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I can't get by this guy's prose. Something just seems off about it. Maybe I shouldn't be cruising HN this... late.

It always seems like anyone qualified enough to fix a computer could make way more per hour doing programming or IT work. Computer repair seems like a great idea but I don't think it's efficient right now.

Possibly, but someone qualified enough to be a good programmer could probably also make way more in a financial or medical field. Having the ability doesn't necessarily correlate to having an interest. Many smart people may choose to repair computers because of the interaction with a variety of people daily rather than stuck in a cubicle somewhere.

Hell, I could make more money as a dentist, but I don't find the idea of poking around in people's mouths every day to be very appealing.

perhaps he could make more money, but maybe he enjoys the freedom and control of running this business more than programming/IT

It's late for me too :)

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