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The problem with Linux and osX gaming is an economical problem. Big publishers won't develop games for platforms that are used by programmers, businessmen, doctors and so on, their target its pretty clear (teenagers and young adults). So it is a bit pointless to create gaming platforms around Linux, you will end up with great stuff that will leak content.

Yes that's true, but I think that we are far away from being able to create artificial charisma, it is pretty hard to write a machine learning algorithm that can mimic emotions.

i don't think it is a good idea, remember what happend in russia last year? i tend to believe that putin tried first :)

not possible :(

how d'ya like them apples mihahall? Shall I buy an ipod touch iOS5 or later then register an Apple ID, Apple account, Apple subscription direct debit, warranty insurance with payment protection and t-shirt printed with the password in tiny alpha numeric characters and sequences of prime numbers scattered with symbols so that I have to take it off in public to read it, just so thaT I CAN WISH MY SON who is hiking in the HIMALAYAS a HAPPY BIRTHDAY because he only took an ipod hoping that he could escape this sort of crap from me just once in his life on the last mountain in Tibet NOT to have wi-fi, thanks for being positive, it's all too hard, too much for me, suffocating in devices, can never find the right one, HUH ?? Just leave it to human beings to make it simple for us all. Sorry, this was intended for the eula guard . . . . . Please disregard

that's pretty nice. :))

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