  - collaboration platform from customer concept to live deployment
  - taking ownership of legacy code base
  - improving database efficiency
  - high-volume reporting system
Technologies: Python, Django, Postgres/MySQL, Amazon Web Services, JavaScript, Selenium, CI, git

Email: paul [dot] r [dot] redman [at] gmail.com

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulredman/

SEEKING WORK | Edinburgh, UK or remote | Web app designer + developer

Portfolio: https://www.seanw.org/


I'm a full stack developer with 10+ years of experience who can take your web app from concept to delivery.

I've consulted for well known global companies like Just Eat and Triumph Motorcycles, created my own commercially successful apps and have a PhD from Edinburgh University so you can rely on me to deliver high-quality solutions on schedule. I can take charge of requirements gathering, design, development and UX.


Portfolio: I've independently created two commercially successful apps where I was responsible for the concept, design, development, graphic design, UX and marketing.

- Checkbot for Chrome (https://www.checkbot.io/), a website auditor browser extension that checks 100s of pages at a time follow 50+ SEO, speed and security web best practices. This included authoring a modern web best practices guide (https://www.checkbot.io/guide/). Technologies: Vue, TypeScript, Node, Express, Firebase, Netlify, Paddle.

[ Rated 4.9/5, 30K+ active users, 100s of paying subscribers ]

- Fresco for Android (see https://www.seanw.org), a digital painting app which was one of the first on Android to support layers. Features customisable brushes, image filters, and robust undo/redo + autosave while being highly optimised for low-end devices. Technologies: Java, C, JNI.

[ Rated 4/5, 500K+ free downloads, 10K+ copies sold ]


Previous experience: Full stack development (JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, PHP, Java, OCaml), modern web frameworks (Express, Vue, Angular, WordPress), mobile app development (Android, iOS, PhoneGap/Cordova), cloud hosting (AWS, Google, Heroku, Firebase) and website optimisation (page speed, security & SEO).


See https://www.seanw.org for my portfolio, client endorsements and more on my background.

Email sw@seanw.org with details about your project so we can arrange a call and work towards a quote. I'll get back to you within one working day.

SEEKING WORK | Argentina | Remote

Email: hn.eafer@gmail.com

I'm a programmer, most familiar with C on Linux (both userland and the kernel). I'll be happy to start a project from scratch, or to help maintain any old codebase. For a sample of my work please see [1], a naive filesystem implementation I'm working on.

My country is going through one of its regular economic meltdowns, so my rates are very cheap. For what it's worth, I have a background in math.

[1] https://github.com/linux-apfs

SEEKING WORK - Remote, Jerusalem(Israel)

We are a tech cooperative developing and designing beautiful and modern web apps and websites. Our team is comprised of four developers, graphic designers, a Project manager and a UX designer.

We love working on projects that provide value to the world, environment and communities. We found that by working with clients we identify with, we give the best service, With emphasis on quality, attention to details, and the client's best interests.

Check out our updated portfolio on https://soficoop.com Some of our code can be viewed on GitHub: https://github.com/soficoop

Our go to tech stack is: VueJS, MongoDB,and Express for web apps, and WordPress for CMS. We're explorers though, and worked with: Drupal,React,Three.js,Cesium.js,Strapi,ClojureScript(re-frame),Docker,OpenAPI and Python.

We're always interested in challenging ourselves with learning new tools and technologies, As a team we take code quality seriously, and strive to integrate Agile and Scrum methods into our workflow to the best effect.

Our hourly rates are 70 USD/hour. But only this February development hours are 55$. Ssh. don't tell anyone. Discounts are available for socially inclined clients and for big/long-term projects. Contact us via our website or or email us on sofia@soficoop.com.

SEEKING WORK | London or remote | Senior DevOps / SRE, tech lead.

I'm a senior engineer with 20 years experience building and operating online products, including at Facebook, major ISPs and many startups.

My core technical skillset is in DevOps, Site Reliability Engineering, Linux, AWS, GCP and Kubernetes, but over time I've been involved in most aspects of architecting, building, running and scaling online services. Keen interest in the business / product areas as well.

I was one of the first 6-7 Facebook SRE hires in Europe (2010-2011), have experience at numerous startups and before that in larger orgs in the ISP/hosting world.

Happy to provide hands-on DevOps expertise to solve your infrastructure / performance / cost / reliability challenges. I can also be relied on for technology vision, systems design, technical operations, mentoring and general engineering wisdom. I excel at understanding short vs long-term trade-offs, identifying performance bottlenecks & future technical debt, quickly learning and assessing new pieces of technology.

Available preferably as a contractor (part time or short term projects welcome), but I'll also consider full time involvement for principal roles (Head of Infrastructure, Lead DevOps, co-founder / CTO / VP Eng ) at startups.

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/renaudguerin

Email: jobs at renaudguerin.net


San Francisco or remote.

Generalist, "full-stack", language/framework/platform agnostic. I've been a professional programmer for about fifteen years, I've worked at startups and Google, and I can pretty much do anything computer-related (including robotics.) I'm the "rockstar" (or ninja or wizard or whatever they're calling it these days) you're looking for. The one who's "smart and gets things done". I can also put my ego aside and work with the team with humility.

Python 2-to-3 migration is a specialty.

forman.simon@gmail.com Principals only please, no recruiters.

I don't have a current resume but FWIW here's a solution to the Zebra Puzzle using Prolog and constraint programming that I wrote in one day without previous experience in Prolog or constraint handling. https://gist.github.com/calroc/603ed919bc814ccee10c1b3df6142... This is the sort of thing I do for fun.

You: have an interesting and challenging problem and know what you're doing. (Also, have some money, my hourly rate for consulting starts at $150. Although, if you have something really interesting and/or challenging and you're strapped for cash I might be willing to go lower.)

SEEKING WORK | Boston, NYC | Remote

I'm a full-stack software engineer. Primary experience is with Javascript (ES6)/Node.js/React/GraphQL, Python/Django, and Postgres (and HTML/Sass/CSS). I'm comfortable working with PHP/WordPress, and generally, I can be productive with most tech stacks. I also have some experience with C and embedded programming.

I’m a generalist. I’ll automate repetitive business processes, build data pipelines, repair/rebuild outdated programs, write small-footprint embedded programs, create websites, or anything in between.

I have a history of delivering high quality final products on time, even when I wasn’t initially familiar with the technologies involved. If your project needs a skill that I don’t have, I’m happy to spend some time getting up to speed first.

I've worked with small startups (<10 people) and large corporations (>1000 people). I've helped coordinate/direct small teams (2-4 people), both in companies and in the OSS community.

Website: https://jesseevers.com

Email: jesse [at] jesseevers [dot] com

Resume: https://jesseevers.com/jesse-evers-resume.pdf

Skills: Javascript, ES6+, Node.js, React, GraphQL, Express.js, Python, Django, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, MySQL, C, Perl, PHP, nginx, Gunicorn, Wordpress, Sass, Shell, Bash, Java.

SEEKING FREELANCER - Math & Pencil | Full-time | Remote | NYC | 1099 https://www.mathandpencil.com Math & Pencil is looking for an experienced UI/UX developer to join our team full-time. The position is remote, you can work from anywhere, and basically set your own hours (as long as you make a scrum call 3 days a week for 20 minutes). It’s important that you are able + interested in working on problems, features, and bugs independently and delivering reliable code in a time frame set by yourself. You would be working directly with the founders of the company and the clients to build complex, performant, front-end applications in React. Although you will have the ability to work on multiple projects, initially you will be work with us and an established client in the Insured-tech space. This position would be ideal for someone who likes to work with the latest technologies and also enjoys having a big impact on the product.

The current front-end stack is React+Redux, Typescript compiled with webpack and deployed using Jenkins. Finally, it is important that you have strong SCSS/CSS skills. The backend is written in Python (Django) and deploys to EC2.

If interested, please contact at joseph.misiti@mathandpencil.com


Current Technologies - C#, .Net Core, ReactJS, JavaScript.

Full Stack software engineer for over 10 years. Passionate about software engineering, building products that are easy to use, delight users and solve real world problems.

My work experience is pretty diverse. From building a bitcoin miner to ERP/CRM implementations, building & managing software teams. I am a hands on software engineer who likes to code on a regular basis.

Working on a personal project - https://imagecompressor.io at the moment.

Resume - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xXLWsJBmjqyxAw3iFnYoNNhK...

Stackoverflow - https://stackoverflow.com/users/213469/aseem-gautam?tab=prof...

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/aseemgautam/

Github - https://github.com/aseemgautam

Contact Details in Resume.

SEEKING WORK - Boulder, NYC, or Remote

We are a remote 3-person full-stack design and dev team. Our portfolio: https://stratosphere.digital. Some recent projects we've worked on: https://divvydose.com, https://emulatebio.com, https://conveyour.com, http://shoptwigs.com, https://caster.io.

Some of the technologies we're most familiar with: Web and mobile design, UI, UX, iconography, illustration, design prototyping, PHP, Node.js, Meteor, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Sass, LESS, Stylus, CoffeeScript, WebSockets, AJAX, MongoDB, Redis, MySQL, Cordova, PhoneGap, React Native, iOS, Android, Browser extensions (Chrome, Firefox, Safari), AWS, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, C, C++, C#, Java, Objective-C, Swift, QS/1, HL7, HIPAA.

We offer hourly rates and discounted monthly retainer options. Contact: via our website or you can contact me directly at eliyah@stratosphere.digital.

SEEKING WORK, worldwide. Full Stack Developer here (Development & Design) providing iOS/Android apps, Websites, Mobile/Web Games and more @ davidmott.com

Hi HN!

I am currently open for projects.

About me: I'm a Developer/Designer based in London (UK) who spends his time building products for entrepreneurs and businesses worldwide. These products include iOS and Android Apps, Websites and Mobile/Web Games. I have produced platforms for a variety of industries such as: Gambling, Social media, Fashion and more. I also, on occasion, teach and currently host a free coding class a couple times throughout the year.

Portfolio: https://www.davidmott.com/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgdwsX9k3gNNjl0dBx6synA

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-mott-854772199/

For any enquiries you're welcome to reach out to me via Skype/Mobile/Email which can be found through my personal website, or by booking meetings in London. If you require an NDA before chatting kindly let me know. I also offer numerous discounts including projects that require more than 1 platform (ie, a website and mobile app build).

If you've made it down to here, thanks for reading!

SEEKING WORK | Berlin, Germany or remote (originally from NYC, can make trips to US east coast)

Full stack Javascript and Ruby developer with experience as a lead, as well as a teacher/mentor. I believe in writing clear, readable, simple code and refactoring for performance as necessary. I believe in making reasonable decisions quickly & working extremely pragmatically rather than spending lots of time in debates about ideal architecture. I believe in choosing relatively mature tools and libraries over the most bleeding edge tools. I'm good at communicating with other stakeholders, including non-technical execs/managers, thinking about the business problem and advocating for the user.

I have worked with a mix of startup and big companies, including projects for the New York Times, Axel Springer and Cleversafe ($1B onsite file storage service acquired by IBM). Over the past few years I have also worked for a niche social media company, a B2B fashion supply chain management company and on a one-off art installation project for Davos.

I am most experienced working with React, node.js and Rails but I can be flexible about technical stack.

Github: https://github.com/ritchiea

Resume upon request.

Email: ritchiea [at] gmail [dot] com


Hi all, I'm Dima (https://www.linkedin.com/in/dim25/) from SF (San Francisco Bay Area). Full-stack with Machine Learning experience; AI/ML product manager.

Python: * Machine Learning: (TensorFlow; Keras; PyTorch). * Computer Vision (OpenCV; TensorFlow). * Media \ communications (Twillio; Ring Central; Kurento). * Streaming \ Workflows: Kafka+Faust; Airflow; Celery. * Web servers (Flask), and many other applications of Python.

Web Development: HTML; CSS; Bootstrap. JS (Front-end + Node.js): All the basics necessary for web development; Basic experience with d3.js and other visualizations and dashboards tools.

DBs: MongoDB; ElasticSearch; Redis (incl. RediSearch), SQLs. Basics of ClickHouse.

C/C++: Some experiments with ROS/robotics.

Most recent projects:

   * Analyzing millions of job postings worldwide. 

   * Computer Vision CCTV Stream analytics. 

   * Co-founder at MBaaS startup. 'Firefighter' from $0 to $120K MRR.

   * Managed a team of 15 mobile developers to assist with the delivery of  
     the #1 mobile banking app in Russia (iOS + Android).  

   * AWM, rev-share with Kinks (guys from San Francisco Armory).     

Email: dima_cv1@protonmail.com

One-page CV: https://bitly.com/dima_cv1

SEEKING WORK: Remote - Three person design and development freelance team working together for over 10 years (individually with 20+ years experience) Locations: Tampa, FL / Maine / San Francisco

Remote: Yes (or local to one of those areas)

Technologies and Skills: Design, UX, Ruby on Rails, Go, React, Javascript, MySql, Postgres, Redis, Redshift, CSS/HTML/SASS, AWS etc.

Email: hi@squaremill.com

Website: https://squaremill.com (recent projects @ https://squaremill.com/projects)

We have extensive experience in building applications from design, through implementation and ongoing management. We have very happy clients over the last 10 years and can put you in touch with them. Because we have worked together as a team for so long we are extremely efficient - we pride ourselves on that along with being predictable and responsive. We can plug into an existing team to fill holes (design, tech) or can work as a design/developer team to get built what you need from soup to nuts. Experience in building healthcare applications, retail applications, financial apps, custom CMS, phone apps, real estate, high throughput message delivery.

