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Seems like a lot of fluff. I think the key is to deliver value to customers. Do something you know. Don't be arrogant and enter a random business you know nothing about.

Trying to get a startup off the ground is basically 2 things: pushing code and talking to customers. Set a metric like how much users are using the app (proxy for usefulness). If you create something that's valuable, it'll probably work out.

There are a few exceptions which they touch on a bit. Movie pass model where you sell $10 for $5 obviously doesn't work. Or if you take investors and scale up too fast also screws you. You could be perfectly profitable and have fit but if some VC throws money at you and convinces you to hire dozens of people, then it could sink your product despite fit. An investor doesn't necessarily have your best interests in mind. They may prefer a 10% chance of $100m co where as you prefer a 50% chance of a $20m company in that time frame.

> Do something you know. Don't be arrogant and enter a random business you know nothing about.

Within reason. I think there is a path to success in partnering with customers in the market you want to serve. Following Seth Godin's advice- "Don't find customers for your products, find products for your customers." As devs we have the capacity to join ranks with our customers and learn and build to solve their problems.

It's easier to find PMF by myself them to read this post and find a template there. Very difficult text with a lot of words.

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