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Correct! Anyone can become the new Oracle based on their market vendor lock strategy.

Thank you for your comment. You might be right, but this post is written by someone who has been working in open source for 20 years, not just a product owner who dislikes a competitor. I believe his opinion is based on his experience and can be taken into consideration.

The OP definitely has credentials in open source but is also a co-founder of coroot. Like I said, he's got both expertise and a vested interest.

That said, the post seems pretty innocuous on a close read: Datadog is expensive, observability is important, there are some OSS competitors trying to offer a complete suite, this is all similar to what happened in databases in the early 2000s.

Hard to argue with any of that.

It reminds me a joke. At the pet store:

- I'd like to buy a talking parrot. - Sure, but just two. - Why only two? - Because one speaks Spanish and the other translates.

As usual, science fiction predicted everything exactly the opposite. It was thought that robots would handle hard physical labor while humans would engage in creative work...

Wow! Fantastic tool :) I wonder if my results will be as good as your examples. But it is a really interesting tool for creating podcasts, especially for non-natives.

Thanks! Everything is created using AI, so, I think yours would be as good as the samples.

Notion is the best.

Ha-ha! Maybe AI friends will be in demand more. You don't need anyone physically present to drink beer with your friend on Friday night.

- Hi! We are starting the course "How to earn a million dollars in one day". Question for the audience. How much did the ticket to the course cost? - One thousand dollars. - And how many seats are there in this hall? - One thousand. - Thank you, the course is over.

Now repeat that for a Tony Robbins course :-)

It's easier to find PMF by myself them to read this post and find a template there. Very difficult text with a lot of words.

Tesla will decline as soon as the US lifts the embargo on Chinese cars. However, it is unlikely that the US will ever do that.

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