SEEKING WORK | Any timezone | REMOTE only

More than 11 years of full stack Java experience, mostly with Spring and Angular 2+ on microservices architecture. Hands-on experience with architecture design and development of highly available and scalable systems over AWS (or Openshift), Netty, Kafka, Redis, Spring Cloud Netflix stack. Team leadership and mentoring skills, with strong sense of ownership.

Full tech list: Java (11+), Spring boot/cloud (netflix stack), Netty, Angular 2+, Microservices, AWS, Openshift, Docker, Kubernetes, Kafka, Atlassian stack (Jira, Fisheye, Bamboo, ...), TDD, test frameworks (jUnit/Mockito/PowerMock), message brokers (Kafka/ActiveMQ/SQS), SQL, NoSQL and in-memory databases (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Mongo, Aurora, Redis), CI/CD pipeline (Jenkins), Avro, Apache Thrift.

I can easily learn new techs if you need something specific in mix with my expertise. If you don't know how to start your project and need any help to decide technologies I can support you too (it's free).

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/diogofacin/

E-mail: diogoreis.ca . gmail . com

Feel free to add me on LinkedIn or send me an email :)

SEEKING WORK | Europe | Remote

I am a freelance full-stack web developer with over six years of experience delivering software. I have worked for clients all around the world in many different industries. I have delivered solutions for startups, digital agencies and big companies, such as Apple. I have background in computer science and am able to create everything from small business websites to custom web applications.

Technologies: JavaScript, ES6+, Node.js, Koa(Express), React.js, Gatsby, GraphQL, Redux, D3.js, Wordpress, React Native, Webpack, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap, Heroku, Firebase, TypeScript and more.

Location: Europe

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Not at the moment

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ngTkTVeDaakyFxEmPyyqyMuKxD6...

Email: mail@andrejgajdos.com

Personal Website: https://andrejgajdos.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrejgajdos

Github: https://github.com/AndrejGajdos

SEEKING WORK | Cambridge/London UK or Remote

I'm a software engineer with 10+ years of programming experience. I've helped startups get started and big companies keep going.

I've organised a couple of jobs through HN now; it's been a good way to find interesting projects, and my clients have been pleased with the work. One said: "Thank you! I've played with it a bit and it looks very impressive! Way better than what I imagined this project could be."

If you have web projects, then there's a good chance I've worked on something similar before and will be able to hit the ground running. If you need more general programming, I can do it. If you're doing something a bit esoteric, that would definitely suit me – I've done FPGAs, network protocols, more ETL than you can shake a stick at, and devising novel algorithms.

I haven't yet found a programming language that I'm not productive in. In the last 5 years I've written (at least) C#, Java, Python, Javascript (browser and Node.js), and Ruby professionally. Last year, I quickly picked up Typescript, and soon helped the rest of the team understand it better, and I completed 23 days of Advent of Code in Rust.

I'm friendly and easy-going, enjoy mentoring and working with other developers. I'm happiest on fixed-term projects that I can complete on a schedule that suits both of us, and my clients have been very happy with this process too.

My consulting website is https://www.lambdacambridge.com

Email: robin [at] the website above


Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Not right now (just had a baby), but probably in about a year

Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, React, React Native, Redux, MobX, GraphQL, React Native, Kubernetes, Express, Koa, Next.js, MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB, Redis, Firebase, Terraform, CloudFormation, CircleCI, Codeship, GitLab, Jenkins

Resume: http://www.jasperschulte.nl/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/curri...

Website: http://www.jasperschulte.nl

Email: You’ll find it on my site

Linkedin: https://nl.linkedin.com/in/jasperschulte

Rate: €85/hr

From 2005 until 2015 I ran my own development company. Since 2015 I’ve been using that experience to help companies and development teams take ‘the next step’. The next step in delivering higher quality products, the next step in gaining higher developer velocity and the next step in being a more predictable in planning and outcome.

I strongly believe the following factors help in taking this next step: 1. Never compromise in code quality. 2. Standardize as much as possible (to prevent reinventing the wheel and focus on adding value) 3. Automate everything 4. Create a safe to fail environment.

SEEKING WORK | Remote Full-stack developer who is able to build MVP fast and contribute to complicated codebases. Open source activist.

GitHub: https://github.com/timqian

Website: https://timqian.com

Teck Stack

- Backend: Node.js; Express; AWS lambda; serverless; GraphQL; RabbitMQ

- Database: DynamoDB; MongoDB; Postgres; SQLite; AWS RDS; Redis

- Frontend: react.js; SASS/CSS; d3.js

- Chrome Extension: react.js; SASS/CSS


- [chart.xkcd](https://github.com/timqian/chart.xkcd)

  xkcd styled chart lib.
  100k+ downloads, 5k+ stars on GitHub
  Built with d3.js
- [tomato-pie](https://github.com/t9tio/tomato-pie)

  A new UI for Pomodoro Technique. Schedule your time directly with a clock.
  1k+ active users
  Built with pure HTML, CSS, JS
- [repo-analytics](https://github.com/repo-analytics/repo-analytics.github.io)

  Thorough analytics for your GitHub repos.
  400+ users
  Frontend: React.js; backend: node.js, AWS lambda, dynamodb
Rate: $50/hour

Email: timqian@t9t.io

SEEKING WORK | Connecticut, USA Remote: Yes (15 years remote: efficient, productive and highly available) Willing to relocate: For the right position; remote w/ occasional travel much preferred

Open to FT or PT freelance projects, development work, source code audits, reworking codebases left in poor shape. Specializing in Rails & React Native, Node, React, Javascript.

Experience in all phases of software development: architecting solutions from the ground up (from concept to shipping), reworking/rebuilding/refactoring existing projects (those left in poor shape, or reliant on outdated libraries), and contributing to existing modern codebases.

Technologies: React Native (core contributor), React, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Perl, Objective-C, Java, Swift, C, C#, Python, Node.js, Express, PHP, GraphQL (Apollo) Mobile Development: Native: iOS / Xcode, Android / Android Studio, Hybrid: Cordova/Ionic, HTML5 / Canvas, CreateJS/ImpactJS/Phaser, Flux (Redux, Alt.js, Mobx), MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firebase, RSpec, Cucumber, Selenium, Mocha, Jasmine, Sphinx, Solr, Lucene, Elastic Search, AWS (S3, EC2, Lambda, Amplify, RDS, etc), Linux, Apache, Git / GitHub workflow, Dev Ops, Heroku, JIRA, Confluence, BitBucket, MongoDB

Full stack & mobile software developer with over 15 years of professional experience architecting and building a wide range of products on web and mobile platforms using diverse languages and tools.

Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OzlQkhUFtW2i9uZV7h29U8_6SnZ....

Email: adamjroth[at]gmail.com

SEEKING WORK | SF Bay Area & Austin,TX | Remote OK

Fullstack Data Scientist & Engineer

NLP, Distributed Computing, Functional Programming

I have mainly done product driven work that involves Distributed Computing and Machine Learning, leading teams of Data Scientists and Engineers.

Experience with:

- Spark / PySpark & Hadoop MapReduce

- MLlib, sklearn, PyTorch Deep Learning, even that IBM Watson thing

- Python, Clojure, JS/Node.js, TypeScript, Prolog, Erlang, Java.. Perl?

- Database Matters of any denomination

More info on request: wergomat@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK. Location: Lahore,Punjab,Pakistan

Remote: Yes.

Willing to relocate:Yes

Technologies: angular JS, angular, es6, react, redux, webpack, html5, css3, sass, scss,python, Django, building restful api’s, git, grunt, mysql, postgres, redis, mongo, firebase, aws, heroku,vagrant,Flask,numpy,scipy




blog :https://medium.com/@abdur91

As a experienced full stack web developer having 5 years+ experience in multiple technologies,My main experience lies in developing modern web applications,preferably in angular 4 with backend in python mainly.The backend framework can be django,or flask depending upon the client's requirements. Having delivered many projects successfully, I know what it takes to build, lead, grow and maintain a web application

SEEKING WORK | SF Bay Area | Remote OK

We're a small shop located in SOMA, SF so if you're local we can visit. We are currently letting a limited number of clients engage with us for consulting purposes. Whether that is greenfield app dev or you need someone to come in and fix the mess someone else left we're here to help.

We're highly comfortable with:

Rust | Go | C

but can also write in pretty much whatever. Our strengths are in performance engineering and security. If either of these are concerns you should reach out. We're also very proficient in murdering your google/aws bill and vastly decreasing the need for expensive devops. We're not cheap but we're the type of hackers that can turn weeks of work into a single day.

What's the catch? We only deploy software as unikernels. We don't care where you want to run them (aws/google/your own server/etc.). If you're not familiar with this practice contact us and we'll introduce it to you. We also provide workshops on this subject if interested.

Email us to get in touch and like I said - if you're in SF we can meetup in person.

ian - - nanovms.com


Not sure if this is ok to post here or not but let's try.

SEEKING WORK | Bosnia | REMOTE | Team of Senior Software Engineers

Coders Without Borders is an autonomous team of senior software engineers with over 10 years of experience working for major US and EU companies full time, as contractors and as subcontractors.

Our aim is to grow our community and provide a context for personal and professional advancement to our extensive network of junior, mid and senior-level software engineers, as well as talented agile coaches and product owners.

We believe that building cohesive teams is a function of providing an environment where each individual has the opportunity to fulfill their professional potentialities while maintaining personal integrity.

We are relying on functional contextualism, agile and lean methodologies, and teal organizational paradigm to accommodate each individual at the core level.

Although we consider ourselves as technology agnostic, you can check our current tech stack and methodologies at cowibo.io

We are looking for long term challenging projects to work on in the fields of EdTech (ideally gamification of education), MedTech, AgTech, FinTech, Gaming, Clean Energy and Autonomous Transportation.

Let’s talk - team@cowibo.io

SEEKING WORK | Full Stack Engineer JS & Python | San Francisco or remote


Experienced full-stack JS engineer with a background from both large and small companies. I've worked on web apps, apis, productivity scripts, browser extensions, etc. I also have experience with Python and contribute to open source.

I prefer part-time and/or short-term engagements from architectural review consultations to MVP delivery or anything in-between, but open to longer commitments should an opportunity make sense.

For hourly engagements, I charge market rates. On a per project basis, reach out for an initial project scope and proposal.


Built sc10n: https://sc10n.com (ask for an invite!) - Browser bookmark organization automation

Sample project: https://wordsearchnext.com



- React.js, Next.js, Marko.js, TypeScript, Node.js, Express, Postgres/MySQL, Redis, HTML, CSS (& preprocessors), most of the JS toolchain, Python and some operations (primarily DigitalOcean)


Contact (please mention this thread):

- email: collin [at] collinwu.com

SEEKING WORK - Istanbul, Turkey / REMOTE

Hi, I'm a full-stack developer with 10 years of experience. I worked on a wide range of projects with clients from mostly English speaking countries. Currently available. Would like to work on your MLPs (Minimum Lovable Product).

I try to work on my clients projects like they're my own and strive to do best both technically and business-wise. The thing needs to launch, but first impression matters too.

- MSc in CompSci

+ JS (React, MobX, Node.js, Vanilla ES5+)

+ HTML5 (Offline Apps), CSS (Sass, CSS Modules)

+ PHP (Laravel, WordPress, Symfony)

+ Python (Flask, Scrapy), Conversion Optimization, UX, App Performance, Solr, Selenium, RDBMS (PostgreSQL, MySQL), NoSQL, Software Architecture, Docker, DevOps

I am open to interesting and challenging work, involving research and learning.

You can see some reviews about my work here: https://gasoved.github.io/testimonials/

As sample work, a side project of mine: https://metacopter.com

My rate is $50 per hour.

Feel free to drop me an email: gasoved [at] gmail

SEEKING WORK | Remote (location Jacksonville, FL; open to travel)

Full stack Ruby/Rails/JavaScript developer with experience as a technical founder, VP of Engineering, software architect, and tech lead. I specialize in backend development and and data structures. I like writing clean, testable code based on SOLID principles. I like building new tech as well as extending and improving legacy code. As a startup founder, I learned to gather enough data to make important decisions, gather feedback, and iterate quickly to find optimal solutions. I’ve migrated infrastructure from fully-hosted environments to AWS and scaled platforms to handle 10x growth/year. I have excellent communication skills and I’m comfortable working with technical and non-technical stakeholders alike.

Most recently, I was the solo technical founder of a high-volume analytics platform and grew the company to over 40 employees.

Technologies: Ruby/Rails, Angular, React, JavaScript, Postgres, HTML/CSS, AWS, Heroku, Cassandra, Kafka, Redis, ElasticSearch

Email: w2aba@protonmail.com


Please message me on my profile's LinkedIn if you need a senior developer who can work with junior developers as well as management and clients.

Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YImD1GuqRc8DGJDPbAsnlqOt4n2...

SEEKING WORK | Seattle | Remote OK

I am a Site Reliability Engineer, Google Style, with experience at both large and small organizations. I've been using Kubernetes since the very beginning, been actively working at scale, and worked across the stack and with diverse technologies. I'm looking to help small dev teams increase their velocity by implementing best-practices of CI/CD, Kubernetes Deployments, and effective Monitoring frameworks.

