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It's late for me too :)

What's your premium product?

My co-founder and I make Ninite (YC W08) http://ninite.com

It automatically installs apps for windows fast. It's free for home use, but we charge businesses. Many of our subscribers are PC shops like yours.

It's fascinating to see the next step up the value chain in such detail. Thanks for writing that post.

Awesome product; I'll look into it.

I think it would be great for custom PCs and of course for newly formatted PCs.

I plan on posting more in the coming days.

FWIW, I plan on opening another location on the other side of my city. I also plan on hiring some help for both locations.

Paying a college student $9/hr is a win-win in my opinion.

"Paying a college student $9/hr is a win-win in my opinion."

If you find college students who actually know shit about computers might they not have some other means for making better than $9/hr?

I have no idea what the market is like for these things, but I'm wondering if you'd be better off somewhat overpaying and making sure you had people you could trust to sort out problems when some repair routine doesn't quite work.

They might, but will they? My experience is that most people really don't want to run businesses. They want to come to work, do the job, get paid and go home. Most also go for a comfortable lifestyle rather than absolutely maximizing their income (too much work!). In that case, the college student who likes computers will probably choose to work in that field for $9/hour rather than for $10/hour at WalMart.

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