I'm available for consulting on your initial setup, for fixing your build, as well as on retainer for operational Oncall.

My resume: https://resume.gauntletwizard.net/ThomasHahnResume.pdf

My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomas-hahn-3344ba3/

My Github: https://github.com/GauntletWizard

SEEKING WORK - Chicago, IL - Remote


– iOS & iPadOS Swift Development

– Augmented Reality Development (ARKit, SceneKit, RealityKit, Metal, Vision, Lens Studio)

– Growth

I specialize in developing augmented reality iOS apps. Several of my apps were handpicked and featured worldwide by Apple. I recently developed an iOS open-source WebXR browser with Mozilla. An AR startup I consulted for had their app demoed by Tim Cook on HBO's Axios show. I've built augmented reality, social, gaming, messaging, lending, consumer, and location-based products. I am a startup founder, native iOS developer, and growth/marketing expert.

Experience with: Swift, ARKit 3, Metal, RealityKit, SwiftUI, iMessage extensions, Firebase, Vision, AWS, Sketch, Wireframing, UX, and SQL

Website: https://1984.dev

Email: tony@1984.dev

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/atmorales0/

Recent Clients: Mozilla, NudgeTV, iScape, Hillside Software

If you have any questions: Shoot me a message & let's talk!

SEEKING WORK | Backend Services; Data Engineering; Systems Engineering

Location: Boston, US | Remote: Yes

I'm an experienced Rust software engineer looking for 10-20 hr/week contract writing robust, performant, and ergonomic backend services.

I'm most experienced in the data-analytics backend-stack: from ETL to database design to web-api to devops. One of my major projects is an analytics engine for web applications (https://github.com/hwchen/tesseract).

However, I'm naturally curious and happy to work in any domain which requires high performance and maintainable code. I've worked with a distributed worker system, debugged async database drivers, and implemented text layout primitives.

Primary Skills: Rust, Linux, Google Compute Platform, ClickhouseDB, Postgresql

Production Experience with: Python/Pandas, Node/JS, AWS, Docker, Redis, MySql, Nginx

Github: https://github.com/hwchen

Contact: hello@hwc.io

SEEKING WORK | Sunnyvale, California | Remote: Yes | Willing to relocate: for the right position

I'm an analytics/marketing professional who's been focused on building data science & marketing products from the ground up. While leading Marketing Intelligence at Cisco IoT, I built our reporting as the product went from 30 Million to 90+ Million devices. While at Citus Data (a YC Company acquired by Microsoft), I built the entire Marketing Analytics & Ops practice from the ground up.

I recently had to exit my own startup due to unforeseen family obligations. However, I believe my entrepreneurial mindset & data-driven skills can make a lasting impact in a team that values a varied experience to get things done.

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/garysahota/

Website (with resume): https://www.garysahota.com/

Email: jobs[at]garysahota.com


Based in Providence, RI. Only looking to work remotely at this time.

Résumé/CV: https://elliotbonneville.com/resume

Blog: https://elliotbonneville.com

StackOverflow profile (40k+ reputation, ~600 questions answered): https://stackoverflow.com/users/339852/elliot-bonneville

I'm a senior-level JavaScript / React / front-end engineer with six years of experience developing complex web apps for startups. Over the past six years, I've contracted remotely all over the US and internationally with a variety of different clients, primarily focusing on new products for SaaS companies from prototype phase all the way through enterprise-level software.

I am currently looking for full- and part-time contracts with immediate availability.


- Product -

Hotpot.ai (https://hotpot.ai), graphic editor for apps, extensions, blogs, and digital products. (If you want free graphics, please ask. Happy to help HN.)

- Editor Project -

Improve web-based editor with features and enhancements. Many hard problems if you enjoy pixels and graphics.

- Editor Skills/Requirements -

Expertise in JavaScript, HTML, and SVG. Passion for math and pixels, and an openness toward loving their neglected child, fonts.

- ML Project -

Use machine learning to automate/simplify problems in graphic design like logo creation and background removal. We have a pipeline of projects; email to learn more.

- ML Skills/Requirements -

Passion for ML and problems related to graphics/images.

- Contact -

info @ panabee dot com. Please send GitHub and SO profiles, resume (optional), hourly rate, and availability.

- ML Candidates -

Please share the last 3 papers you read; how you track and follow the latest ML research; and what problems related to graphics/images you're most interested in solving with ML.

SEEKING WORK | Paris, France | Remote


Machine learning engineer, specialized in Explainable AI / ML Recent Highlights:

* Implementation in Spark/Scala of treeinterpreter, currently used in production

* Participation to the FICO-Google Explainable Machine Learning Challenge

* Intuitive, visual data/signal explorer (work in progress, partial view at http://explicable.ml (the 3D view))


Tech: SHAP, RuleFit, Random Forest, Word2Vec, PCA, t-SNE, LSH, ROC, Scikit-Learn, Spark, Weka, Databricks, BigQuery, Hive, Postgres, MySQL, Oracle, AWS, Linux, Maven, Git, Java, Scala, Python, CAML, Elm, Javascript, Spring, Primefaces, d3.js

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/benoitparis/

Github: https://github.com/benoitparis/

Email: benoit@explicable.ml

SEEKING WORK | Remote (based in Tel Aviv) I'm the owner of a boutique Data Engineering shop called Hipposys (www.hipposys.com). We specialize in Python-based data engineering projects, and bring more than 15 years of professional experience in software engineering. Today, our core specialties are: -- Big Data - PySpark, Hadoop and the surrounding ecosystem. -- Data Pipelines / ETLs / Data Warehousing - utilizing Airflow and working with a variety of SQL databases.

-- AWS/Cloud - Many years of using various AWS services.

We've worked with companies around the world, in education, healthcare, cyber security, factory automation, video processing, etc.

We have dozens of years of experience in a lot of different fields, including a specialization in web applications for many years which comes in handy fairly often in otherwise data-centric projects.

If you have any data engineering needs, please reach out to me at edan@hipposys.com, and we can see if we are a good fit!

SEEKING WORK Location: Boulder/Denver, Colorado (CO), USA and San Francisco Bay Area, California (CA)

Remote: yes

Technologies: JavaScript (React, Native, Vue, NodeJS), GraphQL, python (Django, Flask, AppEngine)

Résumé/CV: https://www.uplift.ltd

Email: hn@uplift.ltd


We are product-minded engineers. Build full-stack sites or native-mobile apps and take them to market.

Marius & Paul are engineers turned freelancers who started Uplift to build amazing software and solve complex problems.

As experienced consultants and former founders, we understand tech companies. Running a business is hard. You have to wear many hats. Let us wear the ones we're great at!

We specialize in React, React Native, GraphQL and Django/python.

We’ve worked with companies like Credit Karma, ClearCare, NerdWallet, MIT, Humble Bundle (W11), FlightCar (W13), Mozilla and more.

For more details, previous work, testimonials, please visit: https://www.uplift.ltd

Description:SEEKING WORK | Oshkosh, WI USA | Remote only

Frontend: Angular, Vue, Webpack, more (https://seiyria.dev/resume.pdf)

Backend: NodeJS, GraphQL

Mobile: Ionic

Desktop: Electron

I work exclusively with JavaScript/Typescript and work on a lot of open source projects (https://github.com.seiyria). Previous projects I've worked on include:

* bootstrap-slider (a popular slider component that looks like it fits in with bootstrap) * IdleLands (an idle MORPG that accrued thousands of users over a few years) * more - check out https://seiyria.dev/portfolio

I'm available for any work you might have. I'm pretty quick on the uptake and I can either build your frontend or integrate with your team to help them do it more effectively.

My availability is 30-40 hours per week.

Feel free to email kyle+hn@seiyria.com!

SEEKING FREELANCER | Philadelphia & New York | Local & Remote US

We are a development shop that focuses on software craftsmanship. Our calling is to help companies create amazing, intuitive web & mobile applications, APIs, products, and services. Pair programming, continuous integration & delivery, kaizen, and TDD/BDD aren't just ideas we pay lip service to, but core practices of our day-to-day work.

We love polyglots. We use lots of Ruby, Python, Elixir, and JavaScript (mostly TypeScript, React and React-Native).

Local only:

    • Ruby & Rails
    • Python
    • React, Angular
    • Vue.js
    • .NET
    • iOS, Android

Local & Remote:

    • React Native
    • Elixir & Phoenix 
    • Azure, especially with Kubernetes & Terraform
    • ML, AI, & Data Science
    • Kafka


SEEKING WORK | Peoria, IL | Remote

Hi HN. We're Nerevu Group, a distributed team of data gurus that specialize in creating interactive data driven dashboards.

We excel at integrating with and developing backend APIs, customizing open data platforms, creating sleek visualizations, and automating marketing analytics reports.

Contact me at rcummings at nerevu dot com

Our tools:

* Languages (Python, Coffeescript/JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3)

* Frameworks (Flask, Mithril.js, Node.js, Express, CKAN, ERPNext)

* Libaries (Brunch, D3, Leaflet, KeystoneJS, SQLAlchemy)

* DB (PostgreSQL, SQLite, Memcache, Redis, MongoDB)

More info:

* https://www.nerevu.com

* https://www.nerevu.com/blog/category/Case+Studies

* https://www.nerevu.com/services

* https://github.com/nerevu


Software Architect / Senior Full Stack Engineer with 10+ years of commercial experience (esp. FinTech, Healthcare) in prototyping, MVP, backend and frontend development as well as maintenance and DevOps. I can work on PT/EST times.

    * Python, Django, DRF
    * AngularJS, React+Redux, React Native, Vue.js
    * AWS, Docker, Kubernetes

  Where I can help most:
    * Rapid Proof of Concept / Prototype implementation
    * Design of scalable software architecture (Backend + DevOps)
    * API design, implementation and documentation
    * Remote team management
    * Code Reviews, Python/Django mentoring
    * Team leadership

  Email:               michal [AT] michallech.info
  GitHub:              https://github.com/rootxnet
  Website/Resume:      https://michallech.info
  Skype:               ferdezz

SEEKING WORK - Remote/On-site - PartTime/FullTime - NYC I have a passion to automate the repetitive tasks at hand and getting key insights from the visual senses. I am proficient in Python and AWS, and has a strong knowledge of Software Engineering and Machine Learning algorithms. I am well competent in SQL/NoSQL databases.

-I have the ability to scrape beneficial data from web using Selenium bots and Beautiful Soup. -I store structured data in MySQL database, and unstructured data in MongoDB, DynamoDB, Google Cloud Storage. -I design APIs and serve requests using Django, Flask, Express, AWS API Gateway, Lambda. -I build Machine Learning models with Scikit-Learn and deploys in production using AWS SageMaker. -I derive actionable insights with Pandas and Numpy. -I make informative visualizations with Matplotlib and Seaborn.

Portfolio - hardikaj96.github.io Github - hardikaj96 Email - hardikaj81@gmail.com


I am a Full Stack web developer, specializing in React, Node and Wordpress.

My Services

1. Front End Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) 2. Web Applications with React and Node 3. E-commerce website with WordPress and WooCommerce 4. Working with REST APIs

My Tech Stack : React, Node, Express, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firebase

Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL

I also work with

- WordPress Builder like Divi and Elementor - WooCommerce store setup.

For further info, check the following links.

* My [Portfolio](https://amit-ghosh.com/portfolio) * My [GitHub](https://github.com/maverickamit) * My [Website](https://amit-ghosh.com)

Rate: $50 per hour, I can settle for fixed price also, on a case by case basis.

Email: amitdgpghosh@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK | Remote | Europe, Vienna | Technical Lead in Machine Learning | 20 hours/week

I am a technical lead with experience (10y+) in building APIs, Full-Stack systems, and ML/DL solutions. To mention a few, my teams and I have designed systems to process 100s of TB of data, deployed conversational (speech) agents, and I have coached junior developers to build OCR and Speech Recognition systems. I've hired and managed developers introduced them to TDD and CI concepts.

Ideally, I am looking for clients with projects that need to do some data crunching. I love working with startups as I used to run one.

Technologies: Python, PyTorch, Keras, PyMC, Pandas, Java, Spring Boot, Rust, Google Cloud, Azure, Docker, Kubernetes, Spark, Ansible

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tadassubonis/

Email: tadas dot subonis at gmail dot com

Hourly Rate: 120€/h


Location: Earth. Can relocate. :)


IT Consultant / Full stack web application developer with 20 years of professional experience in a variety of fields from e-commerce, inventory management, web scrapers to 3d print farm automation and many many specialized web applications.

Technologies: Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JS, Rust, Postgresql, PHP, Linux sysadmin, apache, nginx, etc.

I'll create web apps, prototypes, automate things or retrofit or replace hopelessly outdated things for you.

I accept payment via SEPA or credit card. Rate to be discussed, fixed price for prototype development possible. Special rates for developing and/or maintaining open source projects negotiable.

Github: https://github.com/jglauche GPG pubkey: https://kittenme.ws/email_pub.asc Email: jennifer@hn20.kittenme.ws

SEEKING WORK | San Francisco, CA | Remote

I've developed Javascript extensively for more than 15 years and have built many React apps. I've worked on web applications in a number of fields and with an array of different technologies. I've developed for Zillow, Franz, HotPads, and many startups. I've done full stack work and I know many languages and technologies. More of my work here: https://thomashintz.org/my-work

Check out a demo of my work: https://thomashintz.org/demo

Unlike many others, I have product management and founder experience, which helps ensure what we build meets your business goals. You can find out more about me at https://thomashintz.org

SEEKING WORK | San Jose, Costa Rica. Remote yes (experienced remote), willing to relocate for the right opportunity in Ops/DevOps/SRE/Management. Travel ok valid US Visa, OnCall OK! Can provide references as needed.

Open to part/time or consulting/freelancing. 10+ years experience with AWS/GCP and cloud native projects, also experienced in bare metal technologies. Python, ansible, terraform, perl, and other automation tools, scripting and python backend work experience. *Nix systems tooling, administration and performance.

All relevant information on projects: LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leonardomata/ Resume and other Links: https://leomata.com/ Email: leo[at]leomata.com


Location: Northern Europe, Remote.

We are a three-person full-stack highly professional development team with extensive experience in online advertising and fintech. We can consult on architectural problems, work as a discrete unit or a part of another team on implementing the solution.

Describe us your task, project or idea and we will provide a timely response with estimates and a plan. We offer very flexible rates and will help you with suggestions on how to best optimize the development effort.

Our technology stack: .NET [Core] (C#, F#); ASP.NET; JVM (Clojure, Java, Scala); Python; AngularJS; Vue.js; React; iOS (Swift); AWS (wide range of services); databases: Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Datomic, Couchbase, Redis, Event Store.

For contact details please visit: https://www.8bitstudio.dev/ or contact us via email hello[at]8bitstudio[dot]dev

SEEKING WORK | Philadelphia, PA | Remote

Machine Learning expert helping clients in the tech, healthcare, and B2B spaces leverage their data to improve existing products and build new ones. I specialize in helping my clients wrangle their data, apply state of the art machine learning models, and integrate ML/AI into their existing or new software products or services.

I have a Ph.D. in applied mathematics and 10+ years engineering and software dev experience and have successfully executed projects ranging from prototype proof-of-concepts to productionized web and native applications with thousands of users. Let's talk!

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikestubna/

Website: https://mountaintrackapps.com

Email: mike[at]stubna[dot]com

SEEKING WORK: Remote - 6 person development team located in Bay Area

Remote: Yes

Technologies and Skills: Product Development, Design, UX, React, React Native, Python Django, Node.js, Ruby on Rails, Javascript, SQL, CSS/HTML, AWS

Email: hello@quantfive.org

Website: https://www.quantfive.org/

We help companies build the best software products they can. We're a hybrid software development / design & product team of 6 and we've pushed many products to market. We have experience building apps & websites from 0 to launch while also jumping in on projects that are already in development. If you need help developing a project, especially if you want us to help with your product vision / strategy, reach out to hello@quantfive.org with a short description of your project, how far along you are, and we'll be in touch!

SEEKING WORK - Based in Cologne, Germany, remote or Europe preferred

I do custom electronics, robotics, and embedded software development - I specialize in quickly turning ideas into prototypes. I've built custom automation equipment for chemistry labs, sensors that are in use in household/utility applications, control circuitry for construction equipment, 3d printing electronics, data acquisition equipment. No project too small. Few projects too large. Deep discounts for open source hardware work.

I would also be happy to come over (anywhere in Europe) and teach any of the above skills to a small group of interested people. I've taught courses in electronic assembly (SMD), 3d printing (building/using printers, iterative 3d model design using programming) and robot design and construction. I've taught courses at several universities, hackspaces, and conferences.

SEEKING WORK | Boulder, Colorado | Remote OK

Technologies: JavaScript/ES6, SASS/CSS, React, Gatsby, jQuery, User Interfaces, Git/GitHub, Web Application Development, Developer Tools, Agile Methodology, Node.js, Express.js, WordPress, and more.

Résumé/CV: Available on request.

Email: tuckertriggs(at)gmail.com

Website: https://tuckertriggs.com

LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/tuckertriggs

Github: https://github.com/tuckpuck

Full-stack developer (front-end focused) specializing in using Javascript, React, and various other tools to build modern websites and web applications. I have a versatile skill set and strong communication skills. Looking for contract work or full-time employment.

SEEKING FREELANCER | Boulder, CO | Remote | US Time Zone

Uplift Ltd. is looking for a well-rounded software engineer with mid-level to senior experience in at least 2 of these:

* React/React Native

* Django (python)

* GraphQL, Apollo


* Freelance/project experience (most important)

* Familiar w/ Heroku or AWS

* Strong CSS skills

* Native iOS or Android experience

* Understanding of databases, SQL

Continuous learning, both within the industry & from each other is core to Uplift's values. We welcome people of different backgrounds, experiences, abilities and perspectives. If you're self-sufficient, passionate & a good communicator, apply now!

#### To apply, please include:

* Location and preferred working hours (US-based preferred)

* Details about your experience with React & React Native and/or Django

* Details about your experience with GraphQL, Apollo or Typescript

* Current & next 3 months of availability. At least 15 hours a week.

Email work@uplift.ltd | https://www.uplift.ltd/careers/

Location: Israel, Europe time

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Not right now

Technologies: .Net, C#, Asp.Net (& .Net Core), Angular 1/2, Knockout, VueJS, es6, html5, css3, sass, scss, node, php, building restful api’s, Git, Gulp, Jenkins, TeamCity, Jira, MSSQL, Mysql, Postgres, Redis, MongoDB, AWS.

Resume: http://ioni.solarz.me/cv_js.pdf

Website: http://ioni.solarz.me

Email: ioni@solarz.me

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ionisolarz/

I'm a full-stack developer with 15+ years of experience in the field, having strong business development and leadership skills. I'm product-oriented with lots of experience managing a project from concept and design through completion.

SEEKING WORK | Brisbane Australia | Remote


Looking for remote contract or freelance work but may be open to other opportunities. Backend developer specialising in authentication, API's and automation and have worked in of the span of 10 years. I am a fast worker and pride myself on getting it done to a high level of quality.

What can I do for you? Depending on your needs I can help automate tasks that are slowing your company down. Help architect a system going forward that will catapult your business to new heights or provide advice on inefficiencies after analysis of your business situation.


Other Projects:

JiraIssueLinkViewer - A Chrome plugin visualises linked issues using JQuery and VivaGraphJS -https://github.com/adamstraube/JiraIssueLinkVisualiser

IOTDashboard - Receives data from IOT devices securely using OAuth2 using Laravel (in progress) - https://github.com/adamstraube/iotDashboard

ContentSnag - Assists in managing communications and collect information from clients (in progress) - https://www.contentsnag.com/

Technologies: PHP, Symfony, Laravel, VueJs, Phalcon, Javascript, jQuery, Docker, Ansible, Python


Email: adam_straube[at]outlook.com

Blog: https://adamstraube.github.io

LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/astraube

SEEKING FREELANCER - REMOTE (but we're in the Fort Wayne, IN area)

Impact Upgrade (https://www.impactupgrade.com) is a tech and operations consulting company, solely focused on nonprofits. We have a pipeline full of a wide variety of work and are always looking for additional help. Some of the current needs:

- System admin, especially for widely-used, large platforms (Salesforce, HubSpot, etc.)

- Systems integration, data unification, automation, scripting (with a focus on Java, Kotlin, Python)

- Custom web platforms, both backoffice and public-facing (with a focus on Java, Kotlin, Python, or PHP)

- In talks to take on an overhaul of a large .NET platform.

- Cross-platform mobile development (leaning towards Flutter, but open to React Native)

Please email brett@impactupgrade.com with your specialities and hourly rates. NO AGENCIES -- we only work with individuals. Thanks!

SEEKING FREELANCER | Chicago, Illinois / Remote ----------------- I've been working with a fledgling company looking for someone comfortable with Windows Development. They want an interface where users can fill out a form, have that form become a txt file of commands using relatively simple rules (well defined and fully supplied), and then send those commands over a serial connection to an external device. I built out the form -> txt file part as a website, but I don't know how to make it work as a windows app with the serial part.

They're interested in either a one off project or a long term employee who would work on this and other projects. For compensation, they would be ok with either a straight fee or one that includes equity/revenue share agreement.

Contact: michael.b.lipman [at] gmail [d0t] com, mention windows freelancing

got a lot of interest, so thank you and I will be in touch with you all, but won't be seeking any further offers, thanks

SEEKING WORK | Moscow, Russia | REMOTE ONLY | Senior iOS Software Engineer

Technologies: iOS, Swift, Objective-C, Xcode, RxSwift, SwiftUI

Resume: https://nalexn.github.io/resume

Email: alexey {at} naumov.tech

Blog: https://nalexn.github.io


Over the past eight years working as a software engineer, I grew to an iOS team lead of a public FinTech company working from their headquarters in Hollywood, CA, followed by starting my startup. Now I’m on the market for my next professional challenge as a software engineer, who blends experience in mobile app development and systems architecture with product-oriented leadership and team coaching.

If you need an exceptionally skilled and proactive team player - check out my LinkedIn / Resume to read more about my experience!


A couple nicely ill images in there, http://www.desaturate.net/a-hunger?p=a-hunger

SEEKING FREELANCER | Full Stack | Remote

I run a lifestyle business for crowdsourced audio/video transcription service. We have been in business since 2008 and are seeking our 3rd full time remote employee. I'm the architect, designer and coder as well as the BD guy. I am looking to hire someone who will take over the tech side from me (i.e. CTO).

The ideal applicant would be some who's into Web App development, with good fundamentals, looking for a stable remote job which offers good work-life balance and working in the Asian/European timezone. You will be working very closely with me in the near term and independently later on.

The tech stack is plain HTML/CSS/JS on the frontend, PHP/Python/NodeJS on the backend, with MySQL database. Our budget for this position is $40K/yr. Email me at rajiv at scribie.com.

Hi! I'm Sergio, a tech passionate, working for several years on different areas as fullstack developer. Backend & front & iOS development. Techlogies like PHP Laravel & Symfony. WebPack, Sass, Redis, Swift, Google Cloud & docker deplyment, etc. Can you give me an email to talk about this? Thanks in advance! Sergio Martin. Thanks


Building software applications is as much about coding as it is about understanding and solving the actual business problems!

I'm a Zend & SensioLabs certified web developer / consultant with a focus on solving business problems and adding value through product optimisation. This can be done in many ways: creating a new application, suggesting an action plan or architecture, optimizing current set-up / architecture / applications, etc.

At the moment my technology focus is on PHP, Symfony, AWS, MongoDB, MySQL, APIs, JavaScript, Vue, Node.js, and Docker. I also care a lot about security (InfoSec), performance, quality, best practices & continuous learning. You can contact me for projects at http://ifdattic.com

Few of the problems I solved for my clients:

    * optimize infrastructure to reduce costs by $10000+ per year
    * custom applications for improving work flows (document 
      submission, sports coaching, inventory system, etc.)
    * teaching students how to create web applications
    * set up coding standards, testing practices,
      development environment, fix security vulnerabilities,
      document inner workings of an application
    * implement CAS authentication for Single Sign On (SSO)
    * implement direct file upload to AWS S3
    * implement secure file download from AWS S3
    * profile and optimize performance
Website: http://www.ifdattic.com

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/ifdattic

GitHub: https://github.com/ifdattic

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ifdattic


Location: UK

Remote: Yes (only)

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: React/Webpack/Babel, etc. (5+ years), TypeScript (3+ years), Go/Golang (9+ years), PHP, JavaScript/HTML5/CSS3 (ES5, ES6+, 10+ years), Node.JS, Python, Linux, Docker, Podman etc.

Résumé/CV: Available on request.

Email: hn@sonoya.uk

Website: https://sonoya.uk/

I’m an independent contractor (own ltd company), full-stack/front-end engineer, designer and open source programmer who's been coding for ~15 years.

I'm currently working on cloud proxy/website optimizer https://oya.to/ and font optimizer/host http://woff.cc/

An ideal position would be a fully-remote contract, full or part-time, but willing to negotiate.

SEEKING WORK | San Francisco, USA | Remote OK


Core tech stack: Python, Linux, SQL, NoSQL, AWS (EC2, EMR, S3, etc.)

DevOps: Docker, Ansible, Bash, Linux


I am a data engineer with a range of experiences in early-stage startup environments, working with data scientists and occasionally double as one. I am looking for a gig or two to offer and make use of my data product development skills and versatility, mostly based on the tech stack above and their adjacent technologies.

I would be useful, for example, if you are looking for someone to add more coding power to your team, develop microservices to be integrated into your existing system, do some Linux/AWS DevOps work so you can focus more on interesting problems, and so on.

Please visit my website below and contact me for more detail.

Website: https://okomestudio.net

Email: hn {at} okomestudio.net

SEEKING WORK: Embedded/IoT development

Location: Chicago, IL Remote: OK, have worked fulltime remote for 4+ years

I'm an experienced (>10 years) embedded software engineer. I have a bachelor's in electrical engineering. I've experience is split between bare-bones RTOS embedded (FreeRTOS) and various flavors of embedded Linux. I'm typically involved in rapid prototyping to look for market fit.

Examples of previous work:

  * Video streaming on legacy hardware
  * Yocto environment to support Python/Java/App developers on embedded hardware
  * OSGi/SmartHome development
  * FreeRTOS development
stackhead.com james.ocarroll@stackhead.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/jocarrol

SEEKING WORK | Edmonton, Canada | REMOTE

Experienced Technical Product Manager with over 15 years of developer experience. I have helped various organizations from small startups to large government organizations. For small startups, my dev experience has helped deploy MVPs to validate business concepts and lead to early profitability. For large government organizations I roadmapped and prioritized features that helped departments deploy solutions 2 years ahead of schedule and massively under budget.

I can help you determine, deliver, and iterate on the core value of your product.

Technologies: HTML/CSS/Javascript, JAMStack (Gatsbyjs), PHP, NodeJS, Go

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielmktse/

Email: danprime@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK | Budapest (EU) | only remote

Four person engineering team is for hire individually or together.

The team: https://emergence-engineering.com/team

We design, build and ship web applications, PWAs, mobile applications and micro services.

Our favoured stack is React, TypeScript, Node.js, Go, Firebase.

Check out our website: https://emergence-engineering.com/

CVs: https://emergence-engineering.com/cv/viktor | https://emergence-engineering.com/cv/balazs


If you’re looking for a senior full stack software engineer who can solve a wide array of technical tasks then you’ve come to the right place! I’m a polyglot programmer, so I can take care of a whole stack of technologies that you have, including old ones. Currently, my preferable stack is Node.js with any NoSQL warehouse for a backend, React and webpack for a frontend, Python for ML related tasks and Docker for infrastructure.

In addition, I’m a tech entrepreneur, which means that I want to solve technical tasks that will help your business grow and generate more income.

* Preferable stack: Node.js/JavaScript/React/Docker

* Timezone: UTC+3

* Rate: $90/hour or $2700/week

* Projects: https://ipirozhenko.com/projects

* Email: ilya.p@rd17.org

SEEKING WORK - Remote or central Québec, Canada. Seasoned full-stack dev, currently specializing in front-end React (4+ yrs) & GraphQL (2+ yrs) work.

- You're a start-up looking to build your MVP, or just to temporarily fill a skill gap in your team?

- You're a bigger company looking to build a proof-of-concept for an internal tool that your existing dev team can't / won't do?

- You have a team with a lot of juniors that needs mentoring?

If you recognize yourself in one of these, let's talk. Email me at emile.cantin@gmail.com.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emilecantin/

Github: https://github.com/emilecantin


   Location: Buenos Aires.
   Remote: yes!
   Technologies: Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET MVC, JavaScript, Go, Postgres, Heroku, AWS, 
   Git, SQL, ES6, .NET, C#.
   Website: https://amiralles.com.ar
   Email: [look my resume]
   Resume: https://amiralles.com.ar/resume.pdf
   Customer Reviews: https://www.codementor.io/@alemiralles
   Publications: shorturl.at/aGQUV
   Blog:  https://medium.com/@alemiralles
   Rate: $40/hour
I'm a backend developer looking for remote contracting work. (Part-time ideally, but open to full-time positions.)

I'm experienced working remotely for big companies, early-stage startups, and everything in between.

Sounds like a good fit? Let's talk!

SEEKING WORK | Vancouver, BC, Canada | Remote OK

Willing to Relocate: No

Technologies: Everything. Last 3-4 years: Python (Django), Kotlin, Java (Spring), JavaScript. Also last 11 years: iOS/OSX (C/C++/Objective-C), Bash, Perl. MSc in AI (heuristic search).

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomashauk

Stack Overflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/161161/shaggy-frog

Résumé/CV: See LinkedIn and/or request via e-mail

Email: thauk@ualberta.net

First Computer: Atari 800 (Logo and BASIC)

Cake: YES

Copy & Paste Messages: no thank you

I'm a proud generalist. I add value. I care about my work. I get stuff done. I deliver. Send me an e-mail!


We're a seed startup company in SF working on mobile AR, machine learning and movement science.

We're looking for 3 roles:

1. Machine learning / computer vision. We are training custom ML models using Tensorflow / PyTorch. Skills: C++, Python, data engineering, Mediapipe, OpenCV

2. iOS development. We are developing a native iOS app that uses ARKit, ML models (CoreML, TFLite). Skills: Swift5 / SwiftUI (Combine), ARKit, Metal, RealityKit, vector math, AVFoundation, ffmpeg, Tensorflow, Mediapipe, FritzAI, etc.

3. Web app / dev ops: We are building reactive web software to view videos and data. Skills: VueJS, Nodejs, Google Cloud, Golang

Anyone interested in joining? Hard problems, big market.

Email: mocapapp@sudomail.com (send relevant work / cv and availability).

Seeking work | Charleston, SC | Remote, USA

Full Stack Developer who has been self-employed in software for 5 years. Specializing in Python/Django. During that time I started a sports data API and grew it to serve over 1 million requests to 100+ customers daily, and that project has been my main focus, in addition to other freelance work (Javascript, Angular, Postgres, AWS Cloud).

I'm looking for remote projects and/or a position where I can contribute with a team and develop as a back end engineer.

CV and contact details: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z-EOThCvKOLTqrDZX_-HqbJ7MHb...

SEEKING WORK | San Diego, CA | Remote

Mobile expert in shipping production apps in healthcare environments for physicians.

AWS expert (certified) in building HIPAA compliant applications for physicians, and automating them in AWS with Terraform.

I'm rocket fuel for your business tech. I make difficult things easy and easy things automated.

  Skills: React Native | DevOps | Terraform | Swift | NodeJS | AWS | React | Ansible | Docker | Kubernetes

  Languages: TypeScript | ES6+ | Swift | Python | Java 

  AWS: Certified Cloud Solutions Architect. Fully knowledgeable of all AWS services (CI/CD!) and designing, implementing and automating HIPAA compliant services using Terraform.

  Email: stephen at lizcano dot dev
  Website: lizcano dot dev

SEEKING WORK - Remote - full-stack developer and software engineer with extensive research computer science experience (including deep learning, computer vision). 6+ years industry experience.

Core Skills:

* Ruby / Rails, Crystal, C/C++, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Rust, Python, Java

* PostgreSQL/MySQL, MongoDB, Google Cloud Platform, Google App Engine, Lambda, AWS, Cloud Datastore, Heroku

* Node.js, Electron, cross-platform desktop application development

* Data Structures, Algorithms, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, OpenCV, OpenGL

* Extensive remote work experience across different timezones and countries, especially with startups

* Master's and Bachelor's degrees in Computer Science

* Excellent written and spoken English skills

Rate: $80/hour

Resume: https://sam0x17.dev

E-mail address in profile


Location: Ontario, Canada

15+ years experience as a full stack developer, working with companies in all sizes and teams of sizes 1-500+.

Skills: PHP, Laravel, Laravel Spark, Laravel Forge, Javascript, jQuery, Vue.js, Node.js, HTML, CSS, MySQL, AWS, WordPress, Linux, Vagrant, Docker, Redis, SASS, LESS, Web APIs, RESTful APIs. (Experience with many Integrations & API's)

Résumé/CV: https://linkedin.com/in/braunson - https://braunson.ca

Email: braunson [at]] braunson [[dot] ca

GitHub: http://github.com/braunson

SEEKING WORK Location: Denver/Boulder, CO Remote Possible: YES

Techne Solutions is an engineering design and consulting firm that I recently started with a good friend and former co-worker. My background is in embedded hardware/software, PCB design, and test engineering. My business partner is a mechanical engineer focusing on advanced manufacturing (both additive and subtractive). Together, we're helping other small to medium size businesses prototype new hardware and products. There's more info on the "Team" section of our webpage.

Please check out our website(below) and don't hesitate to get in touch if we could be of any help!

Website: www.technesolutionsllc.com E-mail: james@technesolutionsllc.com

SEEKING WORK - Remote or Europe - based in Belgium I am an experienced freelance development manager who has in depth technical knowledge and great problem solving skills. I have extensive experience forging and leading highly capable teams fostering can-do attitude that can meet the needs of the business. Extensive exposure to leading agile restructurings and moving technical teams towards solid engineering practices. Strong experience of building effective relationships both with technical and business partners.

I am a very hands-on guy who still loves to architect and code. Very pragmatic and focused on getting things done.

Happy to discuss what I can bring to your project.

email: layer.of.indirection+hn@gmail.com

SEEKING FREELANCER | Flanksource | Remote First

Flanksource is a niche consultancy focusing exclusively on Kubernetes and the Cloud Native ecosystem. We help companies navigate the CNCF landscape by evaluating and integrating technology into an infrastructure continuous delivery pipeline, tailored to each customer's particular environment and stack.

We are looking for Kubernetes focused Site Reliability Engineers to work remotely and ideally contribute back upstream.

Apply here https://careers.flanksource.com/o/kubernetes-site-reliabilit... Or dm moshloop on #kubernetes slack

SEEKING WORK - San Francisco/Nevada - Remote OK

US & EU Citizen. Travel Possible. Open to relocation for short term projects. Experienced software developer/manager with an extensive history in startups.

I am proficient in Go, Python, Javascript/Typescript. I would be willing to give a discount to work in Clojure

I've helped entrepreneurs develop their MVP, as well as large companies develop core features. Provided services such include feature development, engineering management, product management, and software auditing.

Solo developer. Previous engagements include 2U, Fuze, Shift, Getaround, Codecademy, Factset, drip.fm, and Swiftstack, IQT, among others. For more information visit turbines.io

SEEKING WORK | San Francisco | Remote

DevOps Practitioner with over 15 years of experience designing and building CI/CD pipelines and working with Cloud technologies. I've used almost all major DevOps tools and platforms at this point. I'm looking for a startup or two to work with closely as they build and improve their DevOps culture and process. DevOps is more than a set of software so I try to work holistically across departments to make entire companies more efficient.

Technologies: DevOps - Terraform, AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, Ansible, Chef, Puppet, Python, Go, Docker, Kubernetes

Résumé/CV: www.calebfornari.com

Email: calebfornari@gmail.com

Recruiter emails will be reported as spam, direct inquiries only please.


Location: Barcelona, Spain

Remote: Either

Skills: Wireframing, market research, data visualization, UI/UX/product design, information architecture.

Email: roberto@deltastudio.io

Website: https://deltastudio.io

Hit me up with your project, I offer free consultations.

Full-time freelance visual design expert for a wide variety of projects, strongly focused on usability and functionality. Continuously iterating an idea against the market, using quick mockups to ensure that the user experience is consistent and flows seamlessly, is what I do. I have over 4 years of experience specifically working with startups in the Fintech, blockchain & international conflict management ecosystems.

SEEKING WORK Remote: Yes Location: Greater Chicago Area(NW INDIANA CST GMT -6) Skillset: Flutter-mobile dart, android native, ios native, docker, bash

Hello, its Fred Grott your potential Flutter mobile expert. My credentials includes currently contributing to the top flutter plugin namely, flutter-platform_widgets. Fast prototyping a real pixel perfect solution to responsive layouts for all my clients. Not even Very Good Ventures has my pixel perfection solution!

Portfolio at gitlab:https://gitlab.com/fred.grott/flutterpatterns email: fred DOT grott AT gmail DOT com


Location: Mumbai, India

Remote: Yes, Strongly Preferred

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, Web Application Frameworks (Django, Flask, Tornado), REST APIs (DRF), Postgresql, MySQL, HTML, CSS, Heroku, Vanilla JS, Frontend Frameworks (VueJS), Linux, Docker.

Résumé / CV / Portfolio: Full CV and details of Open Source contributions available on request

Email: black11shadow@gmail.com

I'm a Backend Python Developer with 5 years of experience building web app backends and APIs. I've recently started dabbling in frontend frameworks, Vue & React to be precise. Have been working on Open source applications for 4 out of 5 years of work. I’m looking for a permanent or contract remote position as a backend/fullstack developer.

Hey, can you share your resume at gaurav.dagde@upgrad.com?

SEEKING WORK | London or Remote

* Experienced consultant taking on architect, developer or engineering manager roles.

* Finance, retail, games studios, media, telecoms

* Scala, Java, Rust, Kubernetes, Postgres, etc.

* Website work: https://eray.uk

* Website personal: https://flurdy.com

* Blog: https://blog.flurdy.com

* CV: https://linkedin.com/in/flurdy

* Github: https://github.com/flurdy

* Contact: cv @ work domain

SEEKING WORK | Berlin or Remote

Data Engineer

I have experience designing and implementing data processing systems in the Hadoop ecosystem as well as developing algorithms in a telecommunication environment for distributed systems.

Technologies: PySpark, HDFS, Parquet, YARN, SQL, Postgres, Tensorflow, Jupyter, Pandas, gensim, Flask, Docker, AWS, Linux

Programming languages: Python(proficient), Java(familiar), C++(familiar) Languages: English, German

Recent machine learning side project: https://github.com/grbtm/rssBriefing

CV on request

Email in profile

Website: https://grbtm.github.io/

SEEKING WORK | Remote Only (located in Atlantic Timezone, ET+1)

Full stack Rails developer / product manager.

I generally help with two kinds of problems:

1. Helping founders with deep domain experience who need to build a v1:


2. Working with an existing team as a fractional technical product manager:



* worked with over a dozen CxOs over the past decade, including the CEOs of Predictable Revenue, Headphones.com, and DocSpring, and brands like ESPN.

* took a client CEO from idea to $130M: https://www.reemer.com/articles/lessons-learned-going-from-i...

* Been building and shipping software professionally for 19y

* Working with Ruby on Rails for 11y

* consulting remotely for 11y

* Product Management skills: customer interviews, requirements gathering, product strategy, prioritization / roadmapping, wireframing, speccing, analytics, working with dev to ship, reporting on success, conversion review

* Technical: Ruby on Rails, Javascript, MySQL, Postgres, Web APIs (in particular I've worked with GitHub, Stripe, Slack, and Intercom in depth)

Why me:

Clients like my approach because it's pragmatic, thoughtful, and focused on business growth. I've run three B2B SaaS businesses (and sold two of them). I see technology as a leveraged tool for growing a business, not an end in itself.

Looking for projects that are ready to start soon. Ideal project is B2B SaaS with a budget of US$20k+.

Email: hn@reemer.com

SEEKING FREELANCER | Boise, Idaho / Remote

Court Bell is a seed funded startup building modern software services for trial courts. We're looking for part-time freelancers, initially, with a possibility of full-time employment in the future.

We're looking for two roles (2+ years of experience):

1. Web Designer: HTML / CSS (prefer HTML5/CSS3) with a good understanding of reactive design. We're open to which frameworks you prefer.

2. NodeJS Developer: You'll be using NodeJS to receive JSON documents and process them against a PostgreSQL database.

It's a great, growing company with a good culture. Join us!

Email: david927@gmail.com (send your resume/CV, experience, availability and rate)

Thanks, everyone, for your applications. We've filled these roles.

SEEKING WORK | Seattle | YES Technologies: Fullstack JS, MVC (react, vue, angular), Sql/NoSql, DevOps, functional programming, event streaming, pub-sub, cloud engineering & deployment.

Limited but growing experience in python and machine learning. Really interested in roles involving the potential to grow in these skills.

Resume: Started www.beaver.digital, interested in the area where design and good code intersect. More info at www.nikkwong.com.

I'm a one man shop for creating attractive design oriented solutions to hard digital problems. Interested in small teams where I can work on technologies and skills beyond my current expertise.

Email: nikkwong0@gmail.com


  Remote: YES
  Technologies: Deep Learning, Machine Learning, TensorFlow, Data Science, Python, Java, Kotlin,
  Résumé/CV: http://jorgemf.github.io/cv.pdf
  email: See CV
I am a Deep Learning Researcher & Engineer. I started my career in Artificial Intelligence with my degree in Computer Science Engineering, which I graduated with first-class honors in 2006. I continued my education with a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence and an MBA. I have worked mostly with startups from San Francisco, London and Madrid. Only on remote roles since 2015.

SEEKING WORK, Cassandra / Druid Cluster Engineer, Primarily Remote (based in Eindhoven, NL)

Well-rounded data engineer with deep knowledge of the internals of distributed datastores.

Core Skills:

● Cassandra (Data Modeling, Troubleshooting Performance And Operational Issues)

● Druid (Stream Ingestion, Cluster Ops, Data Modeling, Scaling Complex Queries)

● Stream Processing At Scale: Kafka, Flink, Spark Streaming

● Programming Languages: Scala (highly proficient, 8 years exp.), Python (proficient)

Other Skills: Zookeeper, Redshift, Kinesis, Airflow, JVM tuning for big data, AWS cost optimization for big data.

Educational Background: Computer Science.

Solid experience working remotely.

All of my recent work history (8 years) is exclusively with startups.

Rate: $145/hour.

E-mail address in the profile.

SEEKING WORK | Americas | Remote

Full stack developer with extensive experience in Python (Flask, Django, SQLAlchemy, Celery, Alembic, Pytest, Fire) and JavaScript (VueJS, React, Webpack, NodeJS, Express, Jest) and also experience with operations work (Docker, Compose, Gitlab-CI, Bash).

I've worked on multiple projects of different domains and both in large organizations and greenfield projects (in one in particular, I was first developer and responsible for choosing the entire stack).

You can reach out to me, even just to say hi, in lo@luord.com

I also have a website/blog: https://luord.com

SEEKING WORK | Indonesia | Remote

Technologies: Javascript, React, React Native, Ruby, Ruby on Rails

Resume/CV: https://fikrikarim.com/cv

Portfolio: https://fikrikarim.com/portfolio

Email: fk.fikrikarim@gmail.com

I love building fully tested MVP with React, React Native, and Ruby on Rails. On previous work experiences I profiled and optimized our main system so it run 3.7x faster, so I care a lot about performance too. I have several production React Native and Rails apps that have 300+ daily users.

Hit me up for anything!

Seeking Work - NYC / Remote

Prefer medium/large projects over small ones.

Front end/interface architect with a focus on B2B. I’ve participated in countless rapid prototyping / ideation committees and teams. Very comfortable with putting together various APIs/concepts from different domains into an integrated solution, a working prototype, or a polished web app.

Skills - rapid prototyping/product ideation - Able to integrate any API into a working product - svelte/react/node js - advanced UI design skills - graphQL and MongoDB - lambda / functions / serverless - consulting on interfaces

Email: sethjgore@gmail.com



I'm a senior full-stack developer with 15 years of experience (7 as a contract software consultant). I specialize in prototype/MVP development, product rewrites, automation and process improvement, and IT augmentation as a drop-in developer for your team.

I've helped business in a wide variety of sectors: finance, politics, charities, academia, startups, mapping, agriculture, insurance, marketing.

Looking for projects starting in March 2020 onward, with roughly 2-week to 6-month timelines and budgets ~US$10k-100k. Prefer to bill hourly or day rate, but by milestone is fine too.

Strong communication and time-management skills. Have worked with clients found via HN/Angel, some for many years. References available.


Preferred tech stack:

    - Backend: Python/Flask, Ruby/Rails, Clojure
    - DB: PostgreSQL or NoSQL
    - Frontend: Responsive HTML5, moderate JavaScript/Vue, ClojureScript
    - Platform: AWS, Heroku, Linux VPS

Site: https://jeffkayser.com

Portfolio: https://jeffkayser.com/portfolio/

Contact: https://jeffkayser.com/contact/ or hn.2020-01@firesteel.consulting

GitHub: https://github.com/jeffkayser

Angel: https://angel.co/jeff-kayser-1

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffkayser

SEEKING WORK | Based in US Florida | Part-time - Remote

Freelance software developer with more than 20 years of experience. Devops with ansible, Linux admnistration and AWS cloud.

- Node.js development. 10 years of experience.

- C# development. 15 years of experience (ASP.NET, MVC, Winforms and lately some .NET core).

- Python development. 10 years of experience.

- Devops with ansible. 5 years of experience, including plugin development and AWS provisioning and management.

- Since a couple of years I have been working more and more with Common Lisp, Haskell and F# on some projects.

Based on my current workload, I am available for 10 hours per week for the next couple of months and then more later.

Email: sendevops@gmail.com


Chicago-based freelancer looking for 1-6 month projects. Have worn many hats over the years, but main focus for the last two years has been data engineering, dev ops, and Rust development. Hold an M.S. in computer science from a top-10 US university.

- Remote Freelance (5 years experience)

- Python (10 years)

- Rust (3 years)

- Application architecture and security (5 years)

- Project / developer management (3 years)

- Data Engineering (Python, Hadoop, Spark (Scala), Kafka, Postgres)

- Web Development (Rails, Flask, HTML, CSS, React)

- ML (training and validation, DNN / RNN / CNN, GLM, Random Forest, Bayesian Optimization)

- DevOps (Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Google Cloud, Terraform, CI / CD)

Email: hn_freelancing@protonmail.com

SEEKING WORK | Kraków area, Poland | DESKTOP/BACKEND (but can do web in a pinch) | REMOTE

Most experience: C++, Java, Clojure, Common Lisp. Over the last two years, I worked mostly with the latter two, primarily on the backend.

CV: http://jacek.zlydach.pl/cv.pdf

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/temporalpl/

GitHub: https://github.com/TeMPOraL

E-mail: hn_work@jacek.zlydach.pl


Location: Murrieta, CA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: HTML/CSS JavaScript/Node and related libraries

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gagebachik

Email: gbachik@gmail.com

Hey! I’m a 26yo Dev who’s had a company make it to the final round of YC interviews, worked full time for startups, and done freelance for myself as well as agencies so I’ve seen a bit of everything.

I spent the last 2yrs pursuing a self passion of mine that didn’t pan out and now looking to get back into the field. Willing to do internships to get up to speed with whatever stack is needed. Thanks!

SEEKING WORK, South East Asia (UTC+7), remote work OK, open to relocation for big projects


- Front-end: Javascript Revealing Module Pattern, JQuery, Bootstrap

- Back-end: NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, Mongoose, PassportJS, Mocha, Async, Joi, Nginx, Redis, Linux, Git, Bash

- Cloud: Amazon Web Services, Digital Ocean, Letsencrypt, Mailgun, Stripe

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markjgsmith, email me for my complete up to date CV

Email: markjgsmith@gmail.com

I'm a Senior Web Developer with 5 years experience building web based applications, APIs, and integrating cloud services, and with an 8 year background in building file data ingest pipelines for Fortune 500 companies in the Media and Entertainment industry across the EMEA region. 5 years experience working remotely.

- Built a link curation cloud/SAAS web application that is fault tolerant, load balanced, scalable, secure, can run on any standard linux VPS and costs around $20 per month

- Part of the team that built a hybrid cloud/SAAS file delivery solution that grew rapidly in popularity to service 25 000 businesses and 400 000 customers worldwide

- Architected and built file ingest and processing solutions for ProsiebenSat, Canal Plus, Chellomedia, Swiss Television, Media City UK, BSkyB, and Discovery Channel, enabling massive increase in the amount of data that could be processed, in the case of Discovery Channel throughput of their VOD platform increased by 1000% with no additional staff

- Created a simple I/O tracking system for a film post production company that quadrupled the processing capability while massively reducing the amount of delivery errors

- Created a training program for artists, engineers and producers at a film visual effects company enabling teams to scale with minimal impact

I currently have immediate availability.

Website: https://markjgsmith.com - social medias, github, etc


We are a small team of Software Engineers with Startup mentality, specialising in Python/Django and React/React Native/Electron stack. We've created a lot of successful POCs and Prototypes for our clients, worked as team extension for startups, created complex Web, Desktop and IOS/Android apps, provided maintenance and DevOps services.

Very friendly and communicative team, eager to hear your story!

You can contact us at rootx@rootxnet.com Our website: https://www.rootxnet.com

SEEKING WORK | PUNE, INDIA | REMOTE | Two person team, also available individually Location: Pune, India

8+ years of experience developing, publishing Web and Mobile Apps, Containerizing existing applications, performing cloud migrations to a cloud provider of your choice from your current on-premise deployment.

Technologies: Python, Django, Celery, Scrapy, ReactJS, React Native, RabbitMQ, Docker, RESTFful APIs, AWS, Azure, Postgres, GraphQL, C#, .NET

Résumé/CV: https://stackoverflow.com/cv/varunpsr

Email: varun.rathore@outlook.com

SEEKING WORK | Europe, Poland | REMOTE

Team of 2 full-stack developers, 10+ years of experience. Recently we have built a core software platform for ROOVEE - fastest-growing bike rental system in Poland. We've achieved more than teams 5x our size by solving business challenges, creating scalable architecture and performant system.

Technologies: c#, .net core, react, react-native, Microsoft Azure, PostgreSQL, Google Cloud Platform, Kubernetes Availability: 20 man-days per month, starting April

Contact us https://devpool.pl team (@) devpool.pl

SEEKING WORK | SF Bay Area | Remote OK

Data scientist with strong software development skills.

Recently I've worked on geospatial data wrangling, retail sales forecasting, and turning machine learning models into web APIs.

Email: andrew@ajnisbet.com

WWW: https://www.ajnisbet.com/

GitHub: https://github.com/ajnisbet/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ajnisbet/


Location: Frankfurt, Germany.

Remote: yes, also open to a mix if you're based in Germany.

Willing to relocate: No

CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathansundqvist/

Email: jonathan+hn@argpar.se

I'm backend developer that have worked with Python extensively over the years and happy to dig into frontend stuff as well.

Most recently I've had clients such as Fidelity International, the Greenweb foundation and iRights.

If you're even remotely interested in what I can help with, send me an email and I'd be happy to discuss things.


   Location: Los Angeles
   Remote: yes!
   Technologies: Node.js, typescript, graphql, React, PostgreSQL, graph databases, web sockets.
   Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QZFT_miF9MGO42JnS1P43Kra9DKwjRKY23HpxkYhQIk/edit?usp=drivesdk
   Website: https://www.good-idea.studio
   Email: joseph@good-idea.studio
Full-stack web developer with 8 years experience. I've built websites, MVP-level apps, content management systems and other full-stack, high-volume systems.

SEEKING WORK - Location: REMOTE | Based in NY

Hi, I'm an experienced front end and full stack engineer with experience working in large companies such as Amazon as well as small distributed startups so I'm able to collaborate effectively in a variety of contexts.

Skills: Javascript (React, RN, Node, ES6), Java, Postgres, SCSS

Looking for: Interesting work, strong communicators, opportunities for contribution or leadership

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelcliou/

Email: mike@superlabs.dev

Let's chat!

SEEKING WORK - South Florida / Miami - Remote usually


Experienced generalist software developer who does integrations, automations, data exports and imports, web applications, and API development.

Core technologies are Node.js, React, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Python, and SQL.

I usually deploy to Heroku, but I also do things with AWS.

Please see my profile for my contact information. I’m currently available for about 50 hours / month.

Is there a project you’re considering these days? Please send me a message! We can schedule a 15-30 minute call, with a goal of understanding your objectives and having a sense of the project scope.

Seeking work | San Diego, CA | HARDWARE

- Full stack hardware engineer (electrical, mechanical, firmware, sourcing & manufacturing)

- Designed and produced all the hardware @comma.ai (https://comma.ai/shop, https://github.com/commaai/neo)

- Resume: https://eddiesamuels.com/resume.pdf

- Email me! eddiemsamuels@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK | Remote Only (US - East coast)

Software engineer with many years of experience. Looking for something 15-20 hours/week max or project basis.

Experienced in: Ruby on Rails, Node.js, React, Vue, Dart, Flutter, React Native, and more.

Email: my hacker news username @ protonmail.com

I have been developing software for well over 15 years now. Worked at enterprise companies and startup. Can act as a fractional CTO if needed. Not looking for anything full time right now but looking to take on a project or weekly work. I have worked on multiple stacks but prefer Rails.

Frontend/backend are both okay.

Seeking work | Ann Arbor, MI | Remote

Mostly focused on frontend. I have 5 years of production React experience, over 50 apps in the AppStore with React Native. (A handful of tutorial videos available here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8DYJ67Jzgth8GYugWI85UQ/vid...)

http://ryanlanciaux.com/about for more info + contact info.


Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Remote: Yes

Part time

Technologies and Skills: Java, Spring Boot, Python, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Angular, Jenkins, Docker, MongoDB, MySQL, ElasticSearch, Redis, Apache Kafka, Requirements gathering, design, and UX, Consultancy.

Resume / CV / Portfolio: available upon request

Rate: €65/hr

Email: evangelosdaniil[at]pm.me

Since 2014, I run my own development company, and I am helping companies & development teams to build world-class applications, tailored to their needs, using pixel perfect code that is built with love. Would you like to have a chat? Hit me up @ evangelosdaniil[at]pm.me.

SEEKING WORK | Remote | Fullstack Developer

Passionate Developer looking for fresh air, any new challenge is welcome.

Tecnhologies: TypeScript/JavaScript/NodeJS, Python, Flask, VueJS, SCSS, MongoDB, Firebase, MySQL, SocketIO, PHP, Laravel

Website: https://www.vitorferrari.com/ github: https://github.com/lkk2 email: ferrarivitor@outlook.com.br

feel free to reach me any doubts, questions, love or opportunities

SEEKING WORK | Boston Area | Remote Email: scjackson@linux.com

I'm a software developer (MS CS) with the bulk of my professional experience in PHP, Drupal, and the related stacks. I've been solely a remote developer for the past 10 years. I'm interested in anything remote, part-time, and love to work mostly on back-end tooling although in my day-to-day I work on everything from the backend to the frontend.

Experience with: PHP, Drupal, Laravel, React, LAMP, Golang and various other tools (buzzword and otherwise) over the past 13 years.

SEEKING WORK, Remote or London (UK)

Product Engineer - I work towards building the right thing and building it right

About me: Based in London. Physics Engineer MSc turned into Software and Startups. Domain expertise in Energy, Supply Chain. Available part-time while working on my own thing.

Past work

- Tech Lead on a Supply-Chain pilot with Blockchain - Full-stack Developer responsible for the website, dashboards, e-commerce, tools and status on an IaaS platform


Bread and butter: Ruby on Rails, Heroku, AWS, Digital Ocean, Ops, Javascript, Ethereum Exploring: golang, rust, Substrate, Cosmos-sdk

Email: rafael.jegundo[at]gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - North Carolina, US - Remote, but happy to travel

Website: https://modernresearchconsulting.com

Email: mail@modernresearchconsulting.com

Technologies: R (expertise in Shiny), Python (Flask), Plotly, Postgres, D3, AWS, Stata, SAS, GIS (ArcGIS and QGIS), Google Maps, Google APIs, general data transfer/manipulation/validation/automation

Recently working on municipal asset tracking by integrating handheld barcode scanners with inventory APIs.

Resume/CV: available on request

SEEKING WORK | Remote/NYC-based | Developer + UI Designer | olivierbreton.me

Full stack web developer and UI designer. Former startup founder with over 6 years of experience creating digital products. I enjoy working on napkin ideas in need of MVPs & web apps in need of fresh UIs or data-driven projects.

Tech stack: Node.js, Vue.js, Django/Python, SQL/No-SQL databases, ElasticSearch, HTML/CSS/jQuery

Portfolio: https://olivierbreton.me

Contact: olivier@olivierbreton.me

SEEKING WORK - US Remote - Front-End Developer

I’m a front-end developer with an eye for design. I can help create a user interface that is beautiful and performant. Though I specialize in building user interfaces, I also have experience with backend development which helps in making me adaptable to the needs of whatever team I’m on.

If you’re interested in working with me, feel free to send me an e-mail at the address listed below.

ReactJS / Redux / HTML / CSS / Ruby on Rails / PHP

Location: Long Beach, CA Email: david@activatedapps.com

I am working on a website which where people give feedback to each other's interview performance. Part of the backend is ready , but I need frontend help. Mostly HTML/CSS and some javascript.


I am looking for frontend help. If you are interested, please contact through link above or through my profile.


Location: SE Asia

Remote: Yes

Résumé/CV: https://gildedhonour.co

Email: a1@serendipia.email


Hi, I'm Alex. I'll solve your problem in building custom software for you.

The areas I mostly work with are:

  * e-commerce
  * security

  * machine learning
  * marketing

  * web, full-stack

My latest projects are 2 e-commerce stores I've built from zero, they're live. And some open source projects.

Full list:



Location: Budapest

Remote: Yes

Technologies: Javascript ES6, React, HTML, CSS

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dimitrimarion/ and https://www.dimitrimarion.com/

Email: contact@dimitrimarion.com

Hi, I'm Dimitri, a Front-end engineer specializing in React. I have experience working on complex software system as a Software Engineer in the defense industry.


Location: Bengaluru, India

Remote: Yes

Technologies: Golang, Python, React, Angular, NodeJS, Typescript, Javascript, Solidity, Ethereum Dapps and Contracts programming, along with some Java

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gnaman

Email: hn {at} namang.me

About: Full-time software engineer at a YC startup looking for part-time, contract or freelance work. I enjoy working on backend systems with a penchant for beautiful, functional and minimal frontends.

SEEKING WORK | Glasgow, Scotland | REMOTE

Full-stack developer with 9 years professional experience and 3 years contracting.

Technologies used in production: TypeScript/JavaScript, React, NodeJS, Ruby on Rails.

Current SAAS side-project with 500+ users and million requests per day.

Email: dunckr @ gmail.com

https://dunckr.com || https://www.linkedin.com/in/duncanbeaton

SEEKING WORK Colorado, Remote + Travel

I'm a cloud consultant with a background in web & mobile app dev. I love helping app developers build & release quickly & safely through scalable infrastructure & automated CI/CD & build systems.

I specialize in Kubernetes, Bazel, Spinnaker, Istio, and am a certified Google Cloud Architect. I've spent the last 18 months partnering with Google to migrate their largest customers.

Read more at HireMiles.com. Email me at miles@hiremiles.com.

  SEEKING WORK | Montreal, Canada | Remote
  Technologies: iOS/macOS/watchOS, Objective-C/Swift
  Web: http://chriscomeau.com
  Resume/CV: http://chriscomeau.com/resume
  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christiancomeau
  GitHub: https://github.com/chriscomeau
  Portfolio: https://github.com/chriscomeau/Portfolio
  Email: chris.comeau@skyriser.com

SEEKING WORK | Cologne Germany | Remote

Full stack developer with a strong sense of product ownership.

Looking to build more web apps with a team where everyone shares responsibility and market interest.

# Skills:

- React (5/5) => Redux, CSSinJS, Compose, Hooks

- GraphQL(4/5) => Relay, Apollo

- Node (3/5) => Sockets, Knex, Express, Apollo-Server

- JS-FP (3/5) => Ramda, Lodash,

- Design (3/5) => Figma, Design Principles

# Past projects:

(in different capacities, always Full stack)

- B2B event ticketing platform (webApp)

- Virtual reality car showroom (webApp)

- Display soil analysis samples (webApp)

- Amazon ad bid automation platform (webApp)

reach me at me@larsnolden.com


  Location: Karachi, Pakistan

  Remote: Yes

  Willing to relocate: Yes

  Technologies: Python (Flask, Django), SQL, Web Scraping

  GitHub: https://github.com/kashaziz
I am available for full-time or part-time positions that involve API based back-end development, web scraping and data manipulation.


We are building a WebKit-based browser for the Apple aco-system. WebKit is the fastest and most energy-efficient browser rendering engine on macOS. There are 140M+ macOS desktops out there, and the only option for a WebKit browser is Safari. We did not want another chrome clone so we are building the first Webkit alternative browser.

Skills (5+ years of experience):

- macOS/iOS

- Swift

- C++

- Javascript

- SQLite

Novel idea, challenging problems. Join us!

Email: vprelovac@gmail.com (send CV / relevant experience / availability / rate)

Are you considering Windows and Android too? A true webkit-based crossplatform browser would be killer.

No, tied just to Apple ecosystem to leverage the enormous benefits WebKit has on macOS.

But what would be the point of competing against Safari?

No point, if you believe Safari is the perfect web browser.

Otherwise, there are many things you can do different. Plus the world (and Safari) needs a WebKit-based alternative.


Location: Kitchener/Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

8+ years of experience working with various web development technologies. Open to development roles or building a MVP/POC.


- Microsoft: C#, .NET Core, SQL Server, Azure

- JavaScript: Node.js, React, Redux, ES6, Express

- Cloud: AWS, PCF

- Others: Graphql/Apollo, Apache Kafka, NoSQL, MongoDB, REST APIs, CI/CD, Jenkins, Agile/Scrum, TDD, Git, Microservices

Email: binit DOT s DOT bhatia AT gmail.com

(Please mention that you found my profile on Hacker News)

SEEKING WORK - Europe (Stockholm) but willing to travel all over the world.

Email: hn@kevmodro.me

I provide workshops and training for front-end developers in Svelte (https://svelte.dev/). Anything from introductory workshops to more complex topics such as Sapper (the application framework for Svelte).

If your company is looking to explore this new and exciting framework I can help you with this.

SEEKING WORK | Washington DC metro area | Remote or Local/Onsite

- Welcome to contact with projects and offers; we can talk about if a project or role is a good fit

- Current availability; flexible rates depending on project scope and hours needed

- Web stack: JavaScript, LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), WordPress, Python & Flask/Django, AWS/Cloud

- Data stack: Python, Pandas, numpy, stream processing (Kafka), Jupyter, viz (matplotlib), statistical analysis

- Contact: dctechj @ gmail

SEEKING WORK | Philadelphia, PA | REMOTE ONLY | 10-30 hours weekly

Software Architect with 10+ years experience in .NET, C#, and related technologies. I specialize in event-driven applications, messaging architectures, and third-party integrations.

All contact information is in my profile.

Fluent Technologies: .NET Framework, .NET Core, ASP.NET MVCm ASP.NET Webforms, C#, VB / VisualBasic, JavaScript / VueJS, SQL Server, MongoDB, RabbitMQ / MassTransit



According to research by Google, 53% of mobile users leave a website that takes more than three seconds to load. Without a fast and efficient website, you will be losing a large margin of potential customers.

I develop websites from scratch with unique designs while still using barebones HTML, CSS & JavaScript to provide an extremely efficient and fastloading site.

Website: matteqa.com

Email: matthew@matteqa.com

SEEKING WORK | Sofia, Bulgaria | Remote

Python, C++, Java, SQL, Mathematics

Experience with:

- Creating booking engines for the online travel industry

- Implementing server side logic and mathematics for casino games, creating simulations.

- Programming Bots for monitoring and data collecting

- Databases - PostgreSQL, Oracle

- Data processing, migrations, statistical analysis, machine learning

- Mathematics, Numerical methods, Computational 2D and 3D geometry

- Creating Windows software for the metrology industry

I have my own EU VAT registered Ltd. company. Contact ipfr at astrei.com


Location: Curitiba, Brazil (UTC-3)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Microsoft technologies for software development (C#, F#, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core 3.x, EF 6, EF Core, T-SQL); FORTRAN 77/90; Microfocus RM-COBOL; MATLAB/Simulink; LabView

Experienced chemical process engineer with a knack for software development. Control engineering specialist. Able to develop either desktop or web apps for chemical plant operation/simulation.

Posted on: Monday, February 3rd, 2020.

SEEKING WORK | Full Stack Engineer JS & Python | remote


I deliver MVPs. Can pick up any tech stack quickly.

Built IELTSBible: https://ieltsbible.com (ask for an OTP) - Computer Delivered IELTS practise tests

Previously built RazorGTD: Omnifocus for the web


- React.js, Django, Node.js, PostgresSQL, DigitalOcean, Python Machine Learning stack: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn

- email: anoopemacs [at] gmail.com

Seeking work | Queens, NY | Prefer Remote

Successful Python web dev who pivoted to ecommerce content marketing last year. Love it so much that I want to work in a data-first ecommerce marketing environment. Preferably I'd be using my skills with data analysis with Python (Flask, pandas, matplotlib) in combination with my product and content marketing skills (copyediting, SEO, Social Media, UI/UX).

email: torvaldenom@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK | Stockholm | Remote

Senior developer with prior CTO/engineering management experience looking for Python/DevOps/Django gigs.


- Python, Django, REST Api, Postgresql

- Docker, Traefik

- Automation, Ansible, Makefile, BASH

- Blog at https://simplecto.com

- LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/heysamtexas


Software Test Automation Engineer (SDET). 9+ years of experience.

Experience of the testing: Web, Mobile, Native Mobile and Desktop, API.

Specializing in building advanced tools for the testing of the games.

Technologies: Python, Java, Selenium, Appium, OpenCV (Computer Vision)

Email: denys.zaiats@gmail.com

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/denyszaiats/


Location: european, running a web development company in china.

Remote: yes, can travel (20%)

Technologies: Linux, frontend and backend webdevelopment, prototyping.

20 years experience with web development, offering web development services, developer training, mentoring and part-time CTO support for developers or junior CTOs

Email: see profile

I am also able to build up a development team for you in china to help you enter the chinese market or take advantage of resources in china.


Security Engineer currently @Google looking for freelance security work, anything related to webapp/mobile/infra/hardware. Get some boutique pentesting results without having to pay one of the big guys.

Resume / Email @ https://dylan.legg.io/resume.pdf

SEEKING WORK | Norwich, UK | Remote

Full stack web developer with Node.js and PHP backends.

10+ years of experience, keen to work on some part time or short term contracts.

james [at] cloudship.co.uk




Location: Seattle, WA

Remote: Yes

On-Site: Yes, no relocation

Technologies: Scala, Ruby on Rails, Ansible, Jenkins, Nix, NixOS, DynamoDB, Postgres

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/corey-o-connor-389ab23/

GitHub: https://gitlab.com/coreyoconnor/


Python & C++ programmer with focus in image processing.

I'm a software engineer with 15 years of experience in various areas including image processing, GPU programming, graphics, and performance optimization.

Technologies: Python, C++, CUDA, Typescript, Vue.js, Common Lisp

Email: info@nathan-weston.com Web site: https://nathan-weston.com

Seeking work - South East Asia - Remote

Technologies: Javascript, React, Flutter, Java, HTML/CSS, Golang, some Python scripting

Email: greeniowork [ a@t ) [ gmail ) d-o-t c-o-m

Full stack developer, with about 2+ years of frontend development experience.

Inbox me for resume, portfolio :) I'm happy to share more about the projects I've worked on, side projects that I am currently working on, and potential rates!

SEEKING FREELANCER, Greece remote only, part time, no agencies

I am looking for a UX Expert to solve some problems of a salad application. The app is in good shape and I need to make it better. Hide some clutter and provide a better onboarding experience for the user.

Its a nice little project and I want to find a freelancer that cares for the job and invest time to find the best solution.


Android, iOS? What language/tools are used?

for Web


Location: Limassol, Cyprus

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Video. Everything video-related. Things for streaming, recording video, video conferencing systems, chats, passthrough video montage, transcoding, thumbnailing, players, things like that.


Rate: $90/h

email: anovikov@granpm.com

SEEKING WORK | Sydney, Australia, or REMOTE

Tech stack: TypeScript, React, NodeJS, K8s, Kafka, Docker, Mongo, Postgres

Full-stack engineer with 10 years of experience in building web applications. Mostly interested in part-time ongoing work, up to 20 hours per week, so that I do not need to take on multiple projects.

Please reach out to me for my CV/examples of work at: hi at jvke dot co

Let freelancerSeekingWork = (location = "NYC", remoteOk = true) => {

//2 Years experience with React and Wordpress doing independent projects for small businesses. Would love to work for a team with more senior developers with React Native. Comfortable with React, React Native, Node, and am learning swift.

return "arturo@make-it-happen.dev" }


Technologies: C, Common Lisp, C#, Perl, JavaScript, Java, Postscript, Scheme and TeX; MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. web-page: https://parentesis.rufina.link email: See web-page

I am a programmer with over 20 years of experience in a variety of technologies.


Backend: PHP, Python

Frontend: Javascript, JQuery

Framework: Symfony, Django

Github: https://github.com/sharidas

Personal Blog: http://sujithh.info/

I have more than 13 years of experience.

email: sujith.h@gmail.com Availability 40 hours a week.


Location: Las Vegas, NV

Remote: Yes

Technologies: Microsoft C#, .NET, ASP.NET, SQL Server, WPF, Azure, Xamarin

Linked-In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joemayo/

GitHub: https://github.com/JoeMayo

SEEKING WORK | Québec-Montréal | REMOTE

Deep Learning PhD, with Full-stack experience; AI/ML consultant.

I'm looking to work on Computer Vision or Reinforcement learning, would prefer PyTorch projects.

15+ years (~10 professionally) experience of Python I've worked in Robotics, Computer Vision, NLP and Reinforcement learning.

Queries at: feeddeadbeef@protonmail.ch


C#, haskell, unix, any javascript framework, willing to learn any tech.

Ten years of experience.

I'm good at automating odd jobs, from design systems implementation to theorem provers heuristics.

We are a match if you got a one of a kind project and you need a generalist that will do what needs to be done to deliver value.

You can find my address in my profile.


Location: Europe (other timezones possible)

Technologies: NodeJS, Python, PHP, Apache/NGINX, GCP/AWS, SQL/NoSQL, HTML/CSS/JS, Go/Java, more

Remote: Yes

Email: tom@kleinholding.com

Full-Stack Developer - https://linkedin.com/in/tom-klein


I'm a front end developer with four years of experience. I'm looking to pick up additional contract work on a short or long term basis. Resume available upon request.

Skill highlights: JavaScript, CSS, HTML, React, Webpack, Python, Node

Contact: northwestbased+hn@gmail.com

SEEKING WORK Location: Eindhoven, the Netherlands

Remote is possible.

Full stack development, front end development, data science, data visualization

My focus is on developing web services and complex interactive data visualizations.

Website: https://dialectic.design

Contact: contact@dialectic.design

SEEKING WORK | Remote | Europe, Budapest | Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JavaScript ES6, React, React Native, Redux, SQL, MongoDB, Redis, .NET Core

I'm a full-stack developer with 5 years of experience, currently specializing in mobile apps built with React Native.

Availability: ~20 hrs/week

Rate: ~30€/h

Email: bitfliplabs@protonmail.com

SEEKING WORK | Madrid, Spain | Remote: Yes

Senior Mobile Software Engineer with over 12 years building mobile application and APIs.

Front-End: Swift, Kotlin, Objective-C..

Back-End: Python, Java, SpringBoot, Elixir...

Devops: AWS (EC2, S3, Route 53, RDS), Kubernetes, Docker...

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/kamiro

CV: compas7.com/202002Gary.pdf

Email: kamiro/gmail.com


Location: boston, ma; new york, ny; washington, dc; (REMOTE OK)

Technologies: java, c++, c#, ruby on rails, some python, a bit of r

Web: https://robertjyates.com/RobertYatesResume.pdf

Email: see profile

SEEKING FREELANCER | NYC | Full or part time

Cybersecurity engineers proficient in application security, cloud security, identity and access management, and operations. Fintech experience preferable, with a minimum of a few years focused on security.

Email address in profile.

Hey man, can't seem to find your contact email on your sites. Here's my resume - https://dylan.legg.io/resume.pdf - looking for some part time freelance work

SEEKING FREELANCER | Vancouver, BC | Remote OK (must be in BC)

Looking for a mobile app dev to build a photo/video sharing app on both platforms.

This will be the second app I've created with Freelancers from HN. This is the only place I ever look for talent.


SEEKING WORK / Washington, USA / Remote OK

Interface designer with front-end web dev know-how. I love UI design, organization, and keeping things simple.


SEEING WORK | Vancouver / Toronto | Remote

Two man team providing a variety of services both for building MVPs and helping companies grow!

Backend: PHP / Laravel, NodeJS

Frontend: VueJS, React, Angular

Other: Kubernetes, Docker, Dev Lead Consulting

Portfolio / Resume: randomshapes.com

Email: matt@randomshapes.com

SEEKING WORK | NYC | Remote/local

Rails, Objective-C, 20+ years writing apps

Let us help you create complete iOS & web solutions for today's post-PC world.


SEEKING WORK - Remote/SF/Missouri

iOS - Android - Mobile - Web - Design - Machine Learning

Portfolio & Information: http://quarkworks.co

Contact: contact@quarkworks.co

Seeking work (remote) Based in Stockholm.

Frontend developer since many years but now combining it with UX the last 3 years. Have held many workshops on prototyping and UX research.

Email: carl.waerner@gmail.com


loc: los angeles

remote: okay

languages: python, clojure, postgresql, pl/pgsql, linux, mysql

github: https://github.com/dt1

SEEKING WORK | UK | Remote OK Technical SEO with more than 10 years of experience, full package SEO offered, more info: piotr@imd.agency

SEEKING WORK - Based in Brooklyn, NY I do native iOS app development. Remote work possible.

email: dotmixtape@gmail.com


Remote, US

Data engineering. ETL/ELT. Geospatial. GIS.

BigQuery, PostgreSQL, dbt, Pulumi, Google CloudFunctions. Azure to GCP.

chapmanjacobd @gmail.com

I want a freelancer who is good in seo but in affordable prices for my website. www.wikirush.com

interested personal can email me on icoverified@gmail.com

SEEKING PART TIME FREELANCE WORK | Remote | 15 - 20 hours per week

* I'm Sunil Kumar C. I'm currently working as a Senior Software Developer at a Startup in Bangalore, India. I'm a passionate programmer who loves to build new things. I can work on freelance jobs as part time and can spend up to 20 hours per week on projects.

* I have been a active freelancer on Codementor. You can find the reviews of my clients here - https://www.codementor.io/sunilkumarc

Expert At: Python, Django, Golang, AWS, Pandas, Node.js, HTML/CSS/JavaSript, JQuery, Bootstrap, Terraform, Redis, PostgresSQL, Redshift, S3, Apache Airflow

Github - https://github.com/sunilkumarc Linkedin - https://in.linkedin.com/in/sunilkumarc

You can contact me on sunilkumarc682@gmail.com to discuss the details.

SEEKING WORK - Remote (Toronto, Canada)

Full-stack software developer (mobile, server/service, web, heavy database work, etc) with a pretty varied and successful career.


I have my own products, and work on my own stuff at my own leisure, but am looking for variety and interesting contacts for which I can dedicate up to 20 hours a week.

Rate: $99 USD / hour. I don't make a living doing this, but don't want to undercut anyone too much.

This sounds boorish and arrogant to say (thought it is just time efficiency), but if the process involves a long period of talking to a variety of people in a dance of puffery, I'll probably lose interest. I want to get to the meat at the outset.

Just send me a problem, a question, etc, and we'll go from there. dforbes(at)yafla.com

Cheers, and thanks for reading!

Looking for remote (contract/part-time) using node/mongo/koa for rest apis and/or vue/svelte/react on front end.

You can read more about me at https://profullstack.com


Location: Greensboro, NC

Remote: yes

Experience: Julia, Matlab, Fortran, Python, Computational Math, Geometric Algebra



seeking: "work", fullTime: true, partTime: true, location: "South America", timezone: "ET", willingToRelocate: true, stack: ["ruby","rails","react","postgresql"]



Bargain PHP / JS work offered from the UK.

I'm looking for work to gain experience and build a stronger portfolio. Cheap rates ($10-15) can be negotiated, or fixed fee for project work.

I am able to work with:





Large or small projects considered.

Email: bargainphpdeveloper@protonmail.com

Are you looking for the option to automate the testing of your games, video streams or other media? Testpic.com - https://www.testpic.com/

We provide exceptional tools, based on Artificial Intelligence, that allow performing deep and accurate visual testing of your games and media content. Stop paying for human daily clicking and trust your games to the AI.

SEEKING WORK | Uzice & Belgrade (Serbia, Europe, UTC+1/CET time zone) | REMOTE

Hi everyone! We're a fun-to-work-with six person team of developers and designers. But also a group of friends. Over 35 years combined experience in web design and development. Started as individuals/freelancers ended as team and going strong for the past 5-6 years. We also work with our network of contractors/freelancers when the job requires scaling up. Specialized in:

• We're there to get the project started or to put that last pixel in it's place.

• Designing and developing CMS based websites, SPAs, MVPs, Hybrid mobile apps (iOS & Android).

• Working as an outsourced front-end team for enterprise, e-government and SaaS web apps. In-house Project Management.

• Design, development, hosting, optimization and maintenance of WordPress based websites.

We learn new stuff quickly but our day-to-day tech stack is:


• JavaScript, TypeScript, jQuery, VueJS, Angular, React, React Native, Node, Ionic,

• MySQL, SQLite, GraphQL

• Adobe suite, Sketch, Adobe XD, Figma, Zeplin, Invision;

Rate: Either fixed per project or $50-$85/hour (based on project type);

If you want a free quote or just to stop by and say Hi, send us a hello at: https://pixoff.co ( hint: click the "O" letter :) )

Or send us a direct email at: hello@pixoff.co

Looking forward to your messages, bye!

The copyright at the bottom of your site still says 2018 :)